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Indianapolis Olympians


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I really like the fire in the torches. I think the use of the two color flames was used very nicely.

My only critical observation is at the size depicted, the ring around the logo looks a little muddled on the helmet. However, this could possibly solve itself when "real life" size.

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Steve-O I don't know if you are having a bad day today or something but I have had this sig for a long time and you chose to bring it up now. It would have been best suited to pm me for that. I ask that please critique my design if you would like, and if you would not like to that is fine too. I do not know if I have done anything to you for you to act like this, as I always thought you were a cool guy.

TWI thanks for the compliments

gosioux its called olympians after my high school and Indy is kinda like the amature sports capital of the world (at least its billed that way) and the brown and orange were the colors of my old high school.

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I really happen to like the concept to be honest. This is your best work so far IMO. The logo looks good and the uni's look sharp too. I like the font you picked for the numbers, everything is looking pretty solid.

As far as your sig. I just chose to mention it now because it is just wrong to see that you can scroll down on one post for 5 minutes.

I think you are a cool guy and I don't have any beef with you. Take it easy.

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Ok thats cool, I understand I can tone it down some. I guess I did over react a lil( Ive been sick the past couple of days and that makes ya kinda cranky lol). Thanks for your compliments by the way. Its cool thats theres no beef between us, only problem is I'm hungry lol.

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Is that black, or dark brown, in the middle of the tertiary logo?

Looks a bit too dark.

Other than the color choices, which you've explained, it's a solid concept.

exactly what I was going to say. A dark brown/red would be much better. You are on fire, joshuamings. :)


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so i just thought of this, and i know amateur sports are keen on the idea of different and unique helmet designs, i.e. te iowa barnstormers "goggles" helmet and such. so ya know at the olympics how they gave the medalists those wreaths to wear around their heads? okay. so what if you wrapped your wreath design around the helmet so that it looked as if there was a wreath being worn by the player, like put the wreath in the position of the seahawks logo, like a wraparound, except maybe a little higher so its more like a head adornment than a headband haha.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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Yo i agree with steve-o.. the sig is crazy long! i have to look hard just to seperate it from what your actual post says.

I think your type choice is good, it's got a rather roman feel to it, but I'm not feelin the brown with the orange. You need something a little more dynamic and bolder for the team name you chose. You have these earth tones that make it so subtle, but the type effects and name don't sit well with earth tones. Spice it up a bit would be my suggestion.

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