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2009 MLB Season Thread


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And Lidge has already blown more saves this month than he did all last year. Thank goodness Francisco bailed him out!

You can thank Carlos Marmol for that. A game doesn't pass where he doesn't walk or hit a batter and he did both last night in the 8th. Walk, Out, Out, Hit by pitch, Walk, Walk. The Phillies took the lead without getting a hit in the inning. Marmol is a great pitcher when he throws strikes, but he is always out of control.


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Watching Brad Lidge, I have no idea how the hell he had the season he did last year. This guy pitches like a vag, and has the ultimate "deer in headlights" look on his face - a face that resembles a vag. If not for guaranteed contracts, this guy would be begging for change on the street by now. I'm still holding out for that 1% chance to come through that this is just some wacky mental problem and he snaps out of it, but it's not looking good. I think that the best thing for the Phillies would be for Lidge to have another mysterious "injury" that required a lengthy stay on the DL, and then hope that when the wife beater comes back, he can slide back in to the closer role that he reluctantly gave up for Lidge.

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Watching Brad Lidge, I have no idea how the hell he had the season he did last year. This guy pitches like a vag, and has the ultimate "deer in headlights" look on his face - a face that resembles a vag. If not for guaranteed contracts, this guy would be begging for change on the street by now. I'm still holding out for that 1% chance to come through that this is just some wacky mental problem and he snaps out of it, but it's not looking good. I think that the best thing for the Phillies would be for Lidge to have another mysterious "injury" that required a lengthy stay on the DL, and then hope that when the wife beater comes back, he can slide back in to the closer role that he reluctantly gave up for Lidge.

Or you can do what we did with our unstable closer...


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Is Toronto considered Pittsburgh north? Can we demote both these franchises to AAA level?

Toronto's won 2 World Series, 2 division titles, had 4 Cy Young Winners, a Rookie of the Year, and have had 9 winning seasons since Pittsburgh last had ONE winning season. Yeah, those Blue Jays suck. :P

Yeah. Okay Raider fan. No one cares what you did 20 years ago, what matters is today and tomorrow, and the Blue Jays are a franchise about as confused as Pittsburgh.

First off, the Athletics are the Pirates of the American League, and they have been for years. Oakland just gets lucky from time to time with some of the prospects they land.

If you did want to put Toronto on Pittsburgh's level, the Jays would have to trade Roy Halladay, Vernon Wells, Aaron Hill, Kevin Millar, Ricky Romero, Scott Richmond, Marco Scutaro, Edwin Encarnacion, Jason Frasor, Scott Downs and Adam Lind away for prospects -- Every ounce of talent gone, 'cause that's how the PirAAAtes roll.


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And Lidge has already blown more saves this month than he did all last year. Thank goodness Francisco bailed him out!

You can thank Carlos Marmol for that. A game doesn't pass where he doesn't walk or hit a batter and he did both last night in the 8th. Walk, Out, Out, Hit by pitch, Walk, Walk. The Phillies took the lead without getting a hit in the inning. Marmol is a great pitcher when he throws strikes, but he is always out of control.

Or you can blame Francisco's opposition, Kevin Gregg, who serves more meatballs than the Swedish Chef.

Also, the A's are nothing like the Pirates. Closer to the Marlins in terms of running a successful shoestring operation in front of nobody, except the A's won a slew of division titles instead of one championship.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Is Toronto considered Pittsburgh north? Can we demote both these franchises to AAA level?

Toronto's won 2 World Series, 2 division titles, had 4 Cy Young Winners, a Rookie of the Year, and have had 9 winning seasons since Pittsburgh last had ONE winning season. Yeah, those Blue Jays suck. :P

Yeah. Okay Raider fan. No one cares what you did 20 years ago, what matters is today and tomorrow, and the Blue Jays are a franchise about as confused as Pittsburgh.

First off, the Athletics are the Pirates of the American League, and they have been for years. Oakland just gets lucky from time to time with some of the prospects they land.

If you did want to put Toronto on Pittsburgh's level, the Jays would have to trade Roy Halladay, Vernon Wells, Aaron Hill, Kevin Millar, Ricky Romero, Scott Richmond, Marco Scutaro, Edwin Encarnacion, Jason Frasor, Scott Downs and Adam Lind away for prospects -- Every ounce of talent gone, 'cause that's how the PirAAAtes roll.

Oakland has won a handful of division titles recently and was even within four games of the World Series a few seasons ago. No, they aren't the AL's version of Pittsburgh. The AL's version of Pittsburgh is Kansas City.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Is Toronto considered Pittsburgh north? Can we demote both these franchises to AAA level?

