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Division 1 College Conference Realignment


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No... Oregon fans don't like Boise because after all the smack you talked to us Boise fans, your team ended up 0-2 against BSU.

No, we hate Boise because they keep on saying how they "killed" us when they won both games by a combined 16 points. Forget OU, this would be one hell of a rivalry game.

Why you make fun of me? I make concept for Auburn champions and you make fun of me. I cry tears.
Chopping off the dicks of Filipino boys and embracing causes that promote bigotry =/= strong moral character.
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You know that statement one school official made about Mizzou really wanting to be in the B1G but would "settle" for the SEC if there were no other options? It's true.

Missouri will "settle" for the SEC if that's what it comes down to, but they're not going to leave the Big XII for the SEC as long as the Big XII has Texas, Oklahoma, and an auto-bid to the BCS. Now if the B1G rang... that would be different. Mizzou would be outta there like a jackrabbit at an Elmer Fudd convention.

Huh? Mizzou's still heading to the SEC.

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You know that statement one school official made about Mizzou really wanting to be in the B1G but would "settle" for the SEC if there were no other options? It's true.

Missouri will "settle" for the SEC if that's what it comes down to, but they're not going to leave the Big XII for the SEC as long as the Big XII has Texas, Oklahoma, and an auto-bid to the BCS. Now if the B1G rang... that would be different. Mizzou would be outta there like a jackrabbit at an Elmer Fudd convention.

Huh? Mizzou's still heading to the SEC.

Yeah, I thought it was a done deal. Do you have a legitimate source saying that Missouri is committed to the Big XII as long as Texas and Oklahoma are there? I know I posted the official link from ESPN stating how Missouri did NOT submit any conditional withdrawal papers, nor did the Missouri mention or hint at leaving the conference.



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From multiple sources on Twitter:

Mizzou's Chancellor abstained from any voting that regarded the future of the Big 12, as did aTm's who phoned into the meetings. Says some things to finalize but the move is eminent and seems there's no "hail Mary" the Big 12 can throw to keep Mizzou around.

Oh and they said anybody hoping for the Big Ten can let go. It ain't happening.

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From multiple sources on Twitter:

Mizzou's Chancellor abstained from any voting that regarded the future of the Big 12, as did aTm's who phoned into the meetings. Says some things to finalize but the move is eminent and seems there's no "hail Mary" the Big 12 can throw to keep Mizzou around.

Oh and they said anybody hoping for the Big Ten can let go. It ain't happening.

I can back McCall up on this.

I think people are taking the meaning of Mizzou not voting as a sign they're staying and that's the exact opposite. They're not voting because the things that are being voted on will have no affect on Missouri. If Missouri is really waiting on the Big 10, then they'll be waiting for a long time. All the moves have been made for Missouri to join the SEC and be in the east division. The fact the Big XII has Texas and Oklahoma has nothing to do with Mizzou staying in the conference, in fact one of those schools is the reaosn why three former schools left the conference. I can't speak for fact, but I can speak from what I've heard, and Missouri was ticked that those two schools tried to jump ship to the Pac-12. That all being said, the automatic bid to a BCS game has nothing to do with Missouri's reasoning for staying either cause they can get that wherever they go.



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Mizzou decision to go to the SEC could be in coming days with a formal announcement in 2-3 weeks, a lot like A&M, where a "release" stated they were accepted into the SEC and then a week or two later the formal announcement that they would officially join the SEC in July 2012. Expected to be about the same case scenario for Mizzou. Also hearing that West Virginia will be accepted into the Big XII within 24-48 hrs when Mizzou leaves. Don't know for certain if they mean from now, from when Mizzou actually announces they're leaving or what. But seems WVU is for sure joining the Big XII and furthering along the decimation of the Big East.

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Mizzou decision to go to the SEC could be in coming days with a formal announcement in 2-3 weeks, a lot like A&M, where a "release" stated they were accepted into the SEC and then a week or two later the formal announcement that they would officially join the SEC in July 2012. Expected to be about the same case scenario for Mizzou. Also hearing that West Virginia will be accepted into the Big XII within 24-48 hrs when Mizzou leaves. Don't know for certain if they mean from now, from when Mizzou actually announces they're leaving or what. But seems WVU is for sure joining the Big XII and furthering along the decimation of the Big East.

