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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. It does seem like they have a new design every year - yet they're still addicted to the terrible font. Don't like how thin the white letters are - you can see the sun rays behind them! I know they don't do sewn twill anymore, but maybe double up on the white so it's not as transparent. The suns have only ever had two memorable looks - the pre-Barkley and Barkley looks. Everything else has been completely forgettable - as these will be by the time they redesign them... next year.
  2. I don't really care about the point of "he hit him as harmlessly as possible". Even if he took some off of it, it's still in the 80 MPH range, and while he plunked him on the butt, what if it gets away from him? What if by some fluke he hits some magic nerve spot and causes some serious damage? Facing a pitcher is dangerous enough when they're not trying to hit you. Honestly, in a trained MLB-caliber pitcher's hands, a baseball is a deadly weapon and if someone throws intentionally at someone, they should be able to be charged with assault. Not saying this guy should be charged with assault, but if it's on purpose, then it transcends the rules of the game and kinda is assault (like when the hockey guy swung his stick at the other guy).
  3. I don't get intentionally hitting someone when it's a close game, since the hit-player could score if there's a HR or even just a series of hits. There's two outs in this case, but i'm sure this happens when there's 0 or 1 outs too.
  4. Yeah, we'll never know. Maybe if STL is blocked, then Kroenke eventually gets the Rams that are still in LA, builds his new stadium, and their history never changes. Raiders probably still go back to Oakland, but I don't see any scenario in which San Diego resolves its situation, so there's actually the chance that we'd have the Las Vegas Chargers in the event that the Raiders either stayed in LA or were enticed back (which would be possible since in this timeline, those discussions would occur long before LV even entered the picture.)
  5. I know it was the pre-HD era, but were the mismatched colors that noticeable? I'm pretty attentive to minor details like that, and don't recall noticing (though I didn't have HD until around 2005, and I'm not even sure any games were in HD then.)
  6. I use an overused expression, this is a very strange hill to die on.
  7. On purpose? Or just a backswing? Regardless, I think the umpires should be policing things and not the players (at least not by throwing a potentially-deadly object at someone who's defenseless). Reminds me of Curt Schilling going off about Ben Davis bunting to break up a no-hitter in a 1-0 game when it made sense to bunt. I don't recall if anyone threw at Davis, but Schilling went off about the "unwritten rules". GTFO with that. Flip the bat all you want. Cross home plate by walking on your hands if you want. Who cares. If you're that upset about being shown up, then just do the same when you strike out the batter. This macho stuff is lame and sucks the fun out of it.
  8. Help me understand the logic here. The Stallions would have been playing in the same lousy TWA Dome that the Rams eventually abandoned (albeit they had established an agenda towards the end). It's not safe to assume that the city would have maintained it any better than they did when the Rams were there. The Rams could have still left, as there were a few open markets at that time (Nashville for example). I get that Georgia Frontiere had St. Louis roots, but if they wanted to move, they still could have. The Chargers were never going to "figure out something" in San Diego, and may have ended up being the first team to return to LA. In this scenario, the only way history is dramatically different is that it may have been the Raiders and Chargers sharing LA.
  9. So you're vindictive against a community where 1) nobody under 25 ever even saw the Oilers, and nobody under 30 even remembers them, and none of them had anything to do with the move, and 2) the owner was strongarming the city to pay 75% in public money for a new stadium? Not sure what you would have had them do. Unlike the A's situation, Houston basically said F-off to Adams after it leaked that he was in bed with Nashville, and I find it hard to blame them - or wish any ill will on them.
  10. Especially now that pitchers don't hit, it's cowardly to throw at someone (even though that was about as soft as an intentional hit gets.) I'm not sure what "unwritten rule" was violated, but it's well beyond time to throw out those "unwritten" rules. My (least) favorite is when a star player gets hit, and it's obviously a total accident, and the team retaliates. What lesson does that teach? Intentionally walk a guy every time he's up rather than take the 1% chance that you might slip and hit him? I thought at first that this would be a Michael Kay thing (which, by the way, ended up being the best thing for that bat boy's career as now his band is selling tons of merch due to the exposure gained by idiot Kay's old-man rant.)
