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Question about Notre Dame


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I already gave the reason straight from the Traditions page on the Notre Dame website. Yellow symbolized the light and blue symbolized the truth

That's horsecrap though. You can pick any color, and it symbolizes something.

You are telling me that they said "We really want to have school colors that symbolize 'light' and 'truth.'"

"Oh, look. That happens to be yellow and blue."

I think they chose yellow and blue, then happened to notice that they sometimes symbolize "light" and "truth". Blue also symbolizes moderation, fidelity, sincerity, godliness and heaven according to some searches.

If pink and purple represented light and truth, I doubt they would have chosen those as colors. They obiously wanted blue and gold in the beginning. There must have been some person at ND who loved those colors, and decided to go with them.

They are a Christian school, so I'm sure they weren't choosing the Devil's red for a rugby jersey.

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It was yellow, at first, for one. When you think of light... what color do you think of? Yellow. Blue has always symbolized truth, way back to the egyptians (at the very least). Why's it so difficult to believe a religious school would choose their colors based on that?


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I'd like to thank providenceRI and gregjigga5. to all the rest of you guys I just wanted to know why they chose navy and gold in the first place without being riddiculed.


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I'd like to thank providenceRI and gregjigga5. to all the rest of you guys I just wanted to know why they chose navy and gold in the first place without being riddiculed.

                          LONG LIVE LYNYRD SKYNYRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Touche (imagine an accent mark over the e). Happy Birthday next week.

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it's been mentioned: yellow (later gold) for the light, and blue for the truth. ND is a Catholic school, so that shouldn't be too surprising. Oral Roberts University, founded by the old evangelist of the same name, chose similar colors for similar reasons

the Fighting Irish moniker came later, though there's been much dispute as to when and how it originated.


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Catholics + truth? hah

I'll just write that off as unfortunate hyperbole. B)

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Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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I happen to be catholic. :mad:

Guess you figured out the pictures. You might want to try one that is a little smaller or else someone is going to get on your case. :D

Most Liked Content of the Day -- February 15, 2017, August 21, 2017, August 22, 2017     /////      Proud Winner of the CCSLC Post of the Day Award -- April 8, 2008

Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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i heard a story about how nd got thier colors, i dont know how truthful it is, but ill tell it anyway because it is a good story.

Ok so in the early 1900s notre dame wore a green and gold combo, but in the 1910s the football team was about to be dropped from the school athletics because it just cost too much, so navy was nice enough to forgo thier football season that year and donated thier jerseys just until they got back on thier feet. And as a thanks for that notre dame has played navy every year since, and kicked thier ass every year too. :P

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been an ND fan all my life and never heard that one.

(I don't follow any religion, oddly enough. only reason I don't call myself an atheist is the fact that I believe there is at least one God.)


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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