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New nhl proposals released!


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Commish for a day.

Eliminate Ties. After overtime, if teams are still tied, go to 5 on 5 shootout.

Abolish Points System. Since ties will be no more, a simple win-loss column will work fine.

Move nets back to original position. (that was just done through the new proposals, so that's fine)

Contract Eight NHL Teams. The Panthers, Ducks, Hurricanes, Predators, & Thrasers are the teams i have earmarked for execution. The remaining three franchises could be discussed about and later removed.

Remove the Blue Lines. Cut the ice in half. It provides enormous room for offensive plays, and oddman rushes, without having to expand the ice surface. the skill position players would really be able to open the throttle on their playmaking abilities. The fast action, and fewer offsides whistles, will give hockey back the speed it has craved since the 80's.

Reduce The Number Of Games from 82 to 60. Unblanaced schedules to play a massive majority of your games against division opponents. Few, if any, inter-conference games.

NFL-type Salary Structure. THis can't happen without the NHLPA, but if one could get it done, it would bode HUGE success for the NHL as far as securing their finances, plus whould keep free-spending owners from inflating player salaries.

Rename the Conferences. Under the 22 team league, each conference would have 11 teams. Since the playoff structure doesn't rely on divisions anymore, i would eliminate the divisions, and just have two, 11 team conferences. the East would become the Prince of Wales Conference, and the West would become the Clarence S, Campbell Conference.

Restructure Playoff System. Playoff teams would be cut from 8 per conference to 4 per conference.

Minor rule changes would be addressed and either kept or changed on a case by case basis after all of the major changes have had their time, to see what is need to be changed, if anything.

This is my NHL.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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Commish for a day.

Eliminate Ties. After overtime, if teams are still tied, go to 5 on 5 shootout.

Abolish Points System. Since ties will be no more, a simple win-loss column will work fine.

Remove the Blue Lines. Cut the ice in half. It provides enormous room for offensive plays, and oddman rushes, without having to expand the ice surface. the skill position players would really be able to open the throttle on their playmaking abilities. The fast action, and fewer offsides whistles, will give hockey back the speed it has craved since the 80's.

This is my NHL.

The thing with ties and points is that those systems have been around since the beginning of the NHL and has managed to work well for the past 86 years.  To abolish them would mean breaking a major tradition.  For that same reason,  I never want to see a Shootout in the regular season.  It isn't fair to the goaltenders who happened to each work their asses off to legitimately get a shutout in a scoreless tie only to have it snapped in the 66th minute.  All the shutout records of today and yesteryear will never be touched.  I can see it being used in the All-Star game and the Olympics, but I'd rather watch six hours of overtime than a shootout.  Shootout's just don't feel legitimate.

I do say that the OTL point should be done away with.  But ties must stay.

The fact that we allow ties is one of the things that separates us from the other leagues.  The NFL also has ties but they are not as common.  If we were to initiate the shootout in the NHL, why not have a field goal kicking contest at the end of OT in the NFL?

If they want the speed and fast pace of the 80's, why don't they just return to the formats of the 80's?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Excellent point about the points. I am a traditionalist. Always have been, but the way the game is going, and what has already been done to it, it's time to start with a clean slate, start fresh, and try to get the NHL back to being a worthwhile league (is this ME talking?)

A for the shootout, a simple solution to your problems. If a game goes to a shootout with both goalies shutting out the other team for 60 minuets plus the 5 minuet overtime, then they get those shutouts. The shootout will not effect that. I guess you could look at it in a soccer sense, where i've seen plenty of scoreboxes like 0-0 (3-2).. something like that. If you go 65 minuets whithout allowing a goal, you deserve that shutout, and will get it.

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Hmm... I don't see why everyone's panties are getting all wrapped up about the Goalie part. The goalie's coming out and playing the puck is what is killing the forechecks. The goalie's having to stay in the crease (where they belong) will allow the trap to be broken more easily.

And about shootouts, I'm sick and god dang tired of seeing tie after tie after tie. I would love to see shootouts in the NHL. Seeing the best stickhandlers and shooters come down on the best goalies, would be a thrill to watch, I would actually watch an overtime. It would draw more people in to watching the game, *gasp* some people might actually look forward to an overtime *end gasp*

I for one hope we see shootouts and soon, so sick of ties.

Oh and in reply to stampman's post, are single goal ties hockey?  Is the trap hockey?  Yeah they might be, but that's a big reason why the sport is so dang boring to watch anymore.  The trap and ties= Big yawn.

Let's go Pens!

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NO-SHOOTOUTS!!!!! Hockey is a team sport let the team decide who wins, not individuals.

Let the goaltenders play the puck, not allowing them to is like telling a QB that can run in football that he can't run passed the line of scrimmage.