Toronto's won 2 World Series, 2 division titles, had 4 Cy Young Winners, a Rookie of the Year, and have had 9 winning seasons since Pittsburgh last had ONE winning season. Yeah, those Blue Jays suck. :P

Yeah. Okay Raider fan. No one cares what you did 20 years ago, what matters is today and tomorrow, and the Blue Jays are a franchise about as confused as Pittsburgh.

Wait, Flame's a Raider fan?

I saw, I came, I left.

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Is Toronto considered Pittsburgh north? Can we demote both these franchises to AAA level?

Toronto's won 2 World Series, 2 division titles, had 4 Cy Young Winners, a Rookie of the Year, and have had 9 winning seasons since Pittsburgh last had ONE winning season. Yeah, those Blue Jays suck. :P

Yeah. Okay Raider fan. No one cares what you did 20 years ago, what matters is today and tomorrow, and the Blue Jays are a franchise about as confused as Pittsburgh.

Wait, Flame's a Raider fan?

No, he's saying don't be like a Raiders fan, who HAVE been successful semi-recently, but who haven't really won anything for at least two decades.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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The Brewers have sent J.J. Hardy to the minors, DFA'd Bill Hall, and fired their pitching coach.

I guess Milwaukee's trying for a bit of a shake-up, eh?

Naw, they really miss C.C. that much.

The Brewers canned Ned Yost last season to spark the team, and it did make a difference. Looks like they're trying to get that kind of response out of the players again this year. However, this time it won't work. Unlike 2008, Milwaukee simply has no pitching.


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And Lidge has already blown more saves this month than he did all last year. Thank goodness Francisco bailed him out!

You can thank Carlos Marmol for that. A game doesn't pass where he doesn't walk or hit a batter and he did both last night in the 8th. Walk, Out, Out, Hit by pitch, Walk, Walk. The Phillies took the lead without getting a hit in the inning. Marmol is a great pitcher when he throws strikes, but he is always out of control.

Or you can blame Francisco's opposition, Kevin Gregg, who serves more meatballs than the Swedish Chef.

Watching back to back home runs to tie, then win the game do hurt. But at least Gregg throws the ball over the plate. It's so painful watching Marmol knowing that he can't throw a strike. Watching him throw four straight balls to walk in the lead run is just miserable.


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This Giants Dodgers series the WORST officiated series I have ever seen. All of these umps should be standing in the unemployment line by tomorrow. You can call it bias, but no way does Bochy get tossed in two of the three games in even a regular series. And to top that off, there have been several Giants coaches who have been thrown out as well for voicing their opinions on how terrible of a job this crew is doing. They're not even good enough to ump a Little League game.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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This Giants Dodgers series the WORST officiated series I have ever seen. All of these umps should be standing in the unemployment line by tomorrow. You can call it bias, but no way does Bochy get tossed in two of the three games in even a regular series. And to top that off, there have been several Giants coaches who have been thrown out as well for voicing their opinions on how terrible of a job this crew is doing. They're not even good enough to ump a Little League game.

Man watching the Giants blow this game is excruciating! I hate the Dodgers.

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This Giants Dodgers series the WORST officiated series I have ever seen. All of these umps should be standing in the unemployment line by tomorrow. You can call it bias, but no way does Bochy get tossed in two of the three games in even a regular series. And to top that off, there have been several Giants coaches who have been thrown out as well for voicing their opinions on how terrible of a job this crew is doing. They're not even good enough to ump a Little League game.

Man watching the umps blow this game is excruciating! I hate the Dodgers.

Fixed, the Giants didn't blow this game, the sad excuse for professional umpiring blew this game. That call at first was absurd.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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This Giants Dodgers series the WORST officiated series I have ever seen. All of these umps should be standing in the unemployment line by tomorrow. You can call it bias, but no way does Bochy get tossed in two of the three games in even a regular series. And to top that off, there have been several Giants coaches who have been thrown out as well for voicing their opinions on how terrible of a job this crew is doing. They're not even good enough to ump a Little League game.

Man watching the umps blow this game is excruciating! I hate the Dodgers.

Fixed, the Giants didn't blow this game, the sad excuse for professional umpiring blew this game. That call at first was absurd.

That settles it. Major League Baseball needs total instant replay and robot umpires. ^_^


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This Giants Dodgers series the WORST officiated series I have ever seen. All of these umps should be standing in the unemployment line by tomorrow. You can call it bias, but no way does Bochy get tossed in two of the three games in even a regular series. And to top that off, there have been several Giants coaches who have been thrown out as well for voicing their opinions on how terrible of a job this crew is doing. They're not even good enough to ump a Little League game.

Man watching the umps blow this game is excruciating! I hate the Dodgers.

Fixed, the Giants didn't blow this game, the sad excuse for professional umpiring blew this game. That call at first was absurd.

That settles it. Major League Baseball needs total instant replay and robot umpires. ^_^

... but there are still fans that can screw things up... right, Cubs fan? :P

I saw, I came, I left.

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