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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I don't know if this guy is a starter or not, but if so, it totally sucks for whoever is behind him that never expected they'd go their whole college career behind a guy that somehow managed to stay on the team for nearly a decade. I don't blame a guy that likes playing for doing whatever he can to keep playing. Hell, if you get in another year of pulling all the tail you want, then go for it! But it just seems wrong.
  2. Coaches in suits is stupid. Why on earth should a coach wear a wool suit in a situation where it's hot as balls and where they're running up and down the sidelines? I'm shocked that they were ever able to coach while so uncomfortable. They're telling guys which direction to run in, and to run faster. They're not delivering the State of the Union address.
  3. All they need to do is reverse the colors on the shoulder insert. Green-white-green would achieve the desired effect just fine (or simply white-green if they can make the insert narrower.) It's soooo easy to make this work! This is the Jets forever look. The only criticism I have is the helmet logo. I'd be fine with the oval NY.
  4. how are you supposed to use the qr code? When the camera is zoomed in on a guy for a few seconds, are you supposed to grab your phone to scan it? This one baffles me. If they wanted them on retail jerseys so that fans were walking QR codes that their friends might scan, well that's dumb but OK. But 99% of retail jerseys don't have the ads, so it's just silly.
  5. "we don't know anything about these renders, we don't know who made them, they may or may not have existed for quite a while, they're likely not official, but we do know for sure that they exit". Brilliant stuff.
  6. Sirianni has allegedly been meeting with Jeff Lurie and Howie all damn day, trying to sell them on his plan and going through the perspective coordinators list. It's a rare snow day here, but it's being reported that the meeting is on and is an all-day affair. This is the exact same they did with Pederson, though when he balked at their moves, they gave him another day or two to come up with a better plan and then canned him. I think we'll know Sirianni's fate by this time tomorrow. My prediction is that he'll cave to whatever they ask of him, and will be retained. They'll hope against hope that OC Brian Johnson, the popular Rooney Rule candidate for several of the openings, actually gets a job so that they don't have to piss of Jalen any more than he already is by firing his homeboy. They're also going to hope and pray that AJ Brown's frustrations were mostly because of the OC (and by extension, Sirianni's lack of ability to fix it) and they can get him to fall in line if they hire some proven guru. One unlikely thing that might happen in this meeting: A slightly more realistic scenario: The most likely scenario:
  7. A Chicago stadium with full skyline view would be freakin epic. It's one of only two "iconic" skylines in the US (or at least one of two that has legitimately iconic buildings), and it's a shame that only the Bears stadium lines up for a view of it (though football stadiums by nature are too high all around to give that view. I'm not sure if this proposed location is still considered "south side", as it looks pretty further north (though article I read on WGN says it's not far), but regardless of where a new park goes, it has a chance to be incredible.
  8. but in today's NFL, coaches can come in and take good teams over the top and win the SB in year one. It's even common for noob-idiot coaches to take lousy coaches to the playoffs in year one. If anything, he's being counterproductive, since he's just wasting time / life by sticking with losers, whereas he'd at least have a shot of seeing another title if he made a change for a guy that could take them over that final hump. Not Belichick, but maybe a Carrol.
  9. Can we please have a ban on Reddit rumors and especially Reddit copy/pastes? Whether it's true or not, it just causes swirl and unnecessary worry. When one of our verified insiders comes with info, or someone gets it from some credible source that's not publicly available on the internet, that's one thing. From a forum where anyone can do a Google search and get the scoop? Nope. Also he outs himself as a paralegal. He won't be hard to root out, and NDA or no, he'll be in trouble (if anything - even his job - is true.) Please.
  10. Nobody there will care about or support the A's, but at least it provides people an opportunity to see star players on visiting teams, kinda like when some superstar is rehabbing in AA. If I was in Sacramento, besides working on a plan to not be in Sacramento, I'd certainly buy tickets to see Ohtani and company.