The Canadiens won all thier cups in the 50's, 60's and 60's playing the trap, were they killing hockey???

Hockey is and will always be a defensive game. 1-0 games are better than 6-5 game.

Hockey needs more clean checking. The game is too euro. More checking and the NHL needs to sell the hard hits, and the NHL needs to sell the goalies as stars. The NHL biggest problem iusn't on the ice, it's the PR department.

Bettman needs to go!!!!!! That will help hokcey alot.

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I hate when people whine over defensive games. Deffense can be just as fun as a shootout.

Look at the playoffs when a game goes deep into OT how can you not think taht is exciting?



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I hate when people whine over defensive games. Deffense can be just as fun as a shootout.

Look at the playoffs when a game goes deep into OT how can you not think taht is exciting?

I'm backing you up on that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't mind ties if both teams played hard and it stayed a tie becasue they both fought hard--a tie because they were afraid to lose? yeah that is boring.

The trap may be dull, but it is team oriented...

Shootouts would lose their novelty after a while and then we'd debate how to spruce up the game--if you want shootouts--they should bring back the old HNIC intermission show--"Showdown" where shooters and goalies competed in shootouts against each other.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Outside the "tag-up" on offsides, most of these don't make sense.  Also, why are the meetings in Las Vegas in all places?  Hmmm... ???

My ideas that would actually do something to the game, as opposed to ones GMs create that won't effect the game.

1. Nix the two-line offside pass.  Let some teams take a chance at cherry picking.  No big thick lines needed!

2. As much as some traditionalists hate it, but automatic icing may need to be necessary.  Every season you see a mad rush down the ice and someone gets hurt.

3. Take the NFL-style salary situation PLUS adding a hometown veteran exemption.  (A rule that would've kept Jerry Rice in San Francisco) and could keep big time stars in a place where they are loved.  I mean, if you lost your team's big star because of a salary cap stipulation, it's just wrong and not right.

4. If idea 3 doesn't work, help the struggling teams out.  An even playing field has made the NFL popular because any team can win on any given day.  While beating Pittsburgh 8-1 is great, but playing in Pittsburgh in front of 7,000 fans who pay their hard earned money to see a team that was out of the this year's playoffs since last season ain't fun.  Nor does it help those markets to establish players and teams.  Last thing I need to see is more Sun Belt teams.  Las Vegas Penguins or the Jacksonville Flames just isn't right.

5. Here's an idea, get a TV contract.  At last check ESPN and ABC supposedly shows the NHL.  I found it very insulting that ABC just had to have the "L. A. Lakers on ABC" show before the All-Star Game.  In fact the ASG seemed to be stalled so the Lakers can be seen showing a comeback against a lowly Orlando Magic squad.  Just think if that game went into overtime.  Who gets preference?  Time to get out now.  Unfortunately, no one wants the game because Bettman has watered down the game.  And as much as you guys hate it, the NHL has absolutely no choice but to go back to ABC.  Fox has the first half of NASCAR, then baseball.  NBC has Arena Football in Feb-June.  ABC has the Lakers...oops I mean the Western Conference...er...NBA.  CBS is a possibility but may not fret into hockey which would be pushed off the schedule in crunch time to March Madness.  Dare I say UPN?  You saw what the NFL did to Fox, UPN or even WB could quite possibly join the frey.  As much as ESPNBA has betreyed the NHL, it is crucial to have the homers (to certain teams I won't name) be in the next contract.  The NBA has 4 nights on cable TV, plus 1 day on a network.  The NHL has 1 day on a network and 1 day maybe 2 maximum (on rare occasions 3 nights) on cable.  Have Fox Sports Net do a Saturday night game to get the game out to more people.

6. Speaking of getting the game out to more people.  More exposure of marquee players.  While Keifer Sutherland, Dennis Leary, Jim Belushi, and (most importantly  :D Shania Twain) explain the game, the players can do that job as well.

7. All-Star Games continue to play in the East-West or Wales-Campbell Conference format, but in Olympic years, go to North America vs. the World.  It adds cross promotion to the Olympic games those years.

8. Referee accountability.  Make sure refs know the deinition to each and every rule.  Refs must make proper calls.  don't let it go.  Call it fair and balanced.  Also no super star or big team vs. little team penalties.  One thing I always noticed was how Scotty Bowman worked the refs over on non-penalty calls.  Of course, they then have that thinking in their brain, and call every little thing on the other team.  If you call it on Maxim Afinigenov of Buffalo, you better call it on Mario Lemieux of Pittsburgh, Brett Hull of Detroit, Jaromir Jagr of the Rangers.  

