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Would Owens mess with PARCELLS?


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(from Yahoo sports)

1. Dallas Cowboys

Bill Parcells put up with Lawrence Taylor, and the Cowboys are merely a piece or two from winning the Super Bowl. But that's not even the good part. Picture Owens, Keyshawn Johnson and Terry Glenn in the same wide receiving corps. It would be the first time in league history that three players with season-ending suspensions would be together on the same field. Well, sort of.

Owens will have pulled the feat off with the Eagles, and Johnson did his time after becoming an "element of sabotage" within the Tampa Bay Buccaneers organization. Glenn gets the nod on a technicality. He was suspended for a failed drug test at the start of 2001 while with the New England Patriots, then blew the team off when it quit paying installments in his signing bonus. And when Patriots coach Bill Belichick had had enough, he suspended Glenn for the remainder of the season. But here's the twist: Glenn had the penalty overturned when he won in ? you guessed it ? an arbitration hearing.

Owens is one prime A-hole. But is he stupid enough to give lip to Parcells?

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(from Yahoo sports)

1. Dallas Cowboys

Bill Parcells put up with Lawrence Taylor, and the Cowboys are merely a piece or two from winning the Super Bowl. But that's not even the good part. Picture Owens, Keyshawn Johnson and Terry Glenn in the same wide receiving corps. It would be the first time in league history that three players with season-ending suspensions would be together on the same field. Well, sort of.

Owens will have pulled the feat off with the Eagles, and Johnson did his time after becoming an "element of sabotage" within the Tampa Bay Buccaneers organization. Glenn gets the nod on a technicality. He was suspended for a failed drug test at the start of 2001 while with the New England Patriots, then blew the team off when it quit paying installments in his signing bonus. And when Patriots coach Bill Belichick had had enough, he suspended Glenn for the remainder of the season. But here's the twist: Glenn had the penalty overturned when he won in ? you guessed it ? an arbitration hearing.

Owens is one prime A-hole. But is he stupid enough to give lip to Parcells?

Owens is not an a-hole, though I don't blame anyone for thinking that. Many of the things he says and does are very a-holeish, but he also does a lot of good things too. He is very sick, and is in dire need of help / medication. For someone as sick as him, it doesn't matter if it is Bill Parcells, Vince Lombardi, or Knute Rockne, he will continue to exhibit the same self destructive behavior where ever he ends up.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Owens is one prime A-hole.  But is he stupid enough to give lip to Parcells?


i agree, and it would be fun to watch not only the parcells vs ownes showdowns, but it would also be intresting to see how the fans in dallas react to ownes in a 'boys uniform.

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Performance forgives a lot. Owens will end up with an incentives laden contract and he'll get his money, no matter who he signs with.

I think Owens is kept in his place by a true team leader. McNabb isn't that guy. Plummer is not that guy. Owens needs a man to keep him in line and all he has to do is look at the other WR who has Rosenhaus as his agent: Javon Walker. Favre put Walker in line, and he'd do the same to Owens.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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Performance forgives a lot.  Owens will end up with an incentives laden contract and he'll get his money, no matter who he signs with.

Clearly it doesn't, or he'd still be playing for the Eagles. Or the 49ers.

Owens will get his cash, but he'll burn his bridges within a year in his new city.

I think Owens is kept in his place by a true team leader. McNabb isn't that guy. Plummer is not that guy. Owens needs a man to keep him in line and all he has to do is look at the other WR who has Rosenhaus as his agent: Javon Walker. Favre put Walker in line, and he'd do the same to Owens.

It won't matter what authority figure there is, be it a QB (Favre, Manning), other teammate (Ray Lewis) or coach (Parcells, Belichick) - like BBTV said, TO is a very sick man. His behaviors (narcissism, poor impulse control) are beyond his control. Don't you think anyone in their right mind would curb these behaviors if they were able to, rather than live as a pariah, disgraced in 2 cities? If he could, he would, but he can't, and doesn't.

