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Clippers third


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One of the most distinctive features of the San Diego Clippers' powder blue uniforms could be found on their shorts, this being a set of signal flags meant to spell CLIPPERS. And as it seems things have been going lately, this is another one where I had more than one idea. Fortunately, not as many (yet) as the six I had for a single Tigers vest...anyways, I present you a Clippers third:

Idea 1: Flags a la Rangers


Idea 2: Hanging Flags



A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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The reason the SD Clippers had signal flags on their shorts is because if they had them on the jersey, it would look too cluttered. That is what your concept appears like - too cluttered. There are too many objects and colors on the jersey, alone. Though a clever and original idea, I don't think it would work as a jersey in the NBA.

Between your two concepts, I think the NBA would most likely use the 2nd one. They both are good concepts, but they are not likely to be used.


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It's pretty good, as long as they wouldn't over wear it, I think this is a great idea. But only if they wore it like once or twice a season. I wonder if there is some holiday or special day where it would make sense to wear these, I can't think of one but Im sure someone else can.


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Excellent, excellent idea. I think the concept is strong enough that you could go without the team name/logo on the front as long as it's a one-off alternate that's only worn a couple times a year. That said, I think the flag motif needs to be a little bit better integrated. What if you had a continuous sash like the blazers, but running diagonally from shoulder the waist, then placed the player number on the chest opposite the stripe. Maybe it could be a vertical racing stripe down one side like the old Pacers' uniform. Both of those options allow you to make the flag larger, and honestly, I don't think it's necessary on the shorts.

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This is a really cool idea! I like Andrew's thoughts on doing it ala the Blazers, but one crazy idea that came to mind was almost like a retro Nuggets-style motif. Just a big blocky mass straight across the torso, with the number on the chest... Try that on for size! :grin:


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LightsOut, Fry, harrington, I just might give all those ideas a shot. Anyways, I've made a few tweaks:

*corrected the alpha flag on the shorts

*switched the positions of the front number and LAC on the Ranger-ish version

*changed the waistband on the shorts from blue to red

and now version 3 (based on a sketch I'd misplaced...yeh, might be a bit to baseballish for some, but then the Clips kind of own baseball script in the NBA, so this would make a lot of sense for them)



A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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