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Perhaps Not What MLB Licensing Had In Mind


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what a hippie, he's gonna give all the cardinals fans a bad name.

How? Because hes practicing the right that every American has? The guy is against abortion, how does that make him at all a hippie or a shame to the St. Louis Cardinals?

So, the hippie Cardinal fan has a right to free speech, but SEMOSTLfan doesn't? :P

No. i think you completely missed the point that i was trying to make. What i was saying is why would the MLB or the St. louis Cardinals have any kind of a problem with someone wearing their gear while practicing their right to free speech? To say the MLB should have a problem with this, or should do something to stop this would be like saying that the MLB should have a problem with someone who is homosexual attending their games because theyre belifs may go against those of the team or the MLB as a whole.

And BTW, wouldnt the Hippie take the opposite approach? As in the more liberal view of Pro Choice?


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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There's only one assh*le to wear Cardinals apparel, and his name is Jim Edmonds.


You're right, STL Fanatic.

You forgot Rolen, Carpenter and Mulder.

Yeah, whatever.


Okay, I think the 1908 business is just stupid, I didn't say I hated the Cardinals team.

I hate belligerent Cardinal fans at games who feel like it's okay to berate an 8 year old kid in a Cubs jersey after a Cubs win at Busch, I hate Jim Edmonds because he's this sneering pompous dickhead who gets a sportscenter highlight because he purposely gets late starts on fly balls to make "amazing catches."

But other than that I like the Cardinals. I've gone to Busch a bunch of times, and I think that 98% of their fan base are diehard classy people, with the rotten 2% that are like the Wrigley crowd that doesn't even know who's on the roster half the time.

Yes, and I hate cubs fans that ask me if Darryl Kile is pitching tomorrow. (Its happened more than once.)

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There's only one assh*le to wear Cardinals apparel, and his name is Jim Edmonds.


You're right, STL Fanatic.

You forgot Rolen, Carpenter and Mulder.

Yeah, whatever.


Okay, I think the 1908 business is just stupid, I didn't say I hated the Cardinals team.

I hate belligerent Cardinal fans at games who feel like it's okay to berate an 8 year old kid in a Cubs jersey after a Cubs win at Busch, I hate Jim Edmonds because he's this sneering pompous dickhead who gets a sportscenter highlight because he purposely gets late starts on fly balls to make "amazing catches."

But other than that I like the Cardinals. I've gone to Busch a bunch of times, and I think that 98% of their fan base are diehard classy people, with the rotten 2% that are like the Wrigley crowd that doesn't even know who's on the roster half the time.

Yes, and I hate cubs fans that ask me if Darryl Kile is pitching tomorrow. (Its happened more than once.)

wait wait wait. Jim Edmonds PURPOSELY gets a late start on balls so he can make a diving play? I dunno man, thats pretty rough if you ask me. I think if anyone does that its Andruw Jones, WAY over Edmonds, who despite your hatred and your want to discredit him, is one of the most spectacular defensive players to ever slap on a leather hand cover.

And yeah, that whole Daryl Kyle thing is fu*ked up. I know plenty of Cards AND Stros fans who would beat the :censored: outta anyone who would talk stupid like that.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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There's only one assh*le to wear Cardinals apparel, and his name is Jim Edmonds.

Whatever, dude. Unfortunately, here's the only true a**hole to ever wear Cardinals apparel.


An anti-Bush post...How appropriate for a totally un-related story.

...It's getting old.


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This is one of the most simpleminded threads started in a while. I'm not talking about the responses, just the initial post.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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An anti-Bush post...How appropriate for a totally un-related story.

...It's getting old.

No, its not. its hysterical. I will love it when these posts continue far after his legacy is cemented as a needless war monger.

As far as the cards jacket, I don't think it is that someone at MLB or the Cards should 'do something' about it. Its just a very polarizing subject that i bet most any brand would prefer not be featured on one side or the other.

And Andruw Jones doesn't lag on fly balls, Mr Sprotscenter. Have you ever actually watched him live? Or even watched a full game? If you get a chance to have the privilige, actually watch him instead of just the highlights. He's amazing. AJ is moving while the pitch is still in the air. Its amazing how early a jump he gets. Look at where he lands when he makes a diving catch... He's rolled onto the dirt in the infield before at a game I was watching. He dove behind the left fielder to make a catch on the warning track, cause the LF was too slow to get back to get to the ball. AJ is brilliant.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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This is one of the most simpleminded threads started in a while. I'm not talking about the responses, just the initial post.

This is one of the most simpleminded threads started in a while. I'm not talking about the initial post, just the responses.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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There's only one assh*le to wear Cardinals apparel, and his name is Jim Edmonds.


You're right, STL Fanatic.