And to compare Favre telling Javon Walker to pipe down is markedly different than Favre attempting to do the same with TO. Walker is still a star on the rise who hasn't proven his worth over the long haul. He had a nice season, and started listening to parasites like Rosenhaus, telling him he was worth more than he truly is. Favre runs the team, even though he's in the twilight of his career. Were TO to come to Green Bay, he's already at the top of his game, and wouldn't listen to Favre anymore than he listens to anyone who doesn't tell him what his ego wants to hear.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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Performance forgives a lot.  Owens will end up with an incentives laden contract and he'll get his money, no matter who he signs with.

Clearly it doesn't, or he'd still be playing for the Eagles. Or the 49ers.

Owens will get his cash, but he'll burn his bridges within a year in his new city.

I think Owens is kept in his place by a true team leader. McNabb isn't that guy. Plummer is not that guy. Owens needs a man to keep him in line and all he has to do is look at the other WR who has Rosenhaus as his agent: Javon Walker. Favre put Walker in line, and he'd do the same to Owens.

It won't matter what authority figure there is, be it a QB (Favre, Manning), other teammate (Ray Lewis) or coach (Parcells, Belichick) - like BBTV said, TO is a very sick man. His behaviors (narcissism, poor impulse control) are beyond his control. Don't you think anyone in their right mind would curb these behaviors if they were able to, rather than live as a pariah, disgraced in 2 cities? If he could, he would, but he can't, and doesn't.

And to compare Favre telling Javon Walker to pipe down is markedly different than Favre attempting to do the same with TO. Walker is still a star on the rise who hasn't proven his worth over the long haul. He had a nice season, and started listening to parasites like Rosenhaus, telling him he was worth more than he truly is. Favre runs the team, even though he's in the twilight of his career. Were TO to come to Green Bay, he's already at the top of his game, and wouldn't listen to Favre anymore than he listens to anyone who doesn't tell him what his ego wants to hear.

The difference is Favre is far stronger a person than Garcia or McNabb. TO was the strongest personality in both those instances. Favre just wouldn't put up with that crap, and TO has a personality looking for a strong father figure to make him tow the line. And no one would mistake getting that from either Garcia or McNabb. And yes, performance will fix the public's attitude towards T.O. Always has, always will.

As far as not listening to Favre, Favre is known for punishing receivers by not going to them. McNabb is limited by what few options he has. Favre makes receivers better and makes plays work.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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If you're talking about sheer p!$$!ng contests, Parcells is the Big Dog and would not put up with anyone trying to steal his thunder. The first attempt by T.O. would result in a dressing down on the football field, the second would result in a few swipes by Parcells at his press conferences, the third would be a gametime benching where everyone including the waterboy would get to go in before him.

Parcells has a god-given talent of belittling problem players and making them perform their best as result of such to win back his favor. I think T.O. would be a tall order though. He's stupid enough to give Parcells crap if he thinks he's not getting everything he feels he's entitled to. As much as I think Parcells is a jack-ass at times, I actually had guilty pleasure when he'd tell players (and on occation reporters) where the dog died. In the end, I think T.O. is a lost cause until he's forced-fed a murder of crows.

Parcells would not put with Drew Rosenhaus either and would probably corner him in a corner until he wet himself and started crying like a girl. Rosenhaus is a brave person on television and on the telephone, but if he had to deal with Parcells up in his face, I think he's the type of person to back down. When Parcells coached in New England, he made it quite clear to one agent that his pressence was not welcome. I think if he had it his way, agents would be outlawed.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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As a Cowboys fan going back about, oh, 35 years or so, I have seen a LOT. I remember Duane Thomas calling Landry "Plastic Man." He didn't last long in Big D after that.

Owens IS an a-hole, no way around it, the poster-child for the 2005 state of the art arrogant me-first punk athlete.

And as a guilty pleasure, I would pay, yes, PAY to see Parcells go nuts on Owens on the sidelines.

THINK about that.

Remember Parcells calling Glenn "she." Didn't really hear much from Glenn after that, and here he is playing for Parcells.

