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Changes at Micky D.

Dark Angel

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I'd heard on the news that after 30t years that McDonalds are replacing their world-famous golden arch logo next years. Does anyone know any truth this rumor.

PS, Is it just me or did Jack in the Box got a new logo because I saw this commercial on Monday during the Kings-Avs game and the logo was a sillouette of Jack.

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Hmmm, I don't know about that one. I work for an architectural firm, and we're doing a project with a McDonald's that's based on the new design templates. Nowhere in the drawings that we have do I see a logo different from the one they currently use.


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McDonald's is redesigning its restaurants. Not in a Starbucks/coffehouse kind of way, but a little more adult contemporary and upscale from the bright red, white and yellow schemes that have been the norm. With the exception of some restaurants that are intentionally designed to look like 50's-era buildings (huge arches that cut through the roof), these seem to feature more free-standing signs with less obvious graphics.

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Well as an interior-architectural designer and architect, i welcome any change they bring. So far here in vancouver, the downtown mcdonalds went through an overhaul for a more grown up look. The whole yellow and red bs they had going for a long time is gone and the mcdonalds all around bc are getting a major face-lift.

More of an adult look, which isn't bad and hopefully they actually make better food so it's not soo much fart power and stomach pains as it is now.

Wendy's needs a major look change, the carpet is still 60-70's retro and makes me want to puke. That wendy's logo could also go through a change, it went from being partners to owning Tim hortons to losing that partnership and then going back to just the Wendy's.

And Joker, the one downtown and the new one on marine drive (there are 2, one is still red/yellow) the yellow and red is barely there, there's just a touch of it left.

I don't even know why i just typed all of this out, i don't even eat fast food (damn nephews and neices love it so i end up taking them there and having coffee).


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The food needs to change, big time. They changed the oil i heard, to vegetable oil or something whereas it was lard before and that was pretty gross if ppl actually loved the food back then.

I'm not one of those ppl that is gonna preach healthy eating, i eat healthy but i cook for myself or go to a restaurant rather than grab fast food. McDonalds can improve their food very easily if they wanted to. I did work at mcdonalds back in the day (gr 10-11) so i know that not much as changed in terms of food prep.

The logo could go though, they went from Ronald, to the arches, and the stupid little characters of which people only remembered Grimace and Hamburglar to now changing it to a more modern-grown up era.


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I grew up less than 3 miles from McDonalds World Headquarters in Oak Brook, IL (west-suburban Chicago), and my folks still live there. There is a brand-new remodled McD's across the street from "Hamburger University," the place they send people who want to buy a franchise, and it is likely a prototype for future McDonalds, to some extent. Very modern, with lots of chrome, and plasma TV's all over the place. It also has a coffee bar/muffin bagel stand that has wi-fi capabilities. Definatly not geared towords kids...


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The one i went to had arcade games, video touch screen games and a mini basketball hoop instead of a playplace. I think it'll just make the kids fatter. Instead of getting excercise after all that fat they get to sit on their asses and exercise their thumbs.


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It sounds like some of the McDonaldses will look like the one heading west on the Masspike (I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about). I like the 50's style look. It certainly won't make me eat their food, but it'll at least be aesthetically pleasing.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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There are two McD's near me in the Atlanta area that are the new fancy starbuck-style format.

But two things must remain true about McDonalds:

1. They MUST have playgrounds. Why would the worlds most kid friendly restaurant ruin that status by killing the playgrounds? We go once a week, particularly if it is raining, to let the kids run around, eat some food they like, and get some energy out. If all McDon's become Starbucks, I'll quit going there, and patronize Burger King from now on.

2. They must not change the food. They MUST NOT change the food. Repeating again for anyone dense enough to have not gotten it yet; they must not change the food. Offer additional choices. Ad dmore salads, more grilled chicken, add a healthy wheat burrito wrap, whatever you need to do, but do not stop making big macs, shakes and the most delicious fries on the planet. If you want health food, go somewhere else. I will never understand people bitching about McDonalds food. If you think it is unhealthy, go be a rabbit and eat carrots and lettuce for all I care. Leave McDonalds alone. If I want a greasy cheesburger, who are you to tell me I can't have one? If McDonalds wants to sell a greasy cheeseburger to me, who are you tell them they shouldn't? There are plenty of places to go get something more healthy.

I'm already furious you health nazis killed the fired cherry pies at McDs, if you kill the Big Mac, I swear I'm gonna start shooting.

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