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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. According to this, all the games except the final count in the standings, which implies that the teams that advance will have to "shave" other games from their schedule? It's the most absurd concept I can remember. Teams aren't going to "sell out" to win their seemingly-randomly-placed group stage games, nor will they sell out to win any of the other games. Keeping this on topic, the courts are atrocious. I think I get what the league was going for - something that instantly signals that there's something "special" about the game - but it's not special, and it can actually be painful to watch. https://www.nba.com/news/in-season-tournament-101
  2. So I just saw one of these atrocities (sixers red) for the first time last night. I also just realized that these “in season tournament” games actually count towards the regular season standings? And the tournament is basically just random games spread out amongst some time frame and not like an actual tournament?
  3. At the end of the day, are they really anything more than a bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys?
  4. And there's still people who think players shouldn't get paid big bucks. Not only did players get him that big contract in the first place, but ironically, they also got him fired so he could live out his days with more money than 99% of them will ever see. Players deserve salaries, not just NIL compensation. Whatever happened to them unionizing? Maybe let's open that door again. What a lousy message to send to the kids that the school can afford to pay >$100M for a guy to not work, but can't give the a dime. It's a godsdamn disgrace.
  5. Good teams invest most of their resources in both lines. I think that’s one thing that hasn’t changed over the years, unlike things like “defense wins championships”. Not exactly a hot take, but great lines buy more time for QBs, RBs, and force rushed throws that help DBs. RBs are not important, and for a guy like him that’s always hurt to be leading the charge was simply dumb, as all he’s done is validate the sentiment that 99% of RBs shouldn’t get second contracts. They’re basically typewriter salesmen.
  6. Neither New York team should have another national game this season, unless that idiot Rodgers comes back - that's at least compelling TV, even if it's just to see if there's going to be another unfortunate accident. I'm curious if there's really a ratings boost when these teams are as awful as they are, despite them being in the biggest market. I guess they wanted Dallas too, which makes sense, but how many people turned that off after the first quarter? I get that their job isn't to find the best game but to find the game that'll get the most eyeballs, but there has to be better options. Oh, and LOL at the Giants. I'm not sure how anyone who saw them play last year and get killed in their biggest game could have thought they were actually a "good" team, rather than the "best bad" team. They've reverted to the norm, which I think everyone outside of their fans knew would happen. Barkley has set his cause back years, if not killed it altogether (other RBs should be furious with him), and Jones is who we thought he was - and their moronic GM owes him something like $30M (guaranteed) next year? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
  7. Yes! When I searched on "St. Louis Rams vs Eagles", I mostly got the 2001 NFCCG in the dome. Those are fantastic uniforms... just not for a dome team. There should be laws against navy/black in domes. This is basically sums up how I feel about those uniforms:
  8. I also don't think it's fair to call St. Louis a failed market based on the Rams relo. There's several factors involved there, that have been discussed in 100+ page threads back whenever the move happened. While St. Louis is a mid-to-small market, with a decent-enough stadium, it'd be better than at least a few current markets. Anything but another dull-soulless dome that ruined what were originally my favorite uniforms in the league. This was such a great uniform - even when it had the side panels, since they couldn't ever be misaligned with the solid pants. It's the only stripeless-pants-uniform I've ever liked. These looked so much better in natural light - just couldn't find a pic of the dark jerseys in daylight.
  9. Is SD an objectively-superior football city? Genuine question, I really don't know, but according to this graph I found through a quick google search (the source may or may not be reliable), they weren't lighting it up attendance wise prior to the move to LA (and I assume that in both cities, a good portion of that attendance is visiting fans on a road trip.) I was unable to find anything that even appeared to be reliable for Carolina, but what I did find had them ranked much higher than SD averaged. On the surface, San Diego has way more to offer than Charlotte, but does it matter if there's not the same support?
  10. Not a huge fan of gold touching white. I wonder if it would look even better if it mimicked the helmet stripe, with black around the white and then gold around the black.
  11. The sword is the least of the issues with that set, though that doesn't mean it's good. They could salvage that set by traditionalizing the numbers, reducing the wordmark, and traditionalizing the pants (I could take or leave the navy helmet, but silver would be better - anything but white.) Maybe do what you said and keep the sword, but convert it into a straight two-toned stripe (similar to their previous set, but light and dark silver.) I get that they're trying to make their brand "cutting edge", but it doesn't work.
  12. For anyone who's counted out the Cowboys in the NFCE, here's the upcoming schedule for both teams (graphic from a Schefter tweet): After this, it's PHI at DAL, where DAL will very likely be favored, and the records could be even at that point, with both teams at 9-3. THEN, if DAL wins at home, they'll be 10-3, eagles 9-4 (if Eagles drop 2 of those 3). THEN, Eagles go to Seattle, who's always good at home, so Eagles could potentially fall to 9-5, at which point it'd be curtains. Dallas still has Miami and Detroit towards the EOY, but Detroit is at Dallas, so that's likely a win. And Miami sucks. Dallas could very easily finish 14-3, or 13-4, and take the division and home field (if Detroit slips some, and SF drops another.) Dallas typically does Dallas things and coaches themselves to a few losses that they shouldn't have, but they've probably already got those out of their system.
