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On a scale of 1 to 5, how did I do with my site overhaul?  

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I thought this was cool. For those of you who have "known" me for since new years, I had begun a complete site overhaul. I now call it officially finished because I have all THIRTEEN pages up and running. So, my question is how'd did I do on these three main site "issues"?

1) content

2) design

3) ability to navigate throughout the site

And how can I improve?

P.S. Please sign my guestbook.

P.P.S. Sorry if you see this is shameless self advertisement.


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damn! you even got a little update ticker and draft clock

content: since it's mainly unis, good content

design: that's what made me say damn!

navigation: seamless...except in teh guestbook. how bout a back button on that? :D


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Content and navigation-wise, good work vic. Everything works, that's a big plus.

Design-wise, meh. I think you need a more legible font for the links on the left side, and reduce them a bit. You have so much gray area on the left that it starts to overwhelm the focus of your site, which is your uniform graphics (even though most open in their own page). Make your "Nu Designs" logo stand out more...don't use the same color background as your logo. Remove the dark band on the right hand side...it seems unnecessary.

But all in all, if you're going to make the changes, you've done most of the work already. The changes I suggested are minor, and shouldn't be difficult to fix. Especially if you go to a page with frames, then you only have to do the links graphics once instead of every page.

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as of 1:44 pm eastern time, data transfer allocation has been exceeded......that sucks, i really wanted to see it, since i've been going to it every now and then since you started the site.

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looks really nice, i look forward to checking out whatever tweaks and additions you have in store.

content: A

design: B

navigation: B (i noticed that when you click on the 'fantasy' button, the 'football' button goes away)

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vic, I love ya, little buddy..


1) content - A

2) design - D

3) ability to navigate - B

I love the thought and attention you put into the site. I really enjoy seeing folks get into their sites, display great content, and love their own work.


Kill the right side blue bar.

Narrow up the grey left nav, to only as wide as the widest image in the left nav

Kill the duplicate banner at the bottom. If you want somethign at the bottom, just do a thin bar with "All items copyright VIC, baby! contact me here: email"

All of your navigation images in the left nav, add this tot he img tag... border="0" the blue border around them is exceptionally distracting.

The geocities floating box with their ads akes up the first 100x100 pixels (approx) I would either put your whole site in a slightly smaller width, or space it all down a <p> or two, so it doesn't over lap your stuff

Your content is great and getting better everytime. Keep it up!!

And just think, your website is officially better than nitro's! (nudge, nudge, brad)

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Great site, vic! I love the animated draft-counter. Although (and I can say this since i'm a huge fan of theirs, for whatever insane reason tha tI forget...) I probably would have (instead of countdown to 2004 nfl draft) sonething more appropriate, like "countdown to the Charger's blowing the top pick in the draft!"

Anyway, I really like the design. I think you should put up more logo designs, too...get your stuff out there. B)

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I'm a working on it. I've lately had a bad case of "designing block", plus I've been working on my NBA football project.

Paynomind, I'm going to be working on your suggestions, all of which I think are good. I think I need something on the right side, though. It seems like it's not closed. I think the web menu is screwing with the left column. I have an idea how to fix that. I did notice the borders when at someone else's computer. Looks really horrible. That'll be the first thing I fix.


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