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Michael Vick/Ron Mexico


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ATLANTA (AP) - Michael Vick reluctantly surrendered a water bottle to security at Miami International Airport that contained a residue "closely associated with marijuana," police said Wednesday.

The Atlanta Falcons' quarterback entered a concourse Wednesday morning at the airport with the 20-ounce bottle. He eventually handed it over and boarded his flight to Atlanta. But his initial reluctance to turn over the bottle aroused suspicion among airport security screeners, a police report said.

The bottle was found to have a hidden compartment that contained "a small amount of dark particulate and a pungent aroma closely associated with marijuana," the report said. The compartment was hidden by the bottle's label so that it appeared to be a full bottle of water when held upright, police said.

No charges have been filed, but police said the bottle would be sent to a lab for analysis.

Vick did not immediately return a phone call early Thursday.

"We plan to look into the matter and discuss it with Michael Vick before having any further comment," Falcons spokesman Reggie Roberts said.

The article doesn't say that he was arrested and/or charged with possession of marijuana. It could be interesting to see where this goes.

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Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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Plausible explanation, but the article says Michael Vick, not Carmelo Anthony.

Most Liked Content of the Day -- February 15, 2017, August 21, 2017, August 22, 2017     /////      Proud Winner of the CCSLC Post of the Day Award -- April 8, 2008

Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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Two thoughts:

1) You have to be an idiot to try to smuggle weed on a plane by hiding it in a 20-ounce bottle... was Ronnie Mexico completely oblivious to the whole stink over the TSA's 3-ounce limit? He deserves to be arrested for sheer stupidity.

2) When will this country realize that marijuana is a non-addictive, fairly harmless drug? Most developed countries in this world treat it like a stronger version of alcohol, subject to regulation but not ridiculously taboo. Seems to me that when people are getting stabbed 93 times, police should have better things to worry about than people getting high occasionally when they have a few months off work.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Two thoughts:

1) You have to be an idiot to try to smuggle weed on a plane by hiding it in a 20-ounce bottle... was Ronnie Mexico completely oblivious to the whole stink over the TSA's 3-ounce limit? He deserves to be arrested for sheer stupidity.

2) When will this country realize that marijuana is a non-addictive, fairly harmless drug? Most developed countries in this world treat it like a stronger version of alcohol, subject to regulation but not ridiculously taboo. Seems to me that when people are getting stabbed 93 times, police should have better things to worry about than people getting high occasionally when they have a few months off work.

Ya, I agree.

Most Liked Content of the Day -- February 15, 2017, August 21, 2017, August 22, 2017     /////      Proud Winner of the CCSLC Post of the Day Award -- April 8, 2008

Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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Two thoughts:

1) You have to be an idiot to try to smuggle weed on a plane by hiding it in a 20-ounce bottle... was Ronnie Mexico completely oblivious to the whole stink over the TSA's 3-ounce limit? He deserves to be arrested for sheer stupidity.

2) When will this country realize that marijuana is a non-addictive, fairly harmless drug? Most developed countries in this world treat it like a stronger version of alcohol, subject to regulation but not ridiculously taboo. Seems to me that when people are getting stabbed 93 times, police should have better things to worry about than people getting high occasionally when they have a few months off work.

Ron Mexico has never impressed me with his gray matter, so I think scenario #1 is a distinct possibility.

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All jokes aside, fact of the matter is, it's freakin trivial. I mean come on, you want the Falcons to cut the dude because they found "residue and particles" or marijuana in a compartment. I know he's had the history with the whole Ron Mexico and the Dirty Bird incident, but fact of the matter is, quite frankly, at QB he's all we got. Schaub was revealed to be a backup, to my dismay (people tend to forget that the Eagles 3rd stringers were too much of a match for him) and D.J. Shockley won't be ready to do anything in the NFL for at least another year.

I'm not saying absolve Vick from the whole situation, because he needs to be punished and taken out of that comfort zone he's been in. So yeah, I do agree with Tank when I say that there should be a QB race at training camp next year because there is a possibilty that the Eagles game was just an abberation and Schaub might actually be the man. But dammit, someone needs to get Vick under control. Still nothing to cut/trade/crucify a $130 million man for.



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All jokes aside, fact of the matter is, it's freakin trivial. I mean come on, you want the Falcons to cut the dude because they found "residue and particles" or marijuana in a compartment. I know he's had the history with the whole Ron Mexico and the Dirty Bird incident, but fact of the matter is, quite frankly, at QB he's all we got. Schaub was revealed to be a backup, to my dismay (people tend to forget that the Eagles 3rd stringers were too much of a match for him) and D.J. Shockley won't be ready to do anything in the NFL for at least another year.

I'm not saying absolve Vick from the whole situation, because he needs to be punished and taken out of that comfort zone he's been in. So yeah, I do agree with Tank when I say that there should be a QB race at training camp next year because there is a possibilty that the Eagles game was just an abberation and Schaub might actually be the man. But dammit, someone needs to get Vick under control. Still nothing to cut/trade/crucify a $130 million man for.

Depending on if he tested positive before (which we don't know if he has or has not) he could be suspended for this if the test on the bottle come back positive. If he gets a 4 game suspension then the Falcons might think about moving him.

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All jokes aside, fact of the matter is, it's freakin trivial. I mean come on, you want the Falcons to cut the dude because they found "residue and particles" or marijuana in a compartment. I know he's had the history with the whole Ron Mexico and the Dirty Bird incident, but fact of the matter is, quite frankly, at QB he's all we got. Schaub was revealed to be a backup, to my dismay (people tend to forget that the Eagles 3rd stringers were too much of a match for him) and D.J. Shockley won't be ready to do anything in the NFL for at least another year.

I'm not saying absolve Vick from the whole situation, because he needs to be punished and taken out of that comfort zone he's been in. So yeah, I do agree with Tank when I say that there should be a QB race at training camp next year because there is a possibilty that the Eagles game was just an abberation and Schaub might actually be the man. But dammit, someone needs to get Vick under control. Still nothing to cut/trade/crucify a $130 million man for.

Depending on if he tested positive before (which we don't know if he has or has not) he could be suspended for this if the test on the bottle come back positive. If he gets a 4 game suspension then the Falcons might think about moving him.

I don't know how, the cap hit would be a killer. So I wouldn't move him just yet.

I'm also kinda scared of that he might be the third rung to the Atlanta Boomerang Effect. Favre (that may be disputed since he was inept here), and Deion (2 rings) have both found ways to burn us in the future, and if we end up getting rid of Vick, then he goes on to greatness, then I'll be convinced that the franchise is cursed.

And there I go on another tangent. Point is, the suspension might be a blessing in disguise so we can see what Schaub can do as the Starter who's actually prepared for it. But still, I wouldn't move Vick since the cap hit would hurt us for a couple of years.



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