  13. My point: This is an acceptable look. The pants tie into the helmet and don't clash like white does, and it adds more of their team color to their road look. This is borderline. On the one hand, the thick-gold stripe ties into the helmet, but something seems a little off. Maybe the helmet striping? Might look better if it was just a black stripe, or no stripe at all. This is pretty bad. Wouldn't support this at all. The solid-black pants really make the helmet a mismatch with the rest of the uniform. Bottom line: gold/silver/yellow should mostly be worn with matching pants, home and road. But in many cases, dark road pants can be worn with gold/silver/yellow helmet, so long as they're not solid color.
  14. I liked this a lot back in the day. For a local broadcast, it's pretty good (though I vaguely recall hearing it elsewhere, so they probably yoinked it from some generic library.)
  15. Yeah owners are less likely to approve removing a presence in a market that seems healthy, unless the shared revenue is being affected, or the owner can demonstrate with real numbers how much the stadium situation is leading to low revenue figures. that may be difficult to do if it’s constantly selling out and people are spending money there despite the stadium (though if it doesn’t have the suites and other big-money things, can’t really compensate for that). People will go to dumps to watch NFL football if the team is worth watching. Losing games and artificially lowering support is a good first step towards moving the team, BUT it’s a huge risk, because you’re sacrificing lots of revenue now in the hopes of lots of revenue in 10 years, but if nothing happens, it’s impossible to recoup that revenue, and you could lose a lot of equity with your fan base (though winning tends to heal all wounds). edit: if the owners can block it at all. I think we’ve seen (and there may have been a legal ruling?) that they can’t block any move, all they can do is make an absurd relo fee.
  16. I give an exception if it's dark color pants. BC used to look really nice with their gold-white-maroon outfit. But definitely no white - and no other exceptions. Same goes for yellow and any other light-colored helmet.
  17. Yes, that's better than a truncated sholder-hoop, but I'd either drop the numbers, or experiment with extending the stripes all the way and going with blue-outlined white numbers to see if they're legible (not that it matters anymore.) A redundant horseshoe could also easily fit there.
  18. Disagree on the first part. Many NFL teams would look better if they dropped their TV numbers and pivoted their striping by 90 degrees so that more of it could be seen. Steelers, among others, could get away with this:
  19. Those are awful. Is that Colts one real, or a photoshop? If real, that's among the dumbest banners I've ever seen in my life. This is the first season the Phillies have qualified for the playoffs without winning either the division, NLCS, or WS. I don't think they'll hang a flag for the WC, because they usually hang their flag as soon as they win whatever it is, and then replace it with the higher-ranked one if appropriate (point being, I think they'd have already hanged the WC flag if it were to ever exist.) I'll be extremely disappointed if they celebrate the wild card or meaningless division series win (like the Blue Jays appear to do). Don't think they will, but hoping they don't change their mind in the offseason. Also, their flags are white for division, blue for pennant, and red for WS. There's no logical color for anything else, unless they did gray or powder blue, which would be dumb.
  20. He's not wrong... but this seems a little much coming from a local broadcaster towards another team's player. I've heard radio color guys go completely off (and John Kruk a few times on TV, but at least he works wrestling references into most of his rants), but this seems a little higher profile. Feels more like he was auditioning for a role on one of those ESPN mid-day shows. Maybe he was!
  21. ASU has such great colors, and such a great helmet decal, yet for some reason, they never seem to look great to me. When I was a kid and more into college sports, they had the Sparky helmets and at least looked relatively consistent from week-to-week, but I really liked when they put the trident there. It's just that nothing else seems to work, either because they try too much, have poor mix-and-match combos, or just don't care. That white/maroon combo posted above isn't bad, but could be a lot better. I think if i had the keys to redesign one team, even though there's some true trainwrecks that need it more, I might pick them, just because they have so much great existing stuff to work with.
  22. I'm slightly closer to 50 than 40, and I've known exactly 2 Phillies TV main broadcasters, and 3 main radio guys, one Eagles guy, 2 Flyers guys, and 2 Sixers. Color guys have come in and out, but even then, not that much. Is there any other city with that kind of longevity / consistency in their broadcast teams?
  23. Don't like how the playoff banners just say 2023 while the division one says 2022-23. I get why they did it, but they'd be better to be consistent and all have 2022-23 on them.
  24. Did you see when they showed his dad, who apparently made his entire living off of arm wrestling, and still competes at a world-class level? Like... apparently that was his only job. He also looks like he's only 10 years older than Tyson. If I'm the Bears, and have already done everything wrong and have nothing to lose, I'd bring him in, put him at center, and have the first ever father-son combo.
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