9. Expand the schedule.  Yeah, I said expand. Here's the formula:

1 game vs. each team in the other conference with team A @ team B one year, then team B @ team A next season.(15 games)

4 games vs. each team intraconference, but not in the same division. (40 games)

7 games vs. teams in your own division. (28 games)

5 "Rivalry" games.  Montreal vs. Boston, Toronto vs. Detroit, San Jose vs. Dallas, Colorado vs. Detroit, Vancouver vs. Minnesota, NY Rangers vs. NY Islanders, are some of the big rivalries in the league.  The one thing the league had during the high scoring 1980's was that you played familiar foes sometime 8 times.  This would make rivalries stronger and the playoffs more nastier and challenging.

That makes 88 games.  6 more, 3 more home games, in which teams could reduce ticket prices so a family can afford the games.

10. Make sure Kerry Fraser gets a Aqua Net commercial and that he doesn't get it in his eyes on game nights.  LOL   :laugh:

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

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I wish the NHL's systems of rules and plays would stay the way it is and it could just get all the support it needs.  Promote the game more.  Get big-ass TV contracts.   Lower ticket prices if necessary.  But can't they just leave the game alone?

I have a feeling though that with a potential shortened season again next year, it'd be just enough time to try the "radical" rules.  But only for next season!  And even then we get to decide what to keep.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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2. As much as some traditionalists hate it, but automatic icing may need to be necessary. Every season you see a mad rush down the ice and someone gets hurt.

Have yet to see anyone get hurt on an icing play....

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Outside the "tag-up" on offsides, most of these don't make sense. Also, why are the meetings in Las Vegas in all places? Hmmm... ???

My ideas that would actually do something to the game, as opposed to ones GMs create that won't effect the game.

1. Nix the two-line offside pass. Let some teams take a chance at cherry picking. No big thick lines needed!

2. As much as some traditionalists hate it, but automatic icing may need to be necessary. Every season you see a mad rush down the ice and someone gets hurt.

3. Take the NFL-style salary situation PLUS adding a hometown veteran exemption. (A rule that would've kept Jerry Rice in San Francisco) and could keep big time stars in a place where they are loved. I mean, if you lost your team's big star because of a salary cap stipulation, it's just wrong and not right.

4. If idea 3 doesn't work, help the struggling teams out. An even playing field has made the NFL popular because any team can win on any given day. While beating Pittsburgh 8-1 is great, but playing in Pittsburgh in front of 7,000 fans who pay their hard earned money to see a team that was out of the this year's playoffs since last season ain't fun. Nor does it help those markets to establish players and teams. Last thing I need to see is more Sun Belt teams. Las Vegas Penguins or the Jacksonville Flames just isn't right.

5. Here's an idea, get a TV contract. At last check ESPN and ABC supposedly shows the NHL. I found it very insulting that ABC just had to have the "L. A. Lakers on ABC" show before the All-Star Game. In fact the ASG seemed to be stalled so the Lakers can be seen showing a comeback against a lowly Orlando Magic squad. Just think if that game went into overtime. Who gets preference? Time to get out now. Unfortunately, no one wants the game because Bettman has watered down the game. And as much as you guys hate it, the NHL has absolutely no choice but to go back to ABC. Fox has the first half of NASCAR, then baseball. NBC has Arena Football in Feb-June. ABC has the Lakers...oops I mean the Western Conference...er...NBA. CBS is a possibility but may not fret into hockey which would be pushed off the schedule in crunch time to March Madness. Dare I say UPN? You saw what the NFL did to Fox, UPN or even WB could quite possibly join the frey. As much as ESPNBA has betreyed the NHL, it is crucial to have the homers (to certain teams I won't name) be in the next contract. The NBA has 4 nights on cable TV, plus 1 day on a network. The NHL has 1 day on a network and 1 day maybe 2 maximum (on rare occasions 3 nights) on cable. Have Fox Sports Net do a Saturday night game to get the game out to more people.

6. Speaking of getting the game out to more people. More exposure of marquee players. While Keifer Sutherland, Dennis Leary, Jim Belushi, and (most importantly :D Shania Twain) explain the game, the players can do that job as well.

7. All-Star Games continue to play in the East-West or Wales-Campbell Conference format, but in Olympic years, go to North America vs. the World. It adds cross promotion to the Olympic games those years.

8. Referee accountability. Make sure refs know the deinition to each and every rule. Refs must make proper calls. don't let it go. Call it fair and balanced. Also no super star or big team vs. little team penalties. One thing I always noticed was how Scotty Bowman worked the refs over on non-penalty calls. Of course, they then have that thinking in their brain, and call every little thing on the other team. If you call it on Maxim Afinigenov of Buffalo, you better call it on Mario Lemieux of Pittsburgh, Brett Hull of Detroit, Jaromir Jagr of the Rangers.

