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St. Joes Vs. Oklahoma State

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That was an absolutely amazing game! Lucas can't shoot all night... makes the shot that puts em' up by 2.... then the St. Josephs kid makes a 3 to put em' up by 1... and then Lucas goes back and makes the game winning 3! Jameer Nelson missed the game tieing shot.

Absolutely amazing game.


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Wow that was trully an even game all the way. Perhaps St Joes shoudl have taken a tiem out and set up for a better shot but either way it was literally one of those taking the last shot wins game well next to last any way.



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so far two of my final four teams are in, uconn and OK St. my other two are duke who should beat xavier and Georgia Tech that has a shot against Kansas. I have UConn beating OSU for the title



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so far two of my final four teams are in, uconn and OK St. my other two are duke who should beat xavier and Georgia Tech that has a shot against Kansas. I have UConn beating OSU for the title

Great minds must think alike, thats who I have too.

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CFA- Fargo Bobcats

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honestly couldn't tell you. I as looking at porn and I stumbled upon this cutie posing in the superman shirt and thong. That sparked my creative juices and I turned it into the modified 'M' Superman logo which I saw on a Mario Lemiuex poster and I'm gonna get as a tattoo (because my name is Matt, so i figured it'd be pretty cool). The pictures, although doctored, actually look somewhat like it's actually supposed to be the 'M' logo on the shirt.

But Anyways... 3 of my Final Four are still alive. Oklahoma State, UConn, and Duke, Kentucky was my 4th.

And I too have UConn winning the Championship over Oklahoma State.

*edit -- I don't know if Sportscenter can do this game justice as to how good of a game it was. If I could only have watched one college basketball game since the tourney started, this definetely would've been it. St. Josephs dominated the first half of play, being up by as many as 9 and holding a 6 point half time lead. Then Oklahoma State came out strong and took the lead very quickly in the 2nd half and got on these runs that'd get them up by 5 points or so -- and as it looked like they were about to start pulling away, St. Josephs made some big shots and kept it close. However, I never, until the St. Josephs player drained the 3, feared that Oklahoma State would lose this game. Everything that went wrong for them was self inflicted, and most of the time, correctable (example -- passing the ball to beat the press as opposed to trying to dribble up court). OK State missed alot of open 3's in the beginning which would've changed the complection of the game.


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Mockba, you can get rid of sigs, ask Chris how to.

Yeah, I know, but I generally leave them on. Adds flavour to the mix. But that wasn't a flavour I wanted to download at work. ^_^

(Besides, we all know my tastes lie elsewhere... :P )

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ BrandedBehance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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