  11. This isn't totally accurate. The Browns are considered a continuation of the original team, but with a few "inactive" seasons. According to the league, the current Browns are not an expansion team.
  12. They've been supportive of him all year (at least in the park). He didn't start getting audible boos until the past week, and even then it wasn't that bad. Unless he listens to sports radio - and no athlete should - he hasn't really been treated poorly. EDIT: one of the sports radio shows was trying to push for him to get a loud ovation to let him know that people are behind him and supportive, like after Alec Bohm was caught saying "I f'ing hate this place" in the middle of a game. Then he was benched so it didn't happen.
  13. I'm pretty sure they can't. He (along with Harper) has full no-trade clause and no opt-out.
  14. Then they'd move them to the chest or the hat or shoulder.
  15. He did. I guarantee he never heard his name mentioned as much there as in other places, even in this "soft" age. He also wasn't making the kind of money that adds pressure to a player. He's a coward, he's soft, and is just looking forward to an offseason of counting the money he's stealing. "Oh, I know I went 0-5, but I had some really good at bats." LOL STFU dude. Maybe he turns it around, but it'll be too little too late. If you can't hit anymore, then at least field - and he's statistically among the worst-fielding shortstops in the league, and the worst I've personally seen since the late '90s / early '00s. Can't field, can't throw, and makes stupid mental decisions that directly lead to runs. He's killing the team.
  16. Glorified AA player Trea Turner finally gets benched, and the Phillies take 2 of 3 from a very good Orioles team. Hopefully when he plays again, he'll be 8th in the lineup, or if he has any options remaining, playing in AAA. LOL at anyone who thought this guy had any kind of guts or mental toughness. Send him to St. Louis where he'd be a star again.
  17. Maybe just a NY with the jet on top. I thought that even with the Testaverde-era set, the over NY could have stood alone on the helmet. Put the full wordmark under the collar or something (just not the sleeve!)
  18. I guess you didn't see game 5 of last season's NLCS, where the ball was slipping out of pitchers' hands and the grounds crew had to put the "diamond dry" on the field (and patch large puddles) before the top half of each inning (which actually put the Padres at a huge advantage since it was back to crap by the bottom of the inning): Also
  19. JFC nobody cares about anyone's uni predictions for 17 games. There's no contest here.
  20. At least at the Vet, players routinely tripped (at best) or permanently injured themselves by getting their feet caught in the seam where the pit cover was zipped on. To my knowledge, dirt wasn't removed - it was just covered up. You can kinda see it here:
  21. You're kinda doing the same thing that you say you're bothered by, despite the middle part saying that people may just honestly like them irrespective of the team's performance.
  22. Without hyperbole, Trea Turner is the worst major-league player I've seen in the past 20 years. I'm not talking about guys who shouldn't be in the major leagues, or emergency call-up guys, but of all "should be in the major leagues" players, he's absolutely awful. Another 2-error game with multiple strikeouts and a pop out, and gets thrown out arguing what looked like a legit called third strike. He's simply awful. Looks completely lost out there. I don't get it. Castellanos admitted that the adjustment from small to big market weighed on him last year, but Turner shouldn't really have that adjustment to make. He's a complete loser of a player, a waste of a signing, and he's making management look bad by lobbying to hit near the top of the order when he should really be in the 8 hole. For all the whining that some players do when they don't get paid, there's jagoffs like Trea Turner who are stealing money. If there was annual arbitration, he'd be giving back 90% of his salary.
  23. Could never work in a multi-purpose arena, where the floor has to be removed to get to the ice surface, or a concert stage needs to be built. Curious what their solution to that would be.
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