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NHL alt. concept by le québécois part III

Le Québécois

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Here's my version of atl uniforms from the Pacific Division...

I went wild with a couple of them because I like concept with colors, out of the usual boring NHL stuff...

if you're a conservative type of person, chances are you won't like them ahahhaha

The Coyotes one is a salute to the deeply missed Winnipeg days. The Ducks is based upon a alt. from the Mighty Ducks in 1998-99 season.

as always, C and C are welcome...

at the end of my 6 sets, I'll make the improvments based upon your comments that are very good so far...

done in MSPaint...






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The Stars?

It's too busy--and the sleeves different colours may work for a fashion jersey--but on the ice it could get confusing.

The Kings? A little too Hollywood--but then again, maybe that's what they need.

The others workd for me colourwise.

I realize this is for alts---and so you went way out there on one, and a bit on another.

But if the Kings one had yellow stripes, and not dots--it could work.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Yotes - add black trim and you have perfection.

Ducks - Don't know not feeling this one. The wordmark/logo is very weak. its already a bit weak as it is on the current set, and the alternate seems like a carry over. the old script logo from the old alts might work.

Kings - it might work at the height of disco but not in 2006. I like the burger king man logo and even the colors, but i don't like the dots. But i do see where you are going with it, but it might could use some work.

Sharks - i really like the template you used. It would make a nice alternate to their current set. certainly better than the current black alternate which reminds me of a practice jersey than a alt. what you have is a nice upgrade.

Stars - i like where you are comming from heres my suggestion, make the left arm match the right arm and center the big star and put on on the back to match. maybe add the gold/white stripes at the bottom. Put the logo in its proper place and you have a jersey that i *might* consider buying.



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Coyotes need some black trim in there and it's fine.

I don't like having the wordmark on the Ducks jersey. Their primary is enough of a wordmark as it is. Not crazy about the striping either.

Kings: No comment. I don't like it, but I don't hate it either.

Sharks: Very nice, almost perfect. The part I like most: the drop shadows on the numbers! It looks awesome with that font.

Stars: I kind of like it, but realistically it's just too busy.

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Kings, always loved that Kings face logo, loose the gold circles they look tacky

Sharks is really good!

Stars... One of the best Stars concepts I've seen posted on this sight... VERY GOOD. Too busy? Yer kiddin' me!? Looks great, very creative!

Always love yer stuff!

- a rare poster

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