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I know it's cool to bash T.O. and all, but you guys talk about Farve and Parcells like they can just do whatever the hell they want to a grown ass man that has proven that he doesn't give a fluff what anyone else thinks or says. Look, he's a headcase with severe displacement issues and doesn't respect "authority" figures. He has a victim's mentality and is his own worst enemy. Parcells is just another fat windbag who won't be able to get through to T.O. unless T.O. respects him. Funny, things didn't work out too well with the last fat windbag (Reid) that T.O. didn't respect. Oh, and spare me this Brett Farve keeping T.O. in check crap. Sure Farve can mouth off to Javon Walker, but T.O. is a much different story. I would love to see Parcells or Farve try to go nuts on T.O., but they might get fluffed up. Point is, I don't see anyone "keeping T.O. in line" because T.O. has issues that only years of therapy and medication can remedy.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I know it's cool to bash T.O. and all, but you guys talk about Farve and Parcells like they can just do whatever the hell they want to a grown ass man that has proven that he doesn't give a fluff what anyone else thinks or says. Look, he's a headcase with severe displacement issues and doesn't respect "authority" figures. He has a victim's mentality and is his own worst enemy. Parcells is just another fat windbag who won't be able to get through to T.O. unless T.O. respects him. Funny, things didn't work out too well with the last fat windbag (Reid) that T.O. didn't respect. Oh, and spare me this Brett Farve keeping T.O. in check crap. Sure Farve can mouth off to Javon Walker, but T.O. is a much different story. I would love to see Parcells or Farve try to go nuts on T.O., but they might get fluffed up. Point is, I don't see anyone "keeping T.O. in line" because T.O. has issues that only years of therapy and medication can remedy.


Though I don't know if Reid qualifies as a windbag (yet), since he doesn't really say much of anything. At least in public. Fat? Now that's a different story (although he is down over 50 lbs in the last year.)

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I know it's cool to bash T.O. and all, but you guys talk about Farve and Parcells like they can just do whatever the hell they want to a grown ass man that has proven that he doesn't give a fluff what anyone else thinks or says. Look, he's a headcase with severe displacement issues and doesn't respect "authority" figures. He has a victim's mentality and is his own worst enemy. Parcells is just another fat windbag who won't be able to get through to T.O. unless T.O. respects him. Funny, things didn't work out too well with the last fat windbag (Reid) that T.O. didn't respect. Oh, and spare me this Brett Farve keeping T.O. in check crap. Sure Farve can mouth off to Javon Walker, but T.O. is a much different story. I would love to see Parcells or Farve try to go nuts on T.O., but they might get fluffed up. Point is, I don't see anyone "keeping T.O. in line" because T.O. has issues that only years of therapy and medication can remedy.

You forgot the part about how the windbag has a pair of Super Bowl rings and is a cinch for the HOF.

I doubt loser #81 will be able to say the same.

And it's not "cool" to bash #81---he brings it on himself with his poor-me arrogant punk tude.

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And it's not "cool" to bash #81---he brings it on himself with his poor-me arrogant punk tude.

Well, I'm glad it makes you feel better...

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I agree (in a way) with brinkeguthrie in that I just cannot see a team with T.O. on it winning a Super Bowl. I know the Eagles came close, but close isn't victory, so I don't think he'll ever get the bling-bling.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I want T.O. on the Broncos.

I could care less if Plummer is the type that can keep a guy like T.O. in line and frankly, I don't think Plummer would care, either.

I see it this way -- what's he going to do? Throw Jake Plummer under the bus? Practically the entire Broncos fanbase, myself excluded, has already done that, and he's still having an MVP caliber season.


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And it's not "cool" to bash #81---he brings it on himself with his poor-me arrogant punk tude.

Well, I'm glad it makes you feel better...

So what do you suggest, maybe we should all go down to his home in Atlanta and give him a group hug while we're at it? By that rationale, does that mean we shouldn't praise anyone for good things either?

