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Activists call for 2011 MLB All-Star game to be moved


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The tea party of 2010 is, what exactly? Hurting minorities and poor people because we can? Who even benefits?

Yep, the tea parties are just racist, all-white extravaganzas. Never mind the minorities that go to tea parties that have come out in support of them in the face of the NAACP declaring them as "racist". :rolleyes:

As for the poor, I'm sure there are plenty of poor people in the crowd at tea parties as well as well-off people.

Please get a new schtick, because "everything white people do is racist" is really getting annoying.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Ya know... This whole immigration law pisses me off. It is NOT unconstitutional. It is completely within the state and federal constitutions and laws.

Oh, ok, well if YOU say so I guess it's settled.

The MLB should KEEP the game in Arizona. There should be no reason to boycott it. If you are here legally, then you have nothing to hide.

Yes because no one who actually is here legally will get hassled over this oh wait it's already happened to people.

Major League Baseball is going to ignore this for as long as possible and hope it goes away by itself before the game actually happens. They probably won't listen to anyone unless and until players who would be selected for the game get serious about a boycott.

Well... the bill reads that officer's can only ask for naturalization or citizenship papers if, and only if, they are pulling over/questioning someone for an action that is already against the law. So they can't just go up to someone and say hey, let me see your papers. Its not like Nazi Germany.

They are just making sure the people who are reaping the benefits of America are here legally. What is so wrong with that? In order to secure the borders, we have to give up SOME of freedoms, even if it is something small.

Like I said, if you have nothing to hide, you should have nothing against this bill or providing your citizenship papers. It may seem a bit callous or harsh, but they are breaking the laws of the United States of America. That is the bottom line.

And that person can't produce valid ID.

In the opinion of the cop, right?

No, not at all. The bill actually states what is an acceptable form of ID.

"This photo on the license doesn't look like you." "Papers, please."

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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The tea party of 2010 is, what exactly? Hurting minorities and poor people because we can? Who even benefits?

Yep, the tea parties are just racist, all-white extravaganzas. Never mind the minorities that go to tea parties that have come out in support of them in the face of the NAACP declaring them as "racist". :rolleyes:

As for the poor, I'm sure there are plenty of poor people in the crowd at tea parties as well as well-off people.

Please get a new schtick, because "everything white people do is racist" is really getting annoying.

Can you provide members who are not candidates for office?

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Yeah, well if you are tired of the whole 'Everything white people do is Racist' crap, Lights Out...

Then what the hell do you call THIS?!?

To me, the Tea Party is just a bunch of whiny pissed off ex-Democrats and ex-Republicans who aren't happy with this country and the way it's being ran. Well, has Obama done anything to get impeached yet? Well... The answer is a plain old NO. So, shut up and when November comes, then get out there and vote so you can make a change instead of whining and complaining.

As for the topic (Which seems to be lost amist the political hoopla): It would be a shame if Arizona lost this because of a law that, on paper seems to be helpful, it has the potential to create a gigantic firestorm of controversy because of what could happen. It take one officer that is even partially corrupt and a person of Mexican (or Hispanic) heritage who is here legally, yet may not have his or her ID on them and BOOM! The officer has grounds to ship this person back to Mexico and all hell breaks loose.

The problem with this law is that it can potentially label ALL Hispanic-American people as illegal aliens. You are going to have the government come down so hard it'll make your head spin.


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You see Charger it is racism. Obama is the first black President and it shall be illegal to criticism and comparing him to Hitler is the same as burning a cross on the White House lawn, so says the same people who created 1 Million images comparing Bush to Hitler. Because that was ok because Bush is a Republican and they are free to be torn asunder.


You see Bush ignored the Hitler claims because albeit he had many faults he had a thick skin and knew what it took to be President. Unlike Obama who needs his ego stroked by Chris Matthews and MSNBC on a hour basis because his skin is too thin to handle any criticism.



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You see Charger it is racism. Obama is the first black President and it shall be illegal to criticism and comparing him to Hitler is the same as burning a cross on the White House lawn, so says the same people who created 1 Million images comparing Bush to Hitler. Because that was ok because Bush is a Republican and they are free to be torn asunder.


You see Bush ignored the Hitler claims because albeit he had many faults he had a thick skin and knew what it took to be President. Unlike Obama who needs his ego stroked by Chris Matthews and MSNBC on a hour basis because his skin is too thin to handle any criticism.


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Yeah, well if you are tired of the whole 'Everything white people do is Racist' crap, Lights Out...

Then what the hell do you call THIS?!?

I call it MSNBC seizing on one isolated incident and using it to generalize an entire group of people, because they are a left-leaning network that loves to defend Obama.

And by the way, many of his policies are centered around redistribution of wealth, and he has quite the aversion to big business. The Hitler comparison is way off but Obama does lean towards socialism.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Yeah, well if you are tired of the whole 'Everything white people do is Racist' crap, Lights Out...

Then what the hell do you call THIS?!?

Wasn't Hitler a facist, not a socialist?

Even the the name of the party was the National Socialist Party ('Nazi'), he was indeed a facist.

And Lights Out: One incident? There have been other incidents involving members/supporters of the Tea Party. Don't give me that excuse of this being an 'isolated incident' when the Tea Party has a record of doing actions like this.

Oh, and I didn't know that actually giving a damn about the country's poor people and telling big business to back off was in line with being a Socialist. If that's the case, then you might as well label every freaking Democrat a Socialist as well... Or maybe you're just spouting off crap that you cannot back up much like a certain New Jersey based resident who thinks Obama is evil.


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He was both. Nazi is a shortened version of National Socialism or Nationalsozialismus in German. National Socialism is a form of Facism. The quick one sentence answer for "What is facsim?": Facism is basically the consolidation of power in a central government. Of course its much more complex than that but its a good working definition.

PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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Yeah, well if you are tired of the whole 'Everything white people do is Racist' crap, Lights Out...

Then what the hell do you call THIS?!?

Wasn't Hitler a facist, not a socialist?

Well the sign also features Lenin.

However the point is this. I think this day in age no matter who the President is somebody is going to play the Hitler card. It is not racism its just what is called being the President after all look at what Bush had to deal with.



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f-a-s-c-i-s-m, guys; though I suppose he did discriminate based on facial features.

Lot of people either failing to zoom in on the All-Star Game issue here or willfully running interference with all this grandstanding about income taxes and Hitler. Bruschimania nailed it, so let me repeat it:

Considering how many baseball players have come to the US seeking a better life for themselves and their families, I think that if the majority of players have an issue with the law, the game should be moved, and Phoenix shouldn't be given the financial windfall of hosting. That's the free market at work, something I'd think most of the Glenn Beck fans who love the bill would support.

Hard to argue this, especially the pick-a-lane zinger at the end.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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f-a-s-c-i-s-m, guys; though I suppose he did discriminate based on facial features.

Bruschimania nailed it, so let me repeat it:

Considering how many baseball players have come to the US seeking a better life for themselves and their families, I think that if the majority of players have an issue with the law, the game should be moved, and Phoenix shouldn't be given the financial windfall of hosting. That's the free market at work, something I'd think most of the Glenn Beck fans who love the bill would support.

Hard to argue this, especially the pick-a-lane zinger at the end.

And how many of those baseball players that came here for a better life came here illegally?

PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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