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Question about Notre Dame


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The title of this thread reminds me that Notre Dame plays Navy every year and they are the two D-1 schools with the most similar uniforms: gold helmets w/ no logo, navy blue jerseys, and gold pants with no stripes.

The only differences are that Navy has navy blue facemasks while ND uses gray ones. Also the Midshipmen have "NAVY" written on their jerseys.

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Why aren't their school colors green and gold?

Because they're not. Why aren't the Buckeyes colors the same as those of an actual buckeye? Are Wolverines actually maize and blue? I have never seen a blue and orange Gator. Badgers aren't red and white. Bruins aren't blue and gold. Anyone ever seen a green and gold Ram? How about a blue and orange Tiger, or a purple and yellow one for that matter? Since when are Wildcats purple and black or red white and blue or blue and white?

I hope that helps answer your question. :D






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Why aren't their school colors green and gold?


Maybe this will make some sense given you are in "South Central Kansas'

You know K-State, right? Their colors are silver and purple but their nickname is the Wildcats. Now I'm not animalologist but I don't think there are purple Wildcats.

That is just a little lesson on the difference between school nicknames/mascots and colors often which were decided upon at different times. (I.E. Notre Dame could have always used gold and navy as their colors for academic stuff or even athletic stuff back in the early 1900s or whatever and then a newspaper guy comes up with the nickname Fighting Irish in the 1910s. . .)

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Straight from their website. Keep in mind, they weren't always named the Fighting Irish.

The origin of school colors can be traced back to the founding of the University. At the time of its founding in 1842, Notre Dame?s original school colors were yellow and blue; yellow symbolized the light and blue the truth. However, sometime after the Dome and Statue of Mary atop the Main Building was gilded, gold and blue became the official colors of the University.


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They do wear them every now and then. I'm thinking you meant why do they have an irishman in a green suit and hat in their logo and no green on the uniforms. They do wear green uni's on occassion, but Navy and Gold is just who Notre Dame is. I like their green uni's too, but their standards are iconic in college football.

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RVZ makes a good point, guys, don't pick on him.

In the early 1900s, green probably wasn't an easy color to get for a Rugby/football jersey. So, I am guessing ND went with whatever cloth was cheapest. Then, the University came up with some BS about how the colors represent "blah blah blah." When, in reality most colleges at the time were using plain dark colors (sometimes striped) for their school's rugby uniforms - navy blue, black or maroon.

I don't think too many old school teams wore vibrant colors (with exeption of Princeton orange), but I could be wrong.

It is also interesting to note, that most other athletic teams with the nickname "Irish" or "Celtic" uses green as a primary color.

Boston Celtics

Glasgow Celtic FC

However, Celta Vigo FC (Spain) uses light blue as a primary color.

It's still amusing to me that for most of their history, Navy, Army and ND have worn essentially the same uniform (dark blue/black with gold).

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In the early 1900s, green probably wasn't an easy color to get for a Rugby/football jersey. So, I am guessing ND went with whatever cloth was cheapest.

I already gave the reason straight from the Traditions page on the Notre Dame website. Yellow symbolized the light and blue symbolized the truth


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Why does Notre Dame use navy, when their mascot is the fighting IRISH? When you hear that name don't you think their primary color would be green? :wacko:

Wouldn't you expect the colors to be red and blue - after all, "Notre Dame" is French.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Wouldn't you expect the colors to be red and blue - after all, "Notre Dame" is French.

Then blue and yellow are perfect colo(u)rs!

BTW: Does it make you guys feel better to belittle a 12 year old?

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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