You forgot Rolen, Carpenter and Mulder.

Yeah, whatever.


Okay, I think the 1908 business is just stupid, I didn't say I hated the Cardinals team.

And I never said I hated the Cubs. It's called teasing. It's pretty much the hallmark of the Cards-Cubs rivalry - good natured ribbing that goes back and forth and never escalates beyond that. No need to call anyone or anything stupid. I certainly had the opportunity to do that with your unsubstantiated calling out of Rolen, Carpenter and Mulder but chose to dismiss it with a casual "whatever" and a dig at the Cubs' nearly century-long skein of futility.

So let's keep the rivalry on friendly terms. After all, they don't call Wrigley "The Hostile Confines," now do they? :P

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I agree with bucfan.

This is America. You have the right to expression, and you have the right to wear what you wish while expressing yourself.

The photo does not tie the Cardinals with pro-lifers. It simply means one pro-lifer happens to be a Cardinals fan. That's all.

ok that comment was completely sarcastic, sorry to offend anyone. I don't care if they guy is a hippie or not or if he's pro life or not. i just thought it was funny so i posted a funny response, or so i thought. sorry if it was misunderstood.


World Champions: 1926 1931 1934 1942 1944 1946 1964 1967 1982 2006

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An anti-Bush post...How appropriate for a totally un-related story.

...It's getting old.

No, its not. its hysterical. I will love it when these posts continue far after his legacy is cemented as a needless war monger.


I decided to just send this to PM's instead. It's not worth starting a huge argument and get this grave-yarded.


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There's only one assh*le to wear Cardinals apparel, and his name is Jim Edmonds.


You're right, STL Fanatic.

You forgot Rolen, Carpenter and Mulder.

Yeah, whatever.


Okay, I think the 1908 business is just stupid, I didn't say I hated the Cardinals team.

And I never said I hated the Cubs. It's called teasing. It's pretty much the hallmark of the Cards-Cubs rivalry - good natured ribbing that goes back and forth and never escalates beyond that. No need to call anyone or anything stupid. I certainly had the opportunity to do that with your unsubstantiated calling out of Rolen, Carpenter and Mulder but chose to dismiss it with a casual "whatever" and a dig at the Cubs' nearly century-long skein of futility.

So let's keep the rivalry on friendly terms. After all, they don't call Wrigley "The Hostile Confines," now do they? :P

Actually, I called out Rolen, Carpenter and Mulder.

If I could take that post back, I would take back the parts about Carp and Mulder and add LaRussa. I don't really have a problem with them.

There's just something really grating about Rolen. You'd have to be a Cubs fan to know what. But it's there. LaRussa just comes off as arrogant. He's a heck of a manager, better than Dusty, but he seems like an a**hole.

The Cubs have some a**holes too. Kerry Wood and Dusty come to mind. Zambrano is just crazy.

(As for that Bush stuff, I choose not to get involved.)

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There's only one assh*le to wear Cardinals apparel, and his name is Jim Edmonds.


You're right, STL Fanatic.

You forgot Rolen, Carpenter and Mulder.

Yeah, whatever.


Okay, I think the 1908 business is just stupid, I didn't say I hated the Cardinals team.

I hate belligerent Cardinal fans at games who feel like it's okay to berate an 8 year old kid in a Cubs jersey after a Cubs win at Busch, I hate Jim Edmonds because he's this sneering pompous dickhead who gets a sportscenter highlight because he purposely gets late starts on fly balls to make "amazing catches."

But other than that I like the Cardinals. I've gone to Busch a bunch of times, and I think that 98% of their fan base are diehard classy people, with the rotten 2% that are like the Wrigley crowd that doesn't even know who's on the roster half the time.

Yes, and I hate cubs fans that ask me if Darryl Kile is pitching tomorrow. (Its happened more than once.)

wait wait wait. Jim Edmonds PURPOSELY gets a late start on balls so he can make a diving play? I dunno man, thats pretty rough if you ask me. I think if anyone does that its Andruw Jones, WAY over Edmonds, who despite your hatred and your want to discredit him, is one of the most spectacular defensive players to ever slap on a leather hand cover.

I'd have to agree here(partially because Edmonds is my favorite player). He may purposely set himself up for the pretty play, but he plays when he gets hurt. He risks himself to give fans what they want, and he's usually successful. I've been a fan of his since his days in California, and the only reason I like StL is because he went there. My brother said that he's an :censored: hole in person as well, but he was nice enough to sign a ball for me. I've risked my wellbeing by wearing an Edmonds jersey into the Vet a week after Rolen was traded as well.

As for the picture, I don't see a big deal at all. It's not like abortion and baseball have any sort of connection. The kid was wearing a Cards jacket, big deal.

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