9. Expand the schedule. Yeah, I said expand. Here's the formula:

1 game vs. each team in the other conference with team A @ team B one year, then team B @ team A next season.(15 games)

4 games vs. each team intraconference, but not in the same division. (40 games)

7 games vs. teams in your own division. (28 games)

5 "Rivalry" games. Montreal vs. Boston, Toronto vs. Detroit, San Jose vs. Dallas, Colorado vs. Detroit, Vancouver vs. Minnesota, NY Rangers vs. NY Islanders, are some of the big rivalries in the league. The one thing the league had during the high scoring 1980's was that you played familiar foes sometime 8 times. This would make rivalries stronger and the playoffs more nastier and challenging.

That makes 88 games. 6 more, 3 more home games, in which teams could reduce ticket prices so a family can afford the games.

10. Make sure Kerry Fraser gets a Aqua Net commercial and that he doesn't get it in his eyes on game nights. LOL :laugh:

1. I could go with allowing 2 line passes the few stoppages of play the better teh game is.

2. I ahte the automatic icing I like when some skates in quickly and nixing the icing creating a scoring chance.

3. I like the idea of a cap taht allows you to keep your own players, thi does helop teams stayt competive and together for a longer time. The thing I hate about the NFL cap is all the changes that happen every season.

5. The NHL does need a better broadcst partner ESPN treats them like second class citizens. What I would like to see is them is to make a deal with CBS?Viacom have games on Spike TV, and in the playoff possiblly expanding to another cable channel like Fox Sports Net of F/X would be a good idea so every game can be on TV. CBS shoudl have a weekly game and UPN should simulcast HNIC.

6. Yes they shoudl market their stars better get them big time endorsement deals and market goalies too. I have never seen Martin Brodeur do a TV commercial and I live in Jersey.

7. I agree with that even though I hate the North America vs World format.

8. Yes Refs need to be held accountable.

9. No the schedule is already long enough.

BTW getting back to teh actual proposal has ayone thought the new goalie red line rule would cause more stoappages for icing. Hiw will that possiblly help the game.



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its about time someone mentioned the PLAYERS in the promotion of the league. We can have all the celebrities and such promoting the NHL all they want, but the bottom is that the majority of fans, diehard and casual alike, identify the PLAYERS as being the marquee attraction of the league. Its not just on the shoulders of the league and the management of the clubs, but the players themselves. They should take it upon themselves to sell thier sport, sell thier teams, and thier league to the people. Product endorsements is just a small step. Start popping in on radio and TV talk shows. Stop being robots and become personalities the public can connect with. We need more personalities like Jeremy Roenick out there. Those are the type of players that sell the game and the league to the fans.

Familiarize the public with the players, and the public will come out to watch them. sounds simple enough

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Yes they shoudl market their stars better get them big time endorsement deals and market goalies too. I have never seen Martin Brodeur do a TV commercial and I live in Jersey.

Wow, I've seen Brodeur in a few commercials up here... Chunky Soup comes to mind.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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The league needs to market their players more to raise the fanbasesa round the league. Gretzky and Mario where the big names in the 90's, they marketed themselves. With them gone (practically) there isn't a clear superstar in the NHL right now. NHL marketing has to look at the young stars out there and make a big deal out of them, get fans excited about seeing these players come to town. There are alot of great youngsters out there, and the league and fans everywhere need to be shouwn that these kids are the real deal. take a page out of the pro-wrestling marketing book and build up that these kids are the next big thing in hockey and promote games where these players are going to meet.

just a comment on makeing the season longer, it already goes well into the spring, almost summer. the right way to go is LESS games...the Stanley Cup should be decided before Mid-May, the season is way too long

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I agree the season is too long their shoudl not be hockey after memorial day. It would be best to have the regualr season end in March and the Playoffs start at the begining of April.



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I agree the season is too long their shoudl not be hockey after memorial day. It would be best to have the regualr season end in March and the Playoffs start at the begining of April.

so you're talking about getting rid of what, 6 to 8 games? The Season should end in late February, early March, the Playoffs should be completed by the end of April -- AT THE LATEST...

Having the Stanley Cup end in June, then Camp staring up in September.... not enough time man.... Hockey needs to take breaks......

Reduce the games, reduce the playoff teams from 8 per, to 4 per...

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The NHL is really in a bind with regard to scheduling the playoffs.  While I agree that the Finals should be completed by the middle of May, to lop a couple of weeks off the regular season means that the first 2 rounds of the playoffs will coincide with the NCAA basketball tournament.  That's not gonna be good for what little TV ratings they have in the first place.
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I love having the playoffs extend into June.  It means I get to watch hockey on my birthday sometimes (like last year, if only for one whole minute).

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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2. As much as some traditionalists hate it, but automatic icing may need to be necessary. Every season you see a mad rush down the ice and someone gets hurt.

Have yet to see anyone get hurt on an icing play....

IIRC, Al MacInnis hurt his shoulder on an icing in last years playoffs. He missed most of em.

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