That's the McMurphy however, say Mizzou leaves for 2012, WVU has a lot to do to get out from the 27 month timetable, which the Big East is trying to stick to with Syracuse and Pitt. If Pitt and Syyracuse are not actively trying to buy themselves out, I cannot see the WVU being that successful.

There is still the attempt of them starting a network without the home games of both Texas and Oklahoma. (Sounds like a winner there!)

Also, Houston's regents meet on Thursday so their president will be given the same charge by them...go follow the money.

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West Virginia is joining the Big XII, according to the New York Times:

West Virginia is headed to the Big 12, according to a person with direct knowledge of the situation, a move that leaves the Big East with five football programs and an uncertain future. The person said Tuesday that the Mountaineers had ?applied and are accepted,? leaving only legal entanglements from making the move official. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal had not been formally announced.
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I've been hearing that the 27-month waiting period is becoming less of a problem for all the departing schools. I think that's one of the reasons for all the immediate expansion and merger talks coming from the Big East. They know they're screwed if they don't get some other schools to join pretty quickly.

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West Virginia is joining the Big XII, according to the New York Times:

West Virginia is headed to the Big 12, according to a person with direct knowledge of the situation, a move that leaves the Big East with five football programs and an uncertain future. The person said Tuesday that the Mountaineers had “applied and are accepted,” leaving only legal entanglements from making the move official. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal had not been formally announced.

I'm getting sick of hearing "an un-named source" and "an anonymous source close to the situation". Start reporting names and position held with in the Conference/University, or don't report anything at all. How many reports have we heard citing the same un-named/anonymous sources? Let's see... Missouri to the Big Ten, Rutgers to the Big Ten, Notre Dame to the Big 10, Clemson to the SEC, Florida State to the SEC, Texas and Oklahoma to the PAC, Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma State to the PAC, Notre Dame and Texas to the Big Ten, Miami to the SEC, Colorado to the PAC, Utah to the PAC. There were even rumblings early on about Georgia Tech and Maryland to the Big Ten. Its getting ridiculous.

The only real rumors we have heard that have come true are Nebraska to the Big Ten, Texas A&M to the SEC, Colorado and Utah to the PAC. I believe Pitt and Syracuse going to the ACC was reported by ESPN before an actual "rumor" turned up.

Its incredibly annoying at this point.



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I wouldn't really go by espn until you have multiple other sources reporting it. They tend to be behind, and also mess up the information. I follow 3-4 guys on Twitter who cover the Big XII, one of them is with the Columbia Tribune and another runs powermizzou.com. The other guys are in Oklahoma and somewhere in Big XII country, but when they all report the same thing, I find it to be pretty accurate.

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You have to realize that ESPN doesn't want Missouri to leave the Big XII, so of course they're going to report on all the positive things that happen between the Big XII and Missouri. They left a lot out about what happened at the meeting yesterday and reported on what seemed like Missouri was staying. As I've said before, I have a source that comes from Big XII country as well and I've been hearing very similar things as McCall. When it's all said and done, I'll be completely surprised if Mizzou isn't sitting in the SEC.



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I wouldn't really go by espn until you have multiple other sources reporting it. They tend to be behind, and also mess up the information. I follow 3-4 guys on Twitter who cover the Big XII, one of them is with the Columbia Tribune and another runs powermizzou.com. The other guys are in Oklahoma and somewhere in Big XII country, but when they all report the same thing, I find it to be pretty accurate.

You have to realize that ESPN doesn't want Missouri to leave the Big XII, so of course they're going to report on all the positive things that happen between the Big XII and Missouri. They left a lot out about what happened at the meeting yesterday and reported on what seemed like Missouri was staying. As I've said before, I have a source that comes from Big XII country as well and I've been hearing very similar things as McCall. When it's all said and done, I'll be completely surprised if Mizzou isn't sitting in the SEC.

