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Another day, another steriod linked slugger out...


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So, apparently Sammy Sosa isn't returning to the Orioles this season, not that it matters at all. You pretty much know Sammy was juicing and Raffy was already caught. So, the question is now if you HAD to have one of them, which one would you chose?

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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He was suspended? Or is he just out? Because if he were actually suspended, wouldn't baseball be forced to report it? The media wouldn't let them just cover it up, would they?

McGuire, Sosa, Bonds, Palmeiro, Giambi. You know, I didn't want to believe people like Jay Mariotti and his ilk. Oh well.

Then again, they're really not hurting anyone but themselves. It's not like baseball has suffered. Their ratings are going up. It's not like the fans are really suffering. Attendance is up. The only people that will suffer are their families. Let's face it, a lot of these guys are probably not going to live all that long, considering what substances they've been injecting. Can you imagine five years from now? Hearing that Mark McGuire is dead, or Bonds, or Palmiero?

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No suspension, but Sam Perlozzo (interim skipper) basically just said that they don't plan on bringing Sammy back for the last week of the season.

Oh, BTW, Raffy banged Ryno's ex-wife, Cindy, not Ryno's current wife, Margaret, in case anyone was wondering. :D

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Thank you O baseball gods, for ridding the Orioles of Sammy Sosa and Rafael Palmeiro. Now, my team may be clean of those roided up buffoons. Although Sammy's steroids obviously aren't working anymore....

It's so sad, in June I had dreams of October in my head. Now, I almost was rooting for the Orioles to lose so that the Red Sox would have a better chance to keep the Yankees out of the playoffs......

Insert Witty Signature Here.

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Oh, BTW, Raffy banged Ryno's ex-wife, Cindy, not Ryno's current wife, Margaret, in case anyone was wondering. :D

I'd say Sandberg got the last laugh.

1. America hates Palmiero.

2. Ryno is in the Hall.

3. Raffy is now an avid Viagra user.


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Any real baseball fan would know that steroids don't help a player throw a ball or hit a ball exponentially farther....

Because we, as real fans, have all tried steroids and then gotten into the cage to see the results.

Real fans rule!


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Any real baseball fan would know that steroids don't help a player throw a ball or hit a ball exponentially farther....

and you know this how?

Did Alex Sanchez sock 30 HR's this season?

Did Ryan Franklin throw 130 mph and win every game?

Did Palmiero steal 30 bases?

The steroid issue is only an issue because the media wants it to be. They know the average idiot isn't a diehard, intelligent baseball fan, and perceives that the players turn into these ripped mutants who suddenly run faster, and throw and hit the ball farther.

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Hedley, your only partly right.

Steriods won't make a bad player really good. They probably won't even make him good.

Steriods CAN make a good player really good, and a great player, greater. The first I think was possibly the case with Sammy, and the second was probably the case with Barry.

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I agree with STL, good player + 'roids = better player. Case in point, Jason Giambi. He's a good player, but he's not the MVP/perennial all-star without the juice.

While I'm ranting about Yankee juicers (yes there is more than one people), I know most people hate Barry Bonds and want to throw away every home run he's ever hit, but didn't Gary Sheffield take the same clear and cream substances that Bonds did? Why does Sheff get a free pass while Bonds gets plastered? Fair is fair, dude took the juice "unknowingly," talked some plop on Bonds, and now all is forgotten?

Another thing I want to know is why no one ever suspects the pitchers? Tops on my list, Roger Clemens. What he's doing just ain't natural.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I agree with STL, good player + 'roids = better player. Case in point, Jason Giambi. He's a good player, but he's not the MVP/perennial all-star without the juice.

While I'm ranting about Yankee juicers (yes there is more than one people), I know most people hate Barry Bonds and want to throw away every home run he's ever hit, but didn't Gary Sheffield take the same clear and cream substances that Bonds did? Why does Sheff get a free pass while Bonds gets plastered? Fair is fair, dude took the juice "unknowingly," talked some plop on Bonds, and now all is forgotten?

Another thing I want to know is why no one ever suspects the pitchers? Tops on my list, Roger Clemens. What he's doing just ain't natural.

Nolan Ryan pitched until he was, what, 45?

Why were Bonds and Sosa so successful? It wasn't like their homeruns barely cleared the fences, so you can rule out steroids. Have you seen the armor that Bonds, Sosa, and other players wear these days? Bonds' right arm looks like the Terminator's. There's no fear in being on top of the plate for these guys in today's game, and the pitchers don't throw inside as much as they used to. How often do you see pictures of Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth wearing protective batting equipment on their arms?

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I definatley believe your right about the armor.

The fact that Bonds doesn't have to worry about inside pitches and the fact that Bonds can (could?) sit on one pitch in his at bats because he knew if he didn't get it he'd be walked, definatley contributed to his homeruns.

It's not necessarily that the steriods gave him the extra strength to hit farther homeruns (although he about doubled his size), but they may have just given him extra stamina when he should have been on the downward slope of his career.

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