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Seattle Pilots


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Pretty self explanatory, the Seattle Pilots, just updating a look that i think should've stayed around.

I changed the colors, i think it was necessary, the bright red/yellow/blue colors they once had don't translate well into todays sports imagery.

I'm in the process of adding jerseys. I may end up using the Mariners wordmark for Seattle, we'll see.

C&C please


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I think it looks great. I can't wait to see the jerseys. If I were to make a change, I think I would shorten the wings just a little bit. But they look just fine how they are. Excellent job.

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I has wings... and a steering wheel?

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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this is bugging me - i can tell the wings you used were from my Oregon Aviators concept from a couple years ago - you've changed the highlights a little bit, but yeah those are pretty much mine. They work well here, just wished you would have asked me if you could use them.

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this is bugging me - i can tell the wings you used were from my Oregon Aviators concept from a couple years ago - you've changed the highlights a little bit, but yeah those are pretty much mine. They work well here, just wished you would have asked me if you could use them.

Gunna have to agree with Brian on this one, nearly identical. The teller for me was the two pointed things on the lower half of the circle.

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sorry about that

i've got a file with portions of stuff i've seen over the years, all i had was one wing, i guess i should have attempted to find out who's it was before i used it, or at least clarified that the wing wasnt mine. I usually just use them as reference, but didnt this time.

again, sorry, and i hope i can be forgiven

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s'all good. but JQK is right, you shouldn't piece logos together. Getting inspiration from a logo is one thing - make it your own. Not only will you avoid running into copyright issues (if this were a professional situation, there could be some trouble) but your work will be much better.

I'll give you an example. I recently did a logo for a friend of mine who restores old motorcycles with his family. He asked me to make a "company logo" for him. My concept had a motorcycle wheel with wings coming off of it. I started drawing wings and got frustrated. I used the new Brookly Aces logo as an example of a good pair of fairly anatomically-correct wings.

Aces: Aces%20Logo2.jpg

Mine: e5fc93dfcd23e729a1b477dd81230da8.png

I'll admit they're similar, but I really tried to make them my own, especially since I completely redrew them. Ultimately since it's here on the CCSLC, and what you used of mine isn't professional work or near and dear to my heart, it's no big deal.

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s'all good. but JQK is right, you shouldn't piece logos together. Getting inspiration from a logo is one thing - make it your own. Not only will you avoid running into copyright issues (if this were a professional situation, there could be some trouble) but your work will be much better.

I'll give you an example. I recently did a logo for a friend of mine who restores old motorcycles with his family. He asked me to make a "company logo" for him. My concept had a motorcycle wheel with wings coming off of it. I started drawing wings and got frustrated. I used the new Brookly Aces logo as an example of a good pair of fairly anatomically-correct wings.

Aces: Aces%20Logo2.jpg

Mine: e5fc93dfcd23e729a1b477dd81230da8.png

I'll admit they're similar, but I really tried to make them my own, especially since I completely redrew them. Ultimately since it's here on the CCSLC, and what you used of mine isn't professional work or near and dear to my heart, it's no big deal.

That's a great design, Gordie. Awesome work..

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Mine: e5fc93dfcd23e729a1b477dd81230da8.png

That's a gorgeous logo, Gordie. Amazing work!

well here's a quick redo

i did this using an old airline's pilot's wings, without even glancing at gordie's, and somehow it still looks very similar.


i should have jerseys real soon

Very, very nice. You re-did the wings, and they looks awesome. I'm not sure I'm a big fan of the red, but other than that, the logos look very solid.



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well here's a quick redo

i did this using an old airline's pilot's wings, without even glancing at gordie's, and somehow it still looks very similar.


i should have jerseys real soon

the red looks out of place. maybe drop that light blue and go with red in the outline since light blue isn't present anywhere else? or drop red and do the wheel in light blue?

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the red looks out of place. maybe drop that light blue and go with red in the outline since light blue isn't present anywhere else? or drop red and do the wheel in light blue?

Yeah, I'm thinking he should drop the red completely. What's odd to me is that the logo with the wings has a light blue outline, and the "wheel" logo has a sand-colored outline.

So, I'm thinking you should give both the sand-colored outline and replace the red with the light blue. Then again, the problem you'll have is too much sandy-ness in the wings-logo. Play around with it, man. :P



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