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Reebok and Majestic "start" an old fad


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So in the end, did Reebok buy out whoever owns Starter/Pro Player/whoever?

I was thinking about this...

Starter (the company) still exists, as it produces just plain, low-cost clothes for discount stores like Wal-Mart. I'm guessing that Starter is getting paid by Reebok and Majestic to make these jackets, and I think that only because I assume Starter still has the design patent.

Starter is now a part of the Exeter group, which is owned by Nike.


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I'll still have my old red and yellow Rockets one from 7th Grade, it was WAY to big for me back then but I was the only one at school with one (Everyone else had Cowboys or Oilers). Maybe it will actually fit now.

Just saw the Patriots on the site.


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I, too had the Jaguars one with the original logo. There is no black on the jacket at all. I think mine was brown instead of teal by the time I hung it up for the last time, though.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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I'll still have my old red and yellow Rockets one from 7th Grade, it was WAY to big for me back then but I was the only one at school with one (Everyone else had Cowboys or Oilers). Maybe it will actually fit now.

Just saw the Patriots on the site.


"At this time, we are not able to ship products outside of the United States."

Bugger bugger bugger

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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If you do that shipping make sure you check out all the insurance and customs you have to pay on something like that. They can really burn you and especially if they think you are trying to make money off of someone in another country.

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If you do that shipping make sure you check out all the insurance and customs you have to pay on something like that. They can really burn you and especially if they think you are trying to make money off of someone in another country.

What...make money off of my close, personal friend rmered?

No way. I am just offering to make possible something that the company is not willing to.

BTW, it would be shipped as a "gift", which it would be, and there are no customs problems. And it would be insured, no problems.

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So Fla.

I hear ya, I am just warning you that I have had bad experience with this in the past. My godmother who lives in Scotland picked up a full used kilt for me. When she went to send it they made her over value it and I had to end up paying taxes on this 'gift' that I was receiving from abroad.

Bottom line- an item that was purchased for $200 was valued at $1,000 for insurance purposes and required me to pay $300 as a fee/entrance tax to U.S. customs in order for them to get it to my house in Ohio.

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Team name in front, solid color, nothing gaudy and/or ghetto! Put Reagan back in the White house, Huey Lewis on MTV, take the Daimler out of Chrysler and burn all of the freaking hip-hop cd's! All is right with the world again!

I love this design!

Ummm... hip hop's been around since the mid-70's. It wasn't until Reagan's second term that white kids in the suburbs started listening to it (which caused record companies to focus on fake-ass sensationalistic "gangsta" rap like NWA and Snoop Dogg over real hip hop like Public Enemy and X-Clan, but I digress).

BTW, Reagan would have to be a zombie to take the white house now... not that he wasn't a zombie while he was originally in office :D

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I remember I had one of these back when I was 4. It was one of those small ones (of course), but dammit, it was huge to me. But yeah, good to see that the fad came back around so that I can get one of the real ones. Awesome.



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I remember back in middle school everyone had one of these. I used to rock the old Kelly Green and silver Eagles coat every day. I still have it, but its been ripped to shreds....

Even through the darkest days....this fire burns...always


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One of three prerequisites for being cool in the 90's

#1. Starter Jackets- which had to be worn ALL day long.

#2. Being able to recite the words to "Ice Ice Baby" word for word.

#3. To know how to execute a proper "French Roll" on your pants (If you don't know what THIS is you definately did not grow up in the 90's)

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