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Stanley Cup Bracket?


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I started out trying to make myself a bracket fot the upcoming Stanley Cup Playoffs... one idea led to another and it ended up a jumbled mess of logos. I'm open to ideas and/or suggestions. As you can tell I'm quite limited in my graphic design knowledge. I made it using Publisher. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the experts on this site come up with. Thanks in advance.


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could you post a larger one please? Where did you get the eastern and western logo's with the E & W only? I've been looking for those, the new NHL logo's....link?


5x Stanley Cup Champions

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could you post a larger one please? Where did you get the eastern and western logo's with the E & W only? I've been looking for those, the new NHL logo's....link?


Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Put the western conference on the left side.

The reason why the western conference is on that side is because in the Stanley Cup logo at centre ice, the western conference part of the sig is on the right :wacko:

It makes sense if they would've put the logo on the left side, but that's probably the reason why Jerry put it on the right.

I'm not quite sure what Publisher is capable of, but perhaps the rink layer can be lowered to a smaller opacity, and then you could spread the logos out a little more since the rink logo would be less of the focus, and more of the backround.

Something like this perhaps.

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Thanks for the input. I did infact put the eastern teams on the left due to the logo. I think it has been discussed on this board and I agree, it is backwards. In my second attempt I did switch sides though. I faded the rink and the logos are a bit larger. I also borrowed from MLB's 8 teams 1 champion slogan. As for overall size, they start out pretty big, but then photobucket seems to shrink them...I don't really know whats goin on there, but like I said I'm new at this stuff. I'll keep trying till I get it right or someone that knows what they're doing comes along and blows mine away.


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Of course, you'll have to do some flipping of pairings when they re-seed after the first round.

Because if, say Colorado upsets Calgary, these brackets -- as nice as they are -- are going to look quite foolish if they show Colorado advancing from the San Jose-Dallas series to play Detroit in the second round.

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Heres my bracket.

Sorry its so small. Photobucket did that for some reason.

Not bad...3 things though:

1) your semi finals line on the west should be a bit more to the right...looks off centre

2) New Jersey is the higher seed than the Rangers...flip em

3) you may want to look at the standings and redo some of your western brackets...some of them are just wrong (eg...Detroit vs. Edmonton is the only right one (even though you have the higher seed (Detroit) seeded lower there))

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Love the NHL 95 style, Mr. no funny nickname.

Only thing with all these brackets though is that, unlike March Madness, the NHL reseeds each round. So however you arrange it, you might have to go back and redraw afterwards. For example. if in Conference A teams 1, 2, 3, and 4 advance, then 1 plays 4 and 2 plays 3. But if teams 1,2, 6, and 4 advance then 1 plays 6 and 2 plays 4 (which is what happened in the Western Conference in 2004)

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