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Chicago Blackhawks Concept


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I'm not a huge fan of this. The last thing the Blackhawks need is something modern. You used the All-star template, which doesn't look terrible in this case, but we've seen it so many times that it kinda gets old. The socks are really bad, I can't see how those could look good wrapping around a real leg.

Your work is getting better, though. What program are you using?

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I'm not a huge fan of this. The last thing the Blackhawks need is something modern. You used the All-star template, which doesn't look terrible in this case, but we've seen it so many times that it kinda gets old. The socks are really bad, I can't see how those could look good wrapping around a real leg.

Your work is getting better, though. What program are you using?

I am still using paint but, i am paying more attention to the little things to make the whole thing look better.

yeh i know it is a little out there but I made the logo before i even thought of jerseys but i thought that just a logo was not enough to post.

what do you think of the logo?

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your work is def gettin better. i think once u start utilizing the templates i recommended youll be even better

the logos look good but on the home reds, i think u should have put the black stripe on the sleve next to the white part, bc it will stay consistant with the rest of your uniforms

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I don't know here. It's really a mix of eras, using the newer template, but then putting the circle back over the logo. I like the logo, but I'm not sure if it looks good with the template you're using. I'd go back with some simpler stripe patterns and solid colored socks for sure.

Like everyone's mentioning, your work is looking better. So keep it up man, you're getting there; just take advice and don't get offended when the feedback isn't what you're expecting and you'll be good to go.

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the red shorts aint workin for me, I know the last team the Hawks wanna resemble is the Wings. I would definitely have kept em black. I can't put my finger on what else I'd do differently right now, though.


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I had this idea a few days ago and stated it up as soon as i could.

here is what I did,

1. Put the circle back around the main logo.

2. Changed the RBK edge jersey design that they are wearing now.

3. Put Numbers on the front of the jersey.

Hers it is...





It's not that the design is bad, because its not.

The problem is that it wouldn't work with the Blackhawks, who have one the best jerseys in the league.

Also I suggest staying with the template you used in the first post and not mixing it up with the one you used in the second post. The first one looks so much cleaner.



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I know this is just for fun... with that in mind, it's decent.

However, there are some teams that will never need a redesign...

the Blackhawks being one of them, or any of the original 6 for that matter. Especially now that Boston is back to a more classic look.

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You are just filling in the template, think of more creative things to do with the jerseys.

yeh but the last one that was really creative everyone hated.

It wasn't creative. You just filled in the panels on the EDGE template.


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You are just filling in the template, think of more creative things to do with the jerseys.

yeh but the last one that was really creative everyone hated.

It wasn't creative. You just filled in the panels on the EDGE template.

yeh, and added a sholder logo and the main logo and added a belly stripe and that was only to showcase the logo

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