That's all fine and well. But I'm sick of hearing source and no names or positions within the University or Conference. I keep thinking about that guy who was the first to break the story that Nebraska was going to the Big Ten. He was the same guy reporting that Texas and Notre Dame had a joint meeting in Chicago, trying to pitch the Longhorns and the Fighting Irish as a package deal to the Big Ten.

I'm not saying ESPN doesn't have a vested interest in where schools end up or how the TV contracts go, nor am I saying that ESPN is always the first to report stuff. But when it came to Pitt and Syacuse, ESPN had a story on their main page before anyone was talking about on this forum...

Anyway, McCall and BayouJim, do you mind messaging me the guys who you follow on twitter who seemingly have the scoop on the Big XII and PAC and SEC etc.? I'd like to keep up with it as well.



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Well the Big 12 sure beats the Big East. Although I'm only gonna believe it when Oliver Luck confirms it. The same stories last month had WVU in the SEC for sure.

I like the Big 12 move not only as a better football conference, but also as a strong basketball conference. Here's hoping this gets confirmed.

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Well the Big 12 sure beats the Big East. Although I'm only gonna believe it when Oliver Luck confirms it. The same stories last month had WVU in the SEC for sure.

I like the Big 12 move not only as a better football conference, but also as a strong basketball conference. Here's hoping this gets confirmed.

The Big XII a better football conference than the SEC?

I think the rumors were that West Virginia would NOT receive an invite to the SEC... not that they would.

But yes, the Big XII is a fairly strong basketball conference... 1 for 3 ain't bad.



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Well the Big 12 sure beats the Big East. Although I'm only gonna believe it when Oliver Luck confirms it. The same stories last month had WVU in the SEC for sure.

I like the Big 12 move not only as a better football conference, but also as a strong basketball conference. Here's hoping this gets confirmed.

The Big XII a better football conference than the SEC?

I think the rumors were that West Virginia would NOT receive an invite to the SEC... not that they would.

But yes, the Big XII is a fairly strong basketball conference... 1 for 3 ain't bad.

No I mean the Big 12 is better than the Big East.

The early reports last month were that WVU was going to be the 14th team in the SEC with Texas A&M. Oliver Luck denied that later on.

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I wouldn't really go by espn until you have multiple other sources reporting it. They tend to be behind, and also mess up the information. I follow 3-4 guys on Twitter who cover the Big XII, one of them is with the Columbia Tribune and another runs powermizzou.com. The other guys are in Oklahoma and somewhere in Big XII country, but when they all report the same thing, I find it to be pretty accurate.

You have to realize that ESPN doesn't want Missouri to leave the Big XII, so of course they're going to report on all the positive things that happen between the Big XII and Missouri. They left a lot out about what happened at the meeting yesterday and reported on what seemed like Missouri was staying. As I've said before, I have a source that comes from Big XII country as well and I've been hearing very similar things as McCall. When it's all said and done, I'll be completely surprised if Mizzou isn't sitting in the SEC.

That's all fine and well. But I'm sick of hearing source and no names or positions within the University or Conference. I keep thinking about that guy who was the first to break the story that Nebraska was going to the Big Ten. He was the same guy reporting that Texas and Notre Dame had a joint meeting in Chicago, trying to pitch the Longhorns and the Fighting Irish as a package deal to the Big Ten.

I'm not saying ESPN doesn't have a vested interest in where schools end up or how the TV contracts go, nor am I saying that ESPN is always the first to report stuff. But when it came to Pitt and Syacuse, ESPN had a story on their main page before anyone was talking about on this forum...

Anyway, McCall and BayouJim, do you mind messaging me the guys who you follow on twitter who seemingly have the scoop on the Big XII and PAC and SEC etc.? I'd like to keep up with it as well.

NY Times's Pete Thamel is breaking stories for a while.

On the WVU side, the reporter is Charleston Gazette sports editor, Mitch Vingle. Press conference tomorrow.

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