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Texans Should Pick?


Who should the Texans Pick  

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If they are smart, they will trade down to say number 4 or 5, get a veteran lineman in that trade, and then pick up Ferguson. They would be a very improved team, ala Marvin's first year as coach of the Bengals.

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If they are smart, they will trade down to say number 4 or 5, get a veteran lineman in that trade, and then pick up Ferguson. They would be a very improved team, ala Marvin's first year as coach of the Bengals.

No doubt about it, Mingsy...but we all know they aren't smart, so they'll probably take Vince Young.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I believe they should trade down to pick up some picks. However, if they keep the pick, I'd go with Bush. If he is as good as everyone thinks he is, you have to take him.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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I would trade Carr for additional picks for O-Line help, and draft Vince Young becuase of the publicity in Houston Vince home town, would sell tickets and make himan instant fan favorite.



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From what I heard on Cold Pizza, the Texans are going to sign Carr to an extension. So, with this information its almost for sure they're going to take Reggie Bush, who I believe would be the best pick. I love Vince, as you can see by my sig, but Texans already have a good quarterback. You could argue Dominick Davis is a good running back, which I agree, but Reggie would be a smart choice.

They do need a better line, but Reggie/Carr will kill for years to come.

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I don't think they would take Young. Young was a projected 9-10th pick in the first round of the draft before the Rose Bowl. I don't think 1 game should make a difference. Yes, he played amazing in the game but it was still 1 game. I jump from the bottom of the top ten to the top pick is a dramatic one and I don't think it will happen. By the time draft comes around in April the "Rose Bowl effect" will have worn off and he will fall back to the 9th or 10th pick if he's comes out. THat might be the reason why he might stay.

Anyway the Texas are drafting Bush. Although I personally would trade the pick what you can get in return is greater than what you get. The Texans need line help, maybe the can do somehting simular to what the Chargers did when they traded Vick and got what the needed in return with Tomilson and Brees.

I wouldn't put to much stock in 1 game. Remember the Rose Bowl that Ryan Leaf had. That performance put him in the argument whith the person who was the consensus number 1 pick before the bowls in Manning and Leaf ultimatly was drafted 2nd overall. I don't think Young will turn out like Leaf however it is reminder of putting too much stock in 1 game.

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