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Toronto Raptors Concept


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Some of your black shades aren't lining up and your Raptors outer outline on the main logo could possibly be messed up... (I don't know if you meant it to look like that)

Now about the concept itself, I think you over did it with the baby blue. Blue would be an interesting addition to the color scheme, but it should not overpower either the red or black. Also, maybe tone down the brightness of that blue. Blinding.

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All I really wanted to do was get away from the repetition of the use of red/black/white/silver. As per the recent change where they cut purple, I feel like the logo looks monotonous.

Not sure about the colors, but I LOVE THAT PRIMARY LOGO!

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Some of your black shades aren't lining up and your Raptors outer outline on the main logo could possibly be messed up... (I don't know if you meant it to look like that)

Now about the concept itself, I think you over did it with the baby blue. Blue would be an interesting addition to the color scheme, but it should not overpower either the red or black. Also, maybe tone down the brightness of that blue. Blinding.


the only thing i really love about all of this is the use of the non-curved RAPTORS wordmark in the primary. i've thought many a times to use that in a primary logo, and uve done it well here, tho i do get a "soccer crest" feel out of the shape of the primary. for the jerseys, i say yeah tone down the use of the blue and make it more of an accent instead of a secondary color. i love that alt jersey btw, looks sexy.

also, just thought of this...i dont like the asymmetrical shape of the left and right side of the stroking on RAPTORS in the primary.

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I really like this. The one thing I don't like is using the blue for the wordmark and numbers on the white jerseys. I feel like that should be red to match more closely with the side panels.

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The raptor in the logo should at least be wearing a jersey that you've created not yet another one.

Good point!

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I gotta say dude, I'm not feeling these in the slightest. Adding blue to the color scheme is an interesting thought, one that deserves more experimentation, but here you've got a mess. The logo doesn't flow at all for me. It looks entirely pieced together - toss the raptor in with a wordmark, plaster the secondary logo on his chest, throw some weird geometric shape in the back. It just doesn't look thought out. The colors also make me dizzy, literally. It looks eerily similar to looking at those 3D picture books, but without the 3D glasses. The color in those books are always red/pink and a bright, faded, baby blue. Especially the home uniform and the claw logo, I actually cannot look at either of them for long.

If you're going to go with blue, I would darken it up quite a bit, maybe take a hint from what the Blue Jays had prior to the graphite stuff. Also, if blue/red/white are to be the main colors, I'd go ahead and completely remove black - it just seems as a late addition, no real significance. It doesn't accent anything, it's just there for the sake of being there.

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I really like the addition of the baby blue , but i do think it is to prodominant ...

I would use it as an accent and still use a silver aswell , also i cant help but dislike the dino logo , i have never liked it and i think it can be streamlined and focus more on the Raptor Head and ball ...

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Thats the way it is officially anyway.

Caught the discrepancy in the black. Here is an edited version. Also made the blue less bright.


nope, its still there. see the difference in the black between the background of the wordmark in the primary logo and the triangle/raptor...

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Adding blue to the Raps unis is interesting, but this iteration could use some work. The blue is a bit too 'loud' for the jerseys. Darken up the blue (almost Maple Leafs-like*), and the red too.

*Considering the Leafs and Raptors are owned by the same company.



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the logo is the best part about this. the uniform's dont look very good, and the colors red and blue come up way too much in sports, dont make any more teams any shade of red and blue if you dont have to. Ive seen you put up some awesome stuff tho! i was suprised when i saw this one coming from you

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