If you're arguement is that Owens is truly sick and and needs professional help, then he shouldn't be playing football. He should be in a facility getting said help. But he isn't. His family isn't getting him help, his agent isn't getting him help (if anything he's encouraging him), his team isn't getting him help, and most of all he isn't getting himself help. I don't believe Owens has a mental defect (not clinically anyway) Owens behaves like a jackass, any bashing he gets is to be expected.

If one of us behaved that way, we'd get the same treatment if not worse. Bad behavior does not automatically mean insanity. All of us who "bash" Owens are tired of his antics. We're not in the mood to give this rich, spoiled brat excuses to act like this. I would imagine one of the many reasons this grown man still behaves this way is that nobody ever sat him down and enforced some rules to him. Regardless of the reasons, all of us here have every right to go after someone who insists in being in the spotlight- that's the chance anyone takes thrusting themselves into the public's attention constantly.

I recall many people here giving Ricky Williams what-for due to his wacky behavior over the years, and unlike Owens he can really prove he is mentally imbalanced with documentation, perscriptions of psyche meds, and regular visits to several shrinks. At the end of the day, he still does nutty things, with last year being the exclaimation point. The bashing of him still continues to this day. Why? Because he's got talent, money, access to everything he could need, and he's still a dope. Owens has even less of an excuse. So until someone can show me proof he needs to be committed, he's just a jerk and desrves every negetaive comment he gets.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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I don't believe that anyone is born "bad." There is no jerk gene (at least not that I'm aware of.) People exhibit different behaviors due to a multitude of reasons. For example, where I live, a lot of the "locals" (or "lifers", people who have grown up in the city and not transplanted from other communities) are suspicious, territorial, intollerant, and have a "everyone is out to screw you" mentality. They are very difficult to deal with. However, they are a product of their environment, and if the same people had grown up in different settings, they would probably have a different outlook / disposition, and have been exposed to different aspects of life and learned more about different people / lifestyles and be more understanding instead of intollerant (or afraid.) But, they are conditioned to always watch their back, never trust anyone you don't already no, etc.

I find this very difficult to deal with some times, because to me this is irrational behavior. But, whenever I get frustrated or even angry, I just remind myself that they aren't bad people, in fact, they are probably good people, but they were "trained" to behave in a way that I don't understand, and maybe I'm the one who needs to learn more and exhibit tollerance.

With TO, if (and I'm only speculating here) he was raised in an environment where this was the type of behavior he was around all the time, from his perspective, he probably has a hard time understanding why most people can't stand him and choose to bash him. Growing up in his environment probably lead him to develop an anti-social personality, and also he may have some serious anger / frustration / fear issues burried deep inside his mind. He was plucked out of his narrowly-focused environment and thrust into the "world scene", and was exposed to different people / ideas / outlooks for maybe the first time in his life, and he wasn't prepared for it all, and isn't equipped mentally (not intellelectually, but emotionally) to deal with it all. There is no other way to explain his self-defeating behavior. Nobody (and I mean nobody) is naturally like this. Maybe it isn't a chemical defect (like Ricky), maybe it is. Either way, I don't think you can allow yourself to be upset at him and especially to the point where you hate (or bash) him. If anything, you should feel sorry for him, because he is destroying his life and we are watching it happen live.

Also, it is documented that people in the 49ers organization did suggest to him that he start attending regular sessions with a team appointed psycologist (or psychiatrist, I'm not sure which.)

I'm not saying that I want him on my team, or that I cheer for the guy, or any of that. This isn't about making excuses for anyone, because in the end, we are all responsible for our actions / statements whether or not we have other issues going on. I would probably have done the same thing that the Eagles did if I was in their situation. But, while I may choose not to accept his conduct, I find it very hard to bash him and hate him, just like I find it hard to bash and hate the person who lives up the block from me who threatened me and my friend simply because we parked on the street in front of his house. I feel sorry for him, the scope of the world is one square block of houses, and he is not equipped to function outside of that scope. If we allow ourselves to get all worked up about all of this stuff, we'll eventually explode. I'd rather not explode.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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