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Dodgers alternate


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The image tells the whole story...okay, almost all of it.


Like it says on the jersey description, the spotlight was inspired by the D-League Showcase logo. There's no reason I used the LA script rather than the Dodgers script other than I wanted to. with that cleared up, allez cuisine.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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This is awesome, I really enjoy all of your concepts because you are definitely not afraid to think outside the box and this one shows it. I can tell that you put a lot of thought into this, good job.


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Discrim at his best! At first I thought the spotlight was supposed to be a bat, but the ball at the bottom of the spotlight is a good touch. The stars are a good touch as well. Sometimes it seems like the Dodgers don't really as a franchise embrace the whole LA thing, and would prefer to be thought of as a team from scrappy Brooklyn still. This whole outfit shows the LA image pretty well. (Not that I am saying the uniforms should change as a way of remaking the image of the franchise mind!)


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Talk about cred. If a new member(noobie, n00b, newbie) posted this up it would get ripped. But since it's Discrim it's okay. :D

I actually like the concept. The piping is a tad intricate, even for you, but the spotlight works and the Navy is nice. Props on being creative.

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an idea to throw at you:

how about a sleeve/shoulder patch that is a spotlight..

and have the beam of light coming from there. my only complaint with this concept is that the beam would end abruptly at the shoulder.

this would fix that problem.

also, boooo manny.

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Every time I click a Discrim concept link, I know what it's gonna be like. Outrageous, unimaginable, and, above all, a pretty amazing piece of work.

Haha, I have to agree with eRay. Discrim's the only one that gets away with these outlandish (in a good way) concepts.

Great job Discrim, as always.

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