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Antonio Davis suspended 5 games


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*EDIT* So yea, I obviously did not read the "Fluff ESPN" thread before posting this. Talk about misleading titles...Anyways, you may delete this thread if necissary.

I can't believe this hasn't been brought up on these boards yet, but the NBA announced today that Antonio Davis will be suspended for 5 games for his actions in Wednesday nights game...Personally I feel this is too harsh considering he A. did not throw a punch or act in any other physical manner and B. He was worried about his wife's well-being. I think it would be fair to say that anyone else in his situation would of done the same thing, and some may of even gotten physical. I feel he should of been suspended 2 games without pay and nothing more...What do ya'll think?


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5 games' vacation without pay is worth it. Someone appears to be messing with your wife, the concerns about breaking the rules go out the window. Besides, he seemed to handle the whole thing with class - he could have gone nuts and started slugging people and acting like a fool. But he got up there and handled it like a sane adult. Security came, that was that. No punches thrown, no beer spilled, everything's under control.

Were my wife in danger, I'd love to say I could be that composed. I'm hoping I won't have to find out.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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I'd say that's a bit harsh, but understandable. It's not like the Knicks are getting any better.

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I think it was put best on Mike and Mike this morning. NBA Stars should be suspended for going into the stands no matter what. Was it a justifiable reason to? Yes. Would he do it again if it were to happen again? He Should. I think the punishment was justifible. He went into the stands, he had a VERY good reason, but he did go into the stands. I mean, just imagine if a riot would have occoured. His wife, along with a ton of other fans would have been in serious trouble


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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I agree there should be a suspension, however I feel 5-games is a little harsh. Esspecially considering the punishments that were handed out for the fight between Ray Allen and Keyon Dooling. Both players threw hard punches and both were knocked into the front row of seats (going into the audience?). Then Keyon Dooling went on to break through security and run down the tunnel to find Ray Allen again. Ray Allen was only given a 3-game suspension and Keyon Dooling was given the same 5-game suspension that Davis was given. I dont see how a person who goes into the crowd to protect his wife and throws no punches can get the same punishment as a guy who tackles a player at full speed, lands a few good punches, proceeds to continue to fight in the first row, and finally tries to get away from security and chase down another player in the locker room.


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The thing is, Davis saw his wife being possibly harrased, it's his duty to stand up for her as her husband. I'm pretty sure he'd rather have a 5 game suspension than have his wife talkin' about how he didn't help her out. :P

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Seems to me that the NBA's finding itself in the middle of a double standard. If the league can't provide adequate security so that a player's family can go to a game without being harassed, then how can it expect players to not take action when they see said harassment taking place?


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i guess there are some reports coming out that his wife may be "springer material" and maybe she scratched the guy's face and started it..

this kind of stuff happened in baseball too..fans thinking their ticket entitles them to act like morons..too much drinking..player's families too close to the fans..i think there needs to be more security and more control..

but i still remember canseco and players on the giants and A's going into the stands after the earthquake..you have to understand someone wanting to defend his family..it just shouldn't get that far

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Apparently his wife has a little history with getting into it with fans... I'm sure Antonio knows it and was just making sure nothing further would happen - be it because of his wife or the fan.

One way or another, 5 games was a little harsh in my eyes. 2 would've been sufficient. But David Stern has to enforce the rule, I guess, so whatever.

Stern should focus less on this little incident, and look into his referees doing such a poor job. I've never seen a more poorly officiated season than this one so far. Especially with Knicks games both home and road - so much for those conspiracy theorists who said Stern favored the Knicks... the game in Chicago should've been won by NY by double digits. And just think, without Marbury and a banged up Curry, and playing 5-on-8 against the Bulls all night, they still pushed it to a last second shot in OT.

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