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Time For Some Creativity

The Nation

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The NBA should really do something about all the teams wearing Navy Blue, there's no more unique colours in the NBA. The NFL does a very good job of giving teams an identity by letting teams have unique colours(i.e Panthers-green, Jaguars-teal, Bengals-orange, Ravens-purple).

Eversince the Dallas Mavericks started wearing their Navy Blue uniforms in 2002, or even further to when the Nets had theirs in 1998, 8 other teams have followed them with Navy blue.

Nets 1998

Mavs 2002

Warriors 2003

Grizzlies 2005

Jazz 2005

Pacers 2006

Cavs 2006

Nuggets 2006

I think the NBA should do something, I mean the jerseys for the Mavs and Jazz look identical. I'm watching the Lakers/Pacers match and for a while I could not tell which team the Lakers were playing.

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OK, couple things:

First the color you are talking about is NAVY blue, not royal, you want royal, look at the KC Royals...

Second, the Pacers have been wear that color for years, and I believe the Mavs wore that color before changing their identity.

And what you are saying is like telling the Twins, White Sox, Diamondbacks, and Rockies that they can't wear pinstripes because someone might mistake them with the Yankees.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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The Nation, the Panthers wear CAROLINA BLUE. Am I right, PANTONE?

Dennis Blue.

And Navy Blue is THE best colour in the world for a sports team, and in the NFL there's Buffalo, New England, Chicago, Denver, Tennessee, San Diego, NY Giants, Dallas, St Louis and Houston all wearing it.

Was the point that the NBA had too much Navy? Or the NFL?

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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You guy can't see the green?? :wacko:


How can you not see it? It easily stands out.

It's called "Panther Blue". And, since I'm feeling generous tonight, it's actually Process Blue C.

It's certainly not Green.

But, I'll assume that BPenix was being sarcastic.

I'm also assuming most of you weren't following the NBA in the early '80s...when about 3/4 of the league was wearing Royal Blue and Red.

I hated those years...

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Slightly off-topic, but I just generated PDFs for the four major leagues...no Pantone information (sorry), but each document will only include the current color sets. Here they are:

MLB-American League Colors - 2006 Season

MLB-National League Colors - 2006 Season

NFL Colors - 2006 Season

NBA Colors - 2005-2006 Season

NHL Colors - 2005-2006 Season

Nobody read anything into my NFL colors being "2006"...there's nothing new from last season in there. I haven't seen or heard any concrete changes at this time.

I just wanted to do this since there always seems to be questions on team colors. Maybe this could clear some things up.

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Slightly off-topic, but I just generated PDFs for the four major leagues...no Pantone information (sorry), but each document will only include the current color sets. Here they are:

MLB-American League Colors - 2006 Season

MLB-National League Colors - 2006 Season

NFL Colors - 2006 Season

NBA Colors - 2005-2006 Season

NHL Colors - 2005-2006 Season

Nobody read anything into my NFL colors being "2006"...there's nothing new from last season in there. I haven't seen or heard any concrete changes at this time.

I just wanted to do this since there always seems to be questions on team colors. Maybe this could clear some things up.

Oh...so no new information on the Bills? Or do they have so many damn colors to choose from in the first place that it doesn't matter?

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Nets 1998

Mavs 2002

Warriors 2003

Grizzlies 2005

Jazz 2005

Pacers 2006

Cavs 2006

Nuggets 2006

I think the NBA should do something, I mean the jerseys for the Mavs and Jazz look identical. I'm watching the Lakers/Pacers match and for a while I could not tell which team the Lakers were playing.

Mavericks were wearing royal blue and kelly green prior to 2tone blue, so I'll take the update.

Warriors went to navy went they came back to Oakland in 97 or 98, not 03. That said, they should go back to royal and gold like the Run-TMC years. Maybe incorporate the bridge again.

Pacers have been wearing navy for at least 15 years.

Who cares what the Nets do.

The Jazz jerseys are atrocious. I keep making open challenges to defend their sloppy halfassed revamp of a recolored logo made obsolete by the other changes, and Microsoft WordArt scripts on the jerseys in the same colors as the Mavs, which have never been team colors and don't match the recolored outdated mountain-ball. So if you can tell me how this improved on the jersey of the Finals years, I'm all ears.

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Here...I generated the alternate color sets:

MLB-American League Alternate Uniform Colors - 2006 Season

MLB-National League Alternate Uniform Colors - 2006 Season

NFL Alternate Uniform Colors - 2005 Season

NBA Alternate Uniform Colors - 2005-2006 Season

NHL Alternate Uniform Colors - 2005-2006 Season

Keep in mind that these are only those color sets where there is an additional color or colors that differ from the primary set. And no, I don't include the plethora of throwbacks that the NBA wears. At least, not at this time.

I only generated the 2005 set for the NFL because - like I said - I don't have any of the changes for the NFL yet.

The AL and NL lists will probably eventually change; I have the ability to mark color sets as "confidential", so that they won't show up on some of these reports. Once the alts get unveiled (White Sox throwback, for example), I'll change the code on them so that they WILL be generated.

Note: you'll notice that the Heat have their alternate Red jersey marked as "Maroon". I'm not sure what this is about, or if it's even legit...it's what the NBA says it is though...(they look like the same Red as before to me)

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I totally understand and agree with completely what THENATION is saying. It seams to me that alot of NBA teams are losing their identities due to their similar uniform colors and styles. All the teams he mentioned seem to be wearing either the exact shade of blue or a very similar shade, indistinguishable from tv or the stands. The purpose of a uniform is to identfy or individualize a team from the others and whats the point if all the teams start looking alike!

As a fan of the NBA in the 1960s, all the teams looked individualistic and had a much wider varity of uniform colors and combinations...I realize it is a personal choice of the team in question to design a uniform but c'mon lets get some different colors and combinations going here.

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I generated a 1980-1981 NBA Team Colors report, just to show how gosh-darn exciting it was to follow team colors in those days:

NBA Colors - 1980-1981 Season


Is that Royal Purple from the Lakers set really accurate? It looks more like the lavendar-ish color they use for their lanes currently, not the deep plum-ish color of their jerseys.

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I generated a 1980-1981 NBA Team Colors report, just to show how gosh-darn exciting it was to follow team colors in those days:

NBA Colors - 1980-1981 Season


Is that Royal Purple from the Lakers set really accurate? It looks more like the lavendar-ish color they use for their lanes currently, not the deep plum-ish color of their jerseys.

That is the shade of Purple the Lakers used for their logo up until 2000-2001.

I have - on loan - an NBA Style Guide set from the late '90s that shows the Lakers' uniforms using that color.

Apparently, they listed that Purple as the official one, and then used a darker Purple for the uniforms themselves. In 2001-2002, the Lakers dropped the light Purple and went with a much richer Purple.

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