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Quebec Nordiques


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The last bear looks amazing. Have you thought of maybe letting the red go and trying blue on blue. Make it a bit more subtle and understated. I've always thought if the NHL went back to Quebec they should go with a dark blue - light blue combo. Maybe keep the red just as an accent color for contour lines.

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Alright, I've gone back to the Avs colors, because I love them. I put silver back in too and added a wordmark and new numbers.

The wordmark is very simple, as that's what I'm going for, simple. I included another FDL in the Q, it's really the only complexity to the wordmark


For the jerseys I've decreased the size of the shoulder FDL's and increased the size and moved up the back 'ghost' FDL. The shoulder FDL's now have an added silver outline. The new numbers are the same font as the wordmark. I've included breezers, with a single, simple, white stripe and socks that are a bit more complex, I'm not set on those just yet.

EDIT-I've just noticed I didn't include one of the FDL's on the back view, I'll include that on the next update, just pretend it's there for now.


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Love the update! That looks awsome, the logo is so much better than your first try.

I think the uniforms are very nice, just add a name to the back.

Great job, and greater improvements.



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Tried some Quebec colors on the logo. Here's what I came up with.




I've stayed away from the red fleur-de-lis, as I find it clashes too much. It also doesn't make much sense for Quebec.

# 1 through # 3 are the original Nordique blue with the province of Quebec coat of arms fleur-de-lis color with black.

# 4 one uses a darker shade of the Nordique blue. I kind of like the fleur-de-lis in white. It's kind of hidden if you didn't know about it first.

# 5 is the blue on blue idea I wrote about earlier. # 6 are classic Nords colors.

# 7 & # 8 classic Nords with darker shade.

# 9 uses the Quebec City flag colors.

# 10 is Nords blue with Avs silver.

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I'm a big fan of #6, #7 and #10. I personally don't like the coloured fleur-de-lis. I think it looks like the bear is wearing as mask. I love the bear, it reminds me of Hextall's Nords mask from 92/93 season.

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You've got an excellent looking concept, and it would be great to see you take it a bit further to make it more NHL-friendly. For instance, both the front logo and the shoulder logos are quite large. Also, some names on the back would be nice, as would some sort of striping (I know the Nordiques never used much striping, but some would help make this more complete). Maybe something to match the socks would work well.


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The old Nordiques colors are 10000% better IMO.

And then someone will post that the Avalance colors are 10000% better. And then someone else will say, no, colors used by some other team are 10000% better.

Overall, you've made some really good progression with this logo concept. I like it a lot.

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Am I the only one who sees the bear either as Lion-o from Thundercats gazing into the Sword of Omens or one of the Polar Bears from "The Golden Compass"?

mcrosby, have you though of using the fleur-de-lis as a nose?

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i really think this has made so much progress. i think the avs colors work best but thats just me. your started out with a clever idea, but it just wasnt coming together right. now it looks great after the changes. the only thing i'd change is consider reducing the number of outlines. i think you have one or two too many as it is, but overall excellent logo

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Here's an update. I tried to go simpler with the sweaters. I took out the Nordiques old logo and replaced it with the fleur de lis, and also added 3 of them along the bottom of the back, a call to the Nordiques old set. I tried them along the bottom of the front as well, but it looked cluttered.

The bear is also updated, made wider to rid it of any confusion. I think it looks definitely bear-like now. I also moved the eyes out of the fleur de lis, and I think they look quite a bit better.

Without further ado, the update. C&C please.


This is beautifully done! I love the logo, by the way. I feel both your original uniform and updated ones look great. I could definitely see your first design as like an alternate. The fleur-de-lis' on the side panel is very clever and the numbers on the cuffs are very old-school. Love it.



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I've updated the home and away, not much here, just a smaller crest. I left the FDL's very large on the shoulders, without stripes (part of the original Nordiques I really like) the shoulder FDL's can be/need to be bigger or they are lost in a sea of blue. I've also added NOB's. I was going to outline these, but with the tight font it makes it look far too crowded.

The biggest update is the third jersey. I wanted to go with a fauxback. I left the silver out of this one, put the bear logo on the shoulders (white outline only).


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I like this version the best. The logo was very disproportionate in past versions. My favourite things are the FDL watermark on the backs and the third in general.

Although the third looks great, a Quebec City team would never have horizontal striping like that as it is too much like the hated Habs.

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I like this version the best. The logo was very disproportionate in past versions. My favourite things are the FDL watermark on the backs and the third in general.

Although the third looks great, a Quebec City team would never have horizontal striping like that as it is too much like the hated Habs.

Especially since the colors are extremely close. Minus the reversal of the white and blue on the bar.


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I like this version the best. The logo was very disproportionate in past versions. My favourite things are the FDL watermark on the backs and the third in general.

Although the third looks great, a Quebec City team would never have horizontal striping like that as it is too much like the hated Habs.

Especially since the colors are extremely close. Minus the reversal of the white and blue on the bar.

I don't know how I completely forgot about the Habs. This definitely would not work. Any other ideas for a third jersey?

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