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UNC in navy pants tonight.


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even more interesting, anyone notice the triple stripe running vertically down the sleeve lining? it echoes the helmet stripe...never seen that on a uniform before

K-State has the same idea with their "band-aid". I like that touch, but the navy pants don't look right.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Butch Davis is officially putting his stamp on the UNC football program.

After all, it was him who championed this latest "interest" on the navy--which I believe may have also led to the alleged navy alternate jerseys this team probably already has--which would then lead to a columbia on navy on navy look.

And all of which, if VitaminD was still around, would be causing him to spin circles in fits.

(Speaking of...anyone seen or heard from that cat? He been MIA for a minute now. I know he had a newborn baby girl a while back. Hope he's actually still alive--real talk. I really respected that cat.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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When they first ran out onto the field, I thought they were pretty ugly. But as the team started to take out ten years of frustration on Rutgers, they grew exponentially better looking.

. . . And that, children, is how I got a brief glimpse into what it must be like to be an Oregon fan.

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mmmm.... visually, it looks okay. There's sort of a disconnect between the Carolina Blue helmet, navy pants, and white jersey. Too many things going on at once.

Traditionally/historically, I think it's terrible. This goes against everything that identifies UNC as UNC-- the carolina blue and white standing out. For two-color college teams whose official listed colors are _____ and white, having a "third" color usually reserved for trim, oulining or piping brought up to a pants level of exposure (or heaven forbid, JERSEY level, as Brandon mentioned) is to me sacrilege.

Imagine if the Tennessee Vols, who have been seen with black number outlines in the past, went with black jerseys or black pants. Similar situation.

It is what it is.

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. . . And that, children, is how I got a brief glimpse into what it must be like to be an Oregon fan.

Oh God, I couldn't imagine how those poor bastards up there in the pacific northwest could watch that team if they played as terrible as they look. 2-10 in those uniforms would be enough to boycott the team. Period.



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UNC grad here and I really like them. Navy blue has been a part of the UNC color set since the 1920's. First hoops unis were navy blue, Choo Choo justice's teams wore Navy unis, the UNC letterman jackets have Navy as the base color, back in the mid 80's (Dick Crum's last few years) the Heels had navy face masks. The amount of navy trim in the hoops and football unis over the past 20 years has waxed and waned (Mack Brown's teams had alot of navy in the unis, Buth Davs' predecessor ha removed almost all navy from the unis). Now, were the pants to be all navy with no Carolina blue accents then I wouldn't be keen on them. The Carolina blue truncated stripe really helps. They probably need to increase the width of the navy outlines of the numbers and thicken the navy stripes on the helmet to really blend the whole uni well.

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