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I recently displayed my 2 fantasy football concepts, the New York Knights and Washington Federals. Now comes the 3rd of 4 concepts, the Orlando Hurricanes:







Notice I'm bringing the lime green back to Orlando! (Can you tell me which team used the lime green jerseys? C'mon, you know this!)

The L.A. Stars are coming up shortly.

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Brings back painful memories of the Orlando Thunder......

Personally, the lime green doesn't work for me, especially when it's nowhere to be found in the logo. If there was at least a reason to make the jerseys lime green, maybe I'd like it more.

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And on that note, we cue the music.

And by music, I mean the slew of anti-gradient criticism.

Also, the logo borrows perhaps-too-heavily from the Carolina Hurricanes. Since it's a fantasy team, however, perhaps it doesn't matter. Perhaps I'm conflicted?

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I have no problem with the existence of the lime green. But if you're gonna have it on the unis, you need it on the logo. Perhaps put the lime green in the football (or a lime green football).

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

I tweet & tumble.

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You need to add lime green to the logo, the jersey looks out of place with no green appearing in the logo. The gradients don't look good, you should just get rid of those. Take off the hurricane from the front of the jersey, it would look better with just the wordmark.


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i like the gradients in a weird sort of way. since the issue of tradition is out the window, i think they are ok to use:)


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I think you've actually made the gradients work, however I'd make the dark jersey navy with a green gradient instead of the other way around. As others have said, there needs to be some green in the logo, and the football needs to be more abstract to match the rest of the logo. great start though.

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