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NHL Clash Kits (6.24 new Avs)


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OK, here goes...

I've been perusing the board here for quite some time, but only recently decided to finish off some of the ideas I had floating around. One such idea is the concept of the NHL switching to a clash kit style of uniforms. This idea formulated somewhere between seeing some European football matches and, seeing the Flyers play in Boston years ago with both teams wearing colored unis, and the LA Lakers wearing yellow at home.

Of course, this is all for fun an I highly doubt the NHL would do such a thing, nor would I advocated it. But, in theory it would work like this:

Each team would have a PRIMARY uniform that they would wear on every possible occasion...this would give you a stronger team identity, i.e. "this is us. this is who we are. period." On days when two teams would be wearing uniforms too similar to tell apart, the HOME team would wear their SECONDARY uniforms as an alternate, just like alternates have been used in the past. Pretty simple, really.

Since this is an exercise in pure what-if kinda fun, the designs of the uniforms themselves would be open to influences not normally seen in NHL kits. I see things in baseball, soccer, football, even basketball uniforms that could be adapted to hockey in a relatively cool way. That being said, I plan on taking many factors into consideration. The character of the team, the history and traditions of the franchise, and the influence of the fan base would all dictate the nuances that go into each kit.

Blah blah blah, enough rambling. Let's get to it.



I figured there's no better place to start that the team I have grown up loving. Living in and around Philly my whole life, I know the attitude of the fanbase very well. Its a blue-collar town, where frills and flash won't get you far. Keep it simple, and keep it real. The Flyers Logo has only changed in the slightest of ways its 40 year existence, and that is NOT about to change.

In this design I tried to balance the rock-solid tradition of the Flyers and their fans, with something new and fresh for the team (seeing how thats the whole point of this). Orange must be the primary because it is relatively unique in hockey, and by and large the fans dislike the lack or orange in their team's current identity. I tinkered with making a secondary logo for the shoulders, and although I came up with one I liked, it still didn't quite seem to fit. The Flyers have only had one logo ever, and its actually pretty awesome to be one of, if not the only, teams who can claim that. So I ditched it.

The clash kit is a slight modification to the team's original 60s-70s cut, with the black-and-white scheme as a nod to the current home jersey.



Of course, feel free go make your opinion known.

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This is awesome. They should be wearing these in the Finals tonight. Stupid Pens.

exactly... i hate those pens.

Philly hasn't won a championship in 100 seasons... when are they going to?



"Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?"-Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler), Parks and Recreation

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Ugh, your making it hard for people to like you.

I love this idea. Great job, and welcome to the boards.

After looking at it again, I have one suggestion maybe making that black stripe that is next to the white one a little thicker. Other than that, me likey.

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these are incomplete. what you need to do is add a home depot logo where the logo is. Move the flyers logo to a corner of the jersey where nobody sees it. maybe add some extra logo creeps like best buy and Microsoft. That way it'll look more like a soccer kit. That way when the casual fan watchs the team they think they are watching Team Home Depot and not the Philly Flyers. ^_^

actually this is an pretty neat concept though. Maybe make a seperate jersey for the goalie. can't wait for the isles.



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Not bad, and I really love the idea! The Dolphins with their all-white, all the time attitude have put me off white forever lol. I would love to see more color-on-color jersey match ups. Baseball could use this idea the most, but of course tradition would get in the way of that, as with all progress in baseball... *cough*replay*cough* Anyway, good idea and solid jerseys!

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Genius idea, it would certainly bring some brightness to the league.

hence why the canucks yellows garnered so much love ^_^

granted i cant help but love the belleville bulls almost identical jerseys



mia Marek Schwarz



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Did I miss something? White is a pretty bright color itself. Do we need clash kits? No, because in hockey they don't wear kits, they wear uniforms and one team is wear 99% of the time a white uniform which distinguishes it from the other team wearing a darker uniform. Now creating alternates is fine and the jerseys themelves are okay, nothing that would make me want to go out and buy one.



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Did I miss something? White is a pretty bright color itself. Do we need clash kits? No, because in hockey they don't wear kits, they wear uniforms and one team is wear 99% of the time a white uniform which distinguishes it from the other team wearing a darker uniform. Now creating alternates is fine and the jerseys themelves are okay, nothing that would make me want to go out and buy one.

It wouldn't be a concept if we all simply did what the NHL already does.

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This is awesome. They should be wearing these in the Finals tonight. Stupid Pens.

exactly... i hate those pens.

Philly hasn't won a championship in 100 seasons... when are they going to?

I know it's been a while, but 100 seasons??? The Flyers won a couple in the 70s.

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This is awesome. They should be wearing these in the Finals tonight. Stupid Pens.

exactly... i hate those pens.

Philly hasn't won a championship in 100 seasons... when are they going to?

I know it's been a while, but 100 seasons??? The Flyers won a couple in the 70s.

100 seasons between their 4 major teams.

Hi, how are you?

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This is awesome. They should be wearing these in the Finals tonight. Stupid Pens.

exactly... i hate those pens.

Philly hasn't won a championship in 100 seasons... when are they going to?

I know it's been a while, but 100 seasons??? The Flyers won a couple in the 70s.

100 seasons between their 4 major teams.

something the Cubs have done all by themselves. :D



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I like this idea quite a bit.

I like the primary uniform, but as for the clash kit I think it would look better in orange. The black really doesn't do it for me in that concept. I agree that there should be some black in the clash kit if the primary is orange but not on that design.



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I like this idea quite a bit.

I like the primary uniform, but as for the clash kit I think it would look better in orange. The black really doesn't do it for me in that concept. I agree that there should be some black in the clash kit if the primary is orange but not on that design.

But it defeats the entire purpose of the concept if the clash and primary are in the same color. Personally I like both designs as is.

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