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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Alts don't count, because you could find dozens of players that only wore their team's alt a few times. Now for a few local ones (which I'm sure I've posted at some point before, but whatever) 1. Bobby Taylor in his rookie season wore the Eagles kelly green uniform. Bonus - that was the only year that jersey had twill numbers, and they were skinnier than any other version of that jersey: 2. The late Darren Daulton in the '86 set. Bonus Facts: 1) while he wore the swirl-P for 6+ seasons, he only wore this version (red pinstripes, non-swirl-p on chest) for the first of those.
  2. I'll bet you it doesn't. I'll be you a lot that it doesn't. Here's an even more wrong one of Iguodala:
  3. I don't think playing at State College makes a lot of sense. It's one of those compromise deals where everybody loses. I look at State College as being Western PA (basically, everything that's not the Delaware or Lehigh Valley might as well be western PA) so it's not like there's a lot of Flyers fans there, other than maybe the students from the Phila area. You're just making Flyers fans drive 4 hours west, and Penguins fans drive a few East, rather than having one of the fan bases stay put.
  4. what's the fastest way to upload an image to a host so you can post the link when in phone?
  5. Since we're talking CFL, here's Gizmo Williams on the Eagles (sorta)
  6. is there a link back to the mothership anymore?
  7. Of all of these, this is the most unbelievable. Just by accident, you'd figure to win a game that a drafted backup started due to the starter's injury. 30 years? Wow.
  8. Thanks @LMU @Magic Dynasty I too noticed some goofy things maybe around 3AM (east coast) but after a few minutes of refreshing it was working again.
  9. Thanks for checking - I haven't attempted it on mobile since the change. Still though, how do you change to plain text on desktop? Is it obvious and I'm just missing it?
  10. How do you change to plain text? Haven't seen that option yet. I do 90% on mobile though, so hopefully can find a workaround for that. Otherwise you'll just have to roll it back to the previous version. Thanks for understanding.
  11. That's a shame. I'm pretty much never going to click on links, but enjoyed reading embedded tweets.
  12. Definitely an improvement now on desktop. Looking really good now. Nice job. The pale blue new-topic button looks off to me for some reason. Maybe because it doesn't match anything else. Also, the site needs to replace red with Seahawks/T-Wolves green.
  13. I can't even tell a difference between before and now. If it's different it's not enough for me to notice. It's snot bold for me like it is in those screen shots. Looks normal to me.
  14. now that I've had time to view it on desktop more, I agree that it's really white. It lights up my whole room when viewd on my 27" monitor. Maybe the sides (around the actual posts) could be a shade darker? Maybe match the blue? Just something a little less bright. I haven't noticed any issues with fonts. Can someone post a screen shot of the complaint? I'm just curious to see if I'm viewing it differently somehow. Everything looks fine to me.
  15. If it fixes the quoting issues and searching then I'm all for it.
  16. I went to a game at Tokyo dome last fall. It was my first dome sports experience and I had a blast.part of it was just that baseball is "different" in Japan. While I enjoyed my first dome experience, I think I would hate watching games there on the reg, in person or on TV. It was a really fun atmosphere, but can't compete with the true baseball park experience. I HIGHLY recommend visiting Tokyo dome. It's old but really cool.
  17. And it was cheaper for Phillies fans to buy tickets (since they weren't even sold out and even second hand wasn't bad) and fly to Tampa to see games then to attend in Philadelphia. I'm not knocking Tampa for not having the same kind of fanbase as more established teams in bigger markets, but not even selling out playoff games (I mean they did sell out, but because visiting fans and scumbags looking for ROI bought the tickets, not Rays STHs) is a bad sign.
  18. It's way out of the box, and there's obvious (probably insurmountable) hurdles to overcome, but a north NJ team could be successful, even despite the presence of the NYY and Mets. It might take a generation, but parents can take their kids to MLB games without having to go into the city, and those kids could grow up to be NJ fans despite their parents being Yankees or Mets fans. Who knows - a "NJ" branded team could even steal some south NJ fans from the Phillies, though that's less likely. All things being equal (which they never are), that might be the best market for a new team.
  19. It would have been hard to avoid expanding to TB. Weren't they all but promised a team after all the Giants thing fizzled out after they had already built a park? Or White Sox - I forget which team used them and discarded them first. The Rays attendance problems can be traced back to whenever that park was designed. The location, design, limited technology of the era (no practical retractability option), all contributed to the mess they're in now, and are to some degree an influence on the fans' apathy. In a perfect world, there's no team there. They'd hit the undo button. The best they can do now is try and figure some way out of that lease, then pack them up and move them to some other market. There's obviously not many (if any) major-league caliber markets left, and I haven't yet seen any evidence that MTL is one.
  20. No more wrestling. It's debatable whether this is his right team (I didn't realize his HOF plaque has him in Phillies cap and his official photo is in (the WRONG) Philllies uniform) but it's not debatable that these are the wrong uniform:
  21. If youre comparing Las Vegas to Pittsburgh you never been to either.
  22. The following years jerseys were soooo much better (the ones with white numbers in the same style - pre giant shoulder Elvis version). Single color white tv numbers looked like a cheap afterthought.
  23. There's nothing Pittsburgh specific about that template though. That's sorta like saying that half the 80s teams copied each other because they all used the rounded yoke template and horizontal stripes.
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