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Changes at Micky D.

Dark Angel

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Not a bad thought. My guess is that they'll tailor the interior schemes to match the demographic of the area in which the restaurants are located - more "family friendly" seating and attractions in the suburban areas close to residences and more of the lounge and high-top, singles seating in commercial and office districts.

I give it a thumbs-up. Now if they would only do something about that dreadful, new "upscale" coffee of theirs. That was a complete downgrade.

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2. They must not change the food. They MUST NOT change the food. Repeating again for anyone dense enough to have not gotten it yet; they must not change the food. Offer additional choices. Ad dmore salads, more grilled chicken, add a healthy wheat burrito wrap, whatever you need to do, but do not stop making big macs, shakes and the most delicious fries on the planet. If you want health food, go somewhere else. I will never understand people bitching about McDonalds food. If you think it is unhealthy, go be a rabbit and eat carrots and lettuce for all I care. Leave McDonalds alone. If I want a greasy cheesburger, who are you to tell me I can't have one? If McDonalds wants to sell a greasy cheeseburger to me, who are you tell them they shouldn't? There are plenty of places to go get something more healthy.

If already furious you health nazis killed the fired cherry pies at McDs, if you kill the Big Mac, I swear I'm gonna start shooting.

I'd be in there with the knife shanking people as well.



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There are two McD's near me in the Atlanta area that are the new fancy starbuck-style format.

But two things must remain true about McDonalds:

1. They MUST have playgrounds. Why would the worlds most kid friendly restaurant ruin that status by killing the playgrounds? We go once a week, particularly if it is raining, to let the kids run around, eat some food they like, and get some energy out. If all McDon's become Starbucks, I'll quit going there, and patronize Burger King from now on.

2. They must not change the food. They MUST NOT change the food. Repeating again for anyone dense enough to have not gotten it yet; they must not change the food. Offer additional choices. Ad dmore salads, more grilled chicken, add a healthy wheat burrito wrap, whatever you need to do, but do not stop making big macs, shakes and the most delicious fries on the planet. If you want health food, go somewhere else. I will never understand people bitching about McDonalds food. If you think it is unhealthy, go be a rabbit and eat carrots and lettuce for all I care. Leave McDonalds alone. If I want a greasy cheesburger, who are you to tell me I can't have one? If McDonalds wants to sell a greasy cheeseburger to me, who are you tell them they shouldn't? There are plenty of places to go get something more healthy.

If already furious you health nazis killed the fired cherry pies at McDs, if you kill the Big Mac, I swear I'm gonna start shooting.

haha amen

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There are two McD's near me in the Atlanta area that are the new fancy starbuck-style format.

The one my sister runs is like that. Actually, hers was the first in the US.

Very nice design. Uses lots of earth tones and stone & wood in the decor. Of course, they're changing it again. Her franchise owner likes remodels, and McD's corporate likes to use her stores to experiment, so they tend to throw money into changing things.

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My McDonald's has the arches and the red and yellow outside. But don't forget, it has the latest N64 games there. No lie. Huge ad on the window.

Play the latest N64 games here.




Haha nice that was an awsome game!

any way this is nothing new a McDonalds in my area has has the olive green in the color scheme for awhile now

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Good call JR. If they de-emphasize the kids too much they are in trouble. As kitsch as they may look, the playgrounds got to be the bread and butter of the suburb McD's. I think you are dead-on Yale. Demographically distributed areas.


Don't change the classic menu, add a completely new menu and make crazy sandwiches fresh like their subsidary Chipotle.

But seriously folks, its McDonalds. People are going their either way. I don't even like it and sometimes I just randomly crave the fries.

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Good call JR. If they de-emphasize the kids too much they are in trouble. As kitsch as they may look, the playgrounds got to be the bread and butter of the suburb McD's. I think you are dead-on Yale.


Add good that is easy to customize. Don't change the classic menu, add a completely new menu and make crazy sandwiches fresh like their subsidary Chipotle.

But seriously folks, its McDonalds. People are going their either way. I don't even like it and sometimes I just randomly crave the fries.

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Those pictures look like the next extension of the way they've modernised their look here in Australia. The quality of the food preparation here has also improved out of sight, but I think that was because the former CEO was an Australian and used us as a test market at times.

They even use real eggs and real bacon now in the McMuffins :o

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Think it would be a mistake if they do a major overhaul. THe golden arches are probably the most recognised logo in the world.

yep, they are and it would be a mistake to change, doesn't anything just stay the same anymore?

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