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What is the most popular sports team?


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Here's a poll on sportsnet.ca

It asks what is the popular sports team in the world. It had Manchester United, New York Yankees, Los Angeles Lakers, Montreal Canadiens, Dallas Cowboys and the Frankfurt Galaxy.

Last I checked, Frankfurt is beating Dallas!

SO, I decided to create the same poll (granted fewer people will be surveyed.) With one addition OTHER. So if you vote for other tell me what team you think is the most popular.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Mmm the pronblem with other in this poll is that unhless you are a supporter of one of the six you have to go for other really!

Most of those six would be pretty low on my list of teams to support! Certainly don't ,much like Man Uunited, the Yankees, the Cowboys or the Lakers!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Group: Members

Posts: 88

Joined: May 2003 Posted: July 23 2003,15:52


What about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers? How come they aren't a choice?

Please refer to my explanation at the top. (Haven't I mentioned that before?)

Well, here are the results so far from Sportsnet....


I saw, I came, I left.

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Well surely you have to vote for your own favourite?!?!?!?! Otherwise its a poll to find out who people think is the most popular team in the world??

If you were voting for that I think you would have to put more soccer teams on there as well, Real Madrid, Celtic, Rangers and Liverpool would all be well supported. Much more so than the Montreal Canadiens and the Frankfurt Galaxy.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Okay, for the LAST time.... The explanation for putting the choices was that they were the choices for the same question from a website and I wanted to see what people on this board thinks!

Usually on Sportsnet polls, the last choice tends to be there as a joke! If you go on the website tomorrow, you'll probably see what I mean.

I saw, I came, I left.

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theres no need for a poll on this matter. Worldwide without a doubt manchester united is the most popular sports team. They have 53 million card carrying supporters. The fact that they were able to set an attendance record last night in seattle, outdrawing the hometown seahawks, attests to such. Even in america, a country that admittedly doesnt care about pro soccer, manchester united still sells out. I highly doubt the Yankees could do the same in any foreign country other than Japan.

Yes, the yankees are the highest profile team in the US and the tiffany designed NY logo is probably the most recognizable sports icon in the world, but that doesnt mean the team has the most fans worldwide. All it really means IMO is they have a good looking brandmark that anyone can wear without supporting.

Baseball does not come close to the popularity of european football worldwide in terms of numner of fans and participating nations. It's a regional american sport, albeit in a few large concentrated markets. Besides the USA, Japan and a few latin countries noone follows baseball period. Even Hockey surpasses baseball in terms of the number of nations where the game is popular.

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No need for a poll on this matter? OKAY maybe not on THIS board. Especially when there is a very small sample on this poll. Well, I'm STILL trying to figure out who voted for the Frankfurt Galaxy?

I saw, I came, I left.

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I was vote #2 for Frankfurt. It's obviously a disregarded, stupid entry, and since I couldn't figure out who to vote for, I wasted my ballot (and instead of pressing view results, hit me up for a Galaxy vote).
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They forgot about The Real "America's Team," the Green Bay Packers :D

Hmmm, well America is quite a cheesy place!! :D

Damn, I hate that!  Any real Packer fan will tell you that cheeseheads are stupid and ridiculous-looking.  I love the Packers as much as the next person, but I would NEVER put on one of those foam rubber cheese hats :)


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