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Memphis Archangels


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Hey guys. Here is my latest creation, the Memphis Archangels. I'm trying to piece together a secondary logo, but I'm kinda stumped, so I will post those as well as uniforms once I come up with something. But as for this, comments and critique are very welcome. Thanks.



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Honestly, my first reaction was, "Holy :censored:!"

That is awesome. Just incredible. And under it all, the 'M' is really subtle but well-done. My only qualm is that it looks like the man has no chest ... he's just head and arms. But that's it.

In the words of Peter Griffin, freakin' sweet. :D

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Simply amazing. And it seems as if this was done on paint. Imagine this on illustrator. I cannot wait to see the finished product here.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

Dr. Kelso: My son is a big baseball fan. Not so much playing it, but more the designing and sewing of uniforms.

Tyler: That's neat.

Dr. Kelso: No, it's not.

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All I can contribute to this is a couple of nitpicky items. First, the right side of the face is in shadow but it is reversed on the sword. Second, it looks like one hand is completely on top of the other, rather then interlocking fingers with it. Maybe that is the intent though. Like I said though, its just nitpicky. From a pure drawing standpoint, this is way more than I could achieve.

Oh yeah, for a secondary logo, how about using just the wings such that they form the "M" shape. You could possibly also include the sword too.

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Simply amazing. And it seems as if this was done on paint. Imagine this on illustrator. I cannot wait to see the finished product here.

I actually did do this in Illustrator (version 10), but when I exported it in JPEG format to upload on photobucket, I think I lose some of the picture quality. I am definitely open to any suggestions to remedy this problem. Thanks for pointing out my error in shading, ltrav, the sword and face light sources do seem to be coming from different directions, I will work on that. Thanks a TON for all the nice words and points of critique guys, it means alot. Keep it coming, while i work on the rest of this package to roll out to you.


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There are some really good things going on here, but I think there are a lot of thin lines that are cluttering up the design. If you were to find ways around using them, I think you'd have a real winner.

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I like this concept alot, so my criticisms here are just nitpicking. The entire logo seems too complicated. There are too many intricate details in it to be appreciated. I think if you take out a few of the details in the shoulder/arms/torso area, this would be a fantastic design. Like I said, I'm being picky, because it's really good to begin with.

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In the words of Peter Griffin, freakin' sweet. :D

True. I think it's a little too busy though. There's a lot going on but it's hard to tell that there's too much because that version of the logo is HUGE. Maybe get rid of the armor on that guy, make his hair one shade, and as officeglenn said you need to make a chest. Bare preferably to make it more simplistic.

Other than that the wings and sword are awesome. I'd focus on making a secondary out of one or both of those... if only one of them I'd choose the sword. Depending on the sport I'd have the sword going through the basketball, puck, baseball, or football or whatever. When I look at the logo " :hockeysmiley: " instantly comes to mind. I suggest making the sword punch through a puck at a 45 degree angle. I guess vertically would work well too.

Once again, great job and long live Stewie :grin:

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Ok guys, i took some of your pointers into consideration and made a "chest", flipped the shading on the sword and took a few highlights off the armor. I also broke up the line that kinda cut the forearm and the bicep from each other so that it looks more like one piece. As far as the armor goes, all the research I did on archangels before making the logo said the were the highest and strongest in the order of angelic beings in heaven (supposedly there are seven ranks all together) and they are the warriors of heaven. Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer (before the fall) are all archangels and are always depicted in armor and carrying a sword, sickle or spear. So, to be true to the logo, I would really like to keep the armor on the shoulders, but I definitely can see the point u guys are making about the logo being too detailed, but honestly, I dont know what else to change without taking away from the integrity of the logo. Any other suggestions, cuz I am really open to anything.


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Dude thats freakin awesome,although it seems a little in-depth to be on the front of a hockey sweater though.But that is amazing

Kings Cross AFC -BIP, Winnipeg Falcons - TNFF, St. Louis ArchersΒ - MLF


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Let me preface this by saying it is indeed terrific artwork.

It's still rather detailed. The thinnest outlines for a logo of that size should likely be the width of the outermost gray outline, if not even a bit wider.

Once you make that adjustment, you'll begin to see how much detail you can actually include, and your concept should be able to adjust nicely.

Nicely done, UJ.

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On the sword shading, the purple right next to the dark grey is really hard on the eyes. Also, something about the hand is just off. It doesn't look like...well...a hand. Other than that, that is an amazing drawing. Still, I agree with others that it may be a little to busy to be a logo.

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Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

I hope you are accepted into the MLH fantasy league so we can ogle a logo like this all winter long.

BTW, ABASite, an archangel is an angel ranked above the highest rank in the celestial hierarchy. Or, according to 1 Thesselonians 4:16 and Jude 1:9, the prince of the angels...

...that, or a biennial cultivated herb, whose stems are candied and eaten, and roots are used medicinally.

(All these definitions taken from dictionary.com)

Wagner Athletic Group

11-2 Saskatoon Steeds (WAFL)-NFL-2014 Western Conference Champions / 8-5 Calgary Pronghorns (TNFF)-CFL-2014 Confederation Cup XI Champions

14-6-2 Saskatoon Yellowheads (XHL)-NHL-1st, Gretzky Conference / 5-4-0 Saskatoon Czars (MLH)-AHL-T2nd, Calder Conference

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