  11. Mike McCarthy staying with Dallas!?!?!? Did not expect that. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39331813/sources-cowboys-retain-mike-mccarthy-head-coach
  12. A few months back there was a guy that escaped from prison around here and was armed and dangerous. But he was a shorter individual. Once apprehended, after a multi-week manhunt, he was returned to prison and there was a big press conference with a Lt. Colonel of the State Police, and governor. One of the reporters* asked the police chief if, since he was shorter, they were ever afraid that he'd partner up with another short man and walk around in a trench coat "lil rascals style". The Lt. simply said "no". *turns out it was some guy who's dog got loose and he followed the dog into what turned out to be the press conference, so he stayed and posed as a reporter. That may be the dumbest question ever asked (had it been legit.)
  13. Jason Kelce retiring. 6 first-team All Pros. Lock for HOF. Top 3 Eagle in my lifetime, along with Reggie White and Brian Dawkins. Fortunately they already have his replacement (who he himself told them to draft), but it'll be a drop off because of course it will be. Dominoes are falling. I think many of us thought this was going to be at least a 4-year window of sustained success, but it's over.
  14. He can't have Pete Carrol. I want Pete Carrol. Jerry Jones will have to fight me for him, and I'm fairly certain I'd win that one.
  15. I’ll work on some sketches and post them in the requests forum for someone to do the CTE belt. Got some good ideas.
  16. If we had an award for the CCSLC MOPODY (most obvious post of the day) you'd get today's belt. We need more belts. I'm pulling for them to host the CG. And I'm changing my rooting interest from earlier - I want BUF over DET, not GB. But I want GB over SF. EDIT: And I want DET to be leading 20-19, and for BUF to hit a last second FG that nearly goes wide right.
  17. As the CCSLC CTE expert, you clearly have an advanced case. Please donate your brain to science. Seriously what on earth have they done in the past 6 weeks to make you think that? Or is this a reverse jinx thing? The Bucs are a few drops away from leading 30-9.
  18. Well the bumbling dopes can't even get the shove right. Nice job Tampa. They may have just saved themselves from seeing it again the rest of the game. It was the right play call, just not with a team that's essentially on their flights to the Caribbean or wherever they're vacation is. Not even mad about the missed facemask call. Would have given them another shot, but the missed penalty had nothing to do with the failure.
  19. Fans have been saying this all season, but idiotic Brian Johnson keeps saying that they're exceptionally-well prepared for these situations. If you even threaten blitz, they have no idea what to do. They've given up. Quit. That Tompkins play confirms it - they're ready for vacation. In all my 35 years of watching every game, I've never seen a team that's quit like this. I've seen worse teams, but not teams that have so obviously checked out. Not Hot Take - they are the worst team in the NFL right now. The (where's that gif?) ABOLUTE WORST.
  20. And they have so many legit good dudes and good leaders, but they're certainly not looking like a team that's well lead. Guys like Slay are detrimental to a locker room when not held in check. That's all it takes. Same on offense with AJ Brown, who fooled us all into thinking he was one of the good guys. It's a complete and utter disaster. If the season started today, they might be the first 0-17 team. That's not hyperbole or a hot take. And after 11 games, they had 10 wins, the odds-on MVP favorite, and 2nd or 3rd best SB odds. I'm not an NFL historian, but I'd say this is unprecedented. Heads need to roll. It's unfortunate that there's only a handful of contracts that can be torn up this offseason. Here's a #HotTake - give me Pete Carroll
  21. It's like the team is coached by NFL referees. That's the only way it can be this bad. They've got guys running routes that are right on top of each other, calling bombs when they just need a yard and then can shove, etc. Eagles coaching staff is the only thing less competent than NFL referees. Their defensive players got so old in a single offseason - the either defensive backfield is literal trash. I can't even blame the linebackers because they weren't even supposed to be good to begin with. They have no idea what they're even doing. Tampa can score at will.
  22. The only play the Ass Birds made on that drive was a missed PI. They're such trash. James Bradbury aged 10 years in a single offseason. Wish he'd retire immediately.
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