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Stars' alternate


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Vicfurth's jersey can be summed up in one word: Dookie.

No offense, man. But that is uuuugly!

As for RC's, it looks MUCH better.

Maybe try the new logo with the Stars' old uniforms?

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I'm so with you PhillyFlyer... why did they have to add the god damn red???  

Also, not to be nitpicky, but haven't the Texans done the Bull thing already?  And the Stars use the name of the logo from the cities football team?  Couldn't they have incorporated something that has to do with hockey in this concept?

It's really not bad, it's just the red that really ruins it for me.  As far as the concept above, it's god awful in my opinion {sorry} however the crest isn't all that bad...


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again, this whole alternate thing for dallas i would probably love if it werent for all that red. if they figured all of the red out of the logo and jersey, it would make for a good alternate.

With or without the red, two things are still wrong with that jersey. The logo sucks when compared to a good one like the Houston Texans and the jersey is really bad as well. Get some color in the shoulders by coloring them like the Canadiens whites or at least a secondary logo.

Here's an idea for Dallas. Just have a home and an away and skip the alternate.



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Well, not all jerseys need to have something thrown on the shoulders.  In this case, there's nothing that would help. *heh*

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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