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Former Penn St. DL charged with murder


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I am surprised that this has not been posted before, then again, many of our forum would only post something similar only if the defendant attended a SEC school, or the University of Miami.

BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) -- A former Penn State football player was arrested Tuesday in the killing of a student who was stabbed 93 times, after tests showed the ex-player's DNA was inside a bloody glove found at the murder scene.


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Is it really necessary to stab someone 93 times? Honestly? Regardless of what the guy did(if anything) to deserve being stabbed, 93 times is just, well...wrong, as if being stabbed, period, isn't wrong.

Like I really needed another reason to frown upon Penn State, this mess pops up.

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It was a freak accident...I was just sitting there loading my knife when it went off without a warning. Must have had a hair trigger. :blink:

Your knife has a double-set trigger? :unsure:

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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OJ didn't do it, but if he DID, he would have done it like this...

Well, it just hasn't been the Big Ten's month, now has it?

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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They can cure the guy, just as soon as they find a cure for 93 stab wounds.

"How are we doing boys?"

"We're up to 17!"

He doesn't get mad, he gets stabby.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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I swear officer, the knife was taunting me. He didn't believe that i could stab someone that many times, but i sure showed him ;) This reminds me of a time when one of my co-workers was picked up for murdering his wife with a hammer. BTW, he used the other end....52 times!

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He doesn't get mad, he gets stabby.

Which movie has the line "I don't get mad; I get stabby?"

Fat Tony says it on the Simpsons episode where the mafia builds handicap-accessible ramps for the school:

Skinner: $200,000?! Are you mad?!

Fat Tony: I don't get mad; I get stabby.


oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Nice to see Maryland exporting murder now, at least this won't get chalked up to Baltimore.

He must've been in good shape. I'm guessing 93 stabbs is gonna take a little out of you.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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