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denver broncos concept


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i started out blending the 1960s mustard unis with the current set, but really liked the design of the 2nd generation uniforms better. so i took that design and added a blue thats more like what they have now. i think DEN has one of the best logos in all of sports so no way was i changing that here. below are the main road/home set, secondary road/home, blue alternate jerseys, and the throwbacks.









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I like the idea of this concept and the excecution is good. And being that you drew inspiration from my favorite set of Broncos uniforms you get bonus points. But i feel a couple things would make it look a lot better. First I think you should switch from navy blue to either the blue they used from the late 60's to mid 90's or the really light blue they used in the mid 60's.. I feel with this style of uniform the lighter blues would look better. Also with this type of shoulder stripe I would suggest moving the numbers form the shoulders to the sleeves. And for the collars I would make them the same as the jersey color, or have the orange jersey's collar blue and the blue's collar orange. Now as for the helmet, if you decided to keep the navy blue I would suggest making the facemask navy as well, but if you switch to a lighter blue then keep the facemask white. Oh and one more thing, I think the name on back would look better with no outline. Especially with the longer names like Zimmerman the letters get lost with that outline in there.Great looking concept, this has a lot of potential. Looking forward to seeing where it goes.


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i guess ill be the first to say im really not feeling this one...modern logo, helmet striping, and number font, on an extremely plain template design. There is just no uniqueness about it.


ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ

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TalktoChuck made some excellent points. I like this set much better than the crap they wear now. It would be a great look for the Broncos. My only observations/suggestions are 1) the pointy helmet stripe doesn't fit the rest of the look, the helmet stripe should match the pants and 2) did you consider orange pants? That might look terrific with the white jerseys.


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This has potential. I think the blue sleeves look a little empty with nothing on them. Maybe put the bronco logo on there? I've always wanted to see that happen. Also, I'd probably keep the facemask navy, but that's no big deal.

The names on the back look a little funky. Maybe you should make them bigger vertically, otherwise it looks stretched.

Great job, keep it up.

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This has a lot of potential, but there's some things that I feel need to be addressed.

1. That sleeve design would be tough to pull off on today's templates - I really don't think it'd work considering how the seams are on most of the jersey cuts, and how the sleeves are worn by most of the players. I think a good compromise would be to (using your navy jersey as the example) extend the white border along the seam right to the where it meets the (uncolored) side-panel seam, and then the area under that would be orange. It's very similar to how you did it, but more practical from a production standpoint, and would look more consistent on all of the players. The white border would appear to just abruptly stop, but I think that is a very minor concern, and wouldn't even be noticed considering how we're all conditioned to things like stripes just abruptly ending too.

2. You have a modern font, modern helmet logo, modern wordmark, (if you take my advice in #1) a semi-modern sleeve treatment, but old-school traditional pants stripes. I'd really do something with those. Nothing crazy, but make them at least seem like they're from the same era as the rest of the uniform. Maybe something Panthers-esque would work, or maybe something as simple as going with a thick-colored stripe bordered only on one side by the thinner stripe. So on the orange pants, you'd have a thick navy stripe with a thin white stripe bordering the side that faces the front of the pants. Even something simple like asymmetry can make them appear more current.

3. Consider keeping blue and white pants as part of this, even if the orange pants are considered the "primaries".

4. Belts on the orange pants should be blue.

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This is pretty good. However, I'd brighten up the Orange considerably. Right now it seems almost peach.


those are the colors i used. the orange is R-243, G-122, B-62 which i pulled from the broncos uni template on this site. maybe its your monitor that makes it look peachish? or maybe its all the white thats around it. i think if i did anything color wise i would darken the blue which would intensify the orange a bit more




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alright its to the point i think i like the jerseys now...moving the numbers to the sleeve really helped i think. The only think that is bothering me in the helmet...it just seems really out of place. i think my simplifying r just removing the stripe could solve it.


ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ

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The new pants design really helps out a lot. As for the numbers on the sleeves, I think you need to keep it consistent with the rest ot the uniforms in the set. What I mean by that is anytime you have a blue background the numbers should be white outlined in orange, anytime there is an orange background the numbers should be white outline in blue and anytime there is a white background the numbers should be blue outlined in orange. The problem you have on this latest set is that the sleeve numbers on your orange jersey (blue background) are orange outline in white where as your blue jersey (blue backgorund) has numbers that are white outlined in orange. Do you see what I mean?


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chuck i do know what you mean, and i spent some time working that out. i tried the jerseys the way you described but settled on this because each sleeve number matches the jersey shoulder rather than the front/back numbers, and to me it looked better. so where theres a orange cuff with white piping (orange jersey/blue sleeve) the sleeve number is the same; orange with white outline. the white jersey is the same. white cuff/blue piping with a white number and a blue outline




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