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LA Spiders


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I lended a hand, and updated his unifroms. He might not use these but I think there pretty slick. The colors were Red, Black, and a hint of yellow. I change the red to darker, slate black, and vegas gold. All I didnt use were the logos, with out kingsss knowing. Please some C&C



Someone be a World Champ, please!

Fantasy Football Keeper League.....PM me if you want to join!!

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I love the design, perfect for a fantasy team...maybe try to lower the opacity on the webs...give it the ghost flame effext, that could look sick:)


ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ

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i think you should restrict the spider web to the shoulders and change the side stripes to solid stripes with the piping (or thin stripe) around them (match the stripe color to the web background color on the shoulder)...there is a little much web going on for my taste

i also think that you should put the spider logo back on the helmet (unless that's a ripped off logo)...maybe you could put a web at the front of the helmet and have the spider dangle from a strand onto each side - wouldn't work for me in real life, but for a fantasy (or indoor league, for that matter), it might work...

on the helmet, i wonder if there is a reason that the gold stripe on the right side is smaller than the one on the left?

and i agree that the single digit numbers are stretched too wide

overall, it is a big improvement, and hopefully kingsss will appreciate the work that you put into these

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Did kingssss ask you do to that, or did you take it upon yourself? Seems like a harsh criticism of it "you're not missing much" if you did it on your own.

If kingssss didn't ask you do then you shouldn't have criticized his unis the way you did. You could have create a new uni set and said that it was based on or inspired by kingssss' unis.

It is a good start but there is too much web for my liking. If you kept the web to the pants only then it would look really nice and not as overboard.

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As I can tell the web was a little overboard so I will turn that done.

Legman & Nyy: I'm taking the idea of ghost flames, and trying to take Oregon's idea on there yellow helmet. I will give you the birth of ghost helmet ghost web. I do not have the talents and programs to create logos, this will have to do.

FNZ51: I have trouble with numbers on my jersey sizing. I'm working on it now.


Someone be a World Champ, please!

Fantasy Football Keeper League.....PM me if you want to join!!

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Stallion, you can't just edit someone's concept. You have to ask permission. It's not right. You insulted the previous concept, and then you ask what Kingsss thinks of it? Your line of reasoning and logic does not compute to me. You're going to get minimal c&c because everyone's going to focus on the moral issue.

You've painted yourself into a corner my friend, how are you going to get out?

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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Stallion, you can't just edit someone's concept. You have to ask permission. It's not right. You're going to get minimal c&c because everyone's going to focus on the moral issue.

You've painted yourself into a corner my friend, how are you going to get out?

Ummmm....i think you dont know what the :censored: your talking about, I have got plenty on C&C so far. I never used his logos just his name. He doesn't have to use my concept, but it was fun to design. Maybe you should :censored:ing calm down then.

There I got out..the you could have driven a bus through the hole!


Someone be a World Champ, please!

Fantasy Football Keeper League.....PM me if you want to join!!

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I'm not angry at all, in fact, the only time my heartrate went up was when I saw all the " :censored: "

I'm completely calm, so cut it out with the explenitives.

Maybe you're the one who should

:censored:ing calm down then.

To use your words.

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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a couple ideas i have is to add the weebed pattern to the socks and helmet, i would of kept the web patter on the shoulders to and eliminated the web on the sides and pants.

i agree - the shoulders are going to be much more visible than the sides and lend themselves to the design

Ummmm....i think you dont know what the your talking about, I have got plenty on C&C so far. I never used his logos just his name. He doesn't have to use my concept, but it was fun to design.

if you didn't use his logos and he didn't ask for you to re-design, there really was no reason for you to post his uniforms and take a swipe at them...just change the city name and post this as a concept...just a thought

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i dont htink theres an issue of making a concept of someone elses fantasy football team...who cares...

now making a concept based on a concept of somebody elses fantasy football concept...THATS just wrong!


ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ

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Everyone else is right. It's a good idea and has a lot of potential, but:

- the web should be on the shoulders, not the side panels

- the number font really sucks

I will also add that no one will ever be able to see the ghost web on the helmet. Either go all out, or don't do that. Also, the off-white numbers on a white jersey is pretty gross.

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