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2011-2012 NCAA Football Uniform Thread

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Number font is stupid. Needlessly "unique" just to look different.

that dosnt make any sense to me. theres nothing needless or unnecessary about being unique. the number font is a part of the brand identity and should reflect their logo and other graphic elements or have a rhythm with them. that said, i dont feel TCU has executed this concept very well. they're very close but the cuts are really odd




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Number font is stupid. Needlessly "unique" just to look different.

that dosnt make any sense to me. theres nothing needless or unnecessary about being unique. the number font is a part of the brand identity and should reflect their logo and other graphic elements or have a rhythm with them. that said, i dont feel TCU has executed this concept very well. they're very close but the cuts are really odd

Well, I guess I could've worded it a little better. I put quotes around "unique" because I really just don't find it all that impressive. Nike put little notches in the number font for MSU, too.

I don't like it when a number font appears to be forced into a design simply for the sake of being different. How does this particular font design fit the overall brand indentity? Sure its different (relatively), but does it serve the design, or is it just different to be different?

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I put quotes around "unique" because I really just don't find it all that impressive. Nike put little notches in the number font for MSU, too.

I don't like it when a number font appears to be forced into a design simply for the sake of being different. How does this particular font design fit the overall brand indentity? Sure its different (relatively), but does it serve the design, or is it just different to be different?

I fully agree, and that's the point I was (trying to illustrate) earlier. It's one thing to be "cohesively unique" (if that makes any sense--and it probably doesn't); it's quite another to be different just for the sake of being different.

All that said, I do like the frog-scale pattern going on with the helmets. Kinda makes me wonder if Nike offered them an option of purple/black frog-scale pants...or if that would've been too expensive for them to produce in mass quantity like that. I think that would've been a cool pairing.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I put quotes around "unique" because I really just don't find it all that impressive. Nike put little notches in the number font for MSU, too.

I don't like it when a number font appears to be forced into a design simply for the sake of being different. How does this particular font design fit the overall brand indentity? Sure its different (relatively), but does it serve the design, or is it just different to be different?

I fully agree, and that's the point I was (trying to illustrate) earlier. It's one thing to be "cohesively unique" (if that makes any sense--and it probably doesn't); it's quite another to be different just for the sake of being different.

All that said, I do like the frog-scale pattern going on with the helmets. Kinda makes me wonder if Nike offered them an option of purple/black frog-scale pants...or if that would've been too expensive for them to produce in mass quantity like that. I think that would've been a cool pairing.

The numbers are frog skin too. The team could've ordered frog skin pants, but the rivalry frog skin pants haven't held up very well and likely wouldn't make a whole season of games.

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I disagree. I really don't like when people complain that "change was made for change's" sake. I'd much rather see a bunch of unique number fonts and cool uniform design elements than the same plain jerseys, block numbers, etc.

TCU has a good thing going here. I'm iffy on the removal of the frog on the helmet decal, and the sleeve design is uninspiring, but the number font is a nice touch in my book.

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I put quotes around "unique" because I really just don't find it all that impressive. Nike put little notches in the number font for MSU, too.

I don't like it when a number font appears to be forced into a design simply for the sake of being different. How does this particular font design fit the overall brand indentity? Sure its different (relatively), but does it serve the design, or is it just different to be different?

I fully agree, and that's the point I was (trying to illustrate) earlier. It's one thing to be "cohesively unique" (if that makes any sense--and it probably doesn't); it's quite another to be different just for the sake of being different.

All that said, I do like the frog-scale pattern going on with the helmets. Kinda makes me wonder if Nike offered them an option of purple/black frog-scale pants...or if that would've been too expensive for them to produce in mass quantity like that. I think that would've been a cool pairing.

The numbers are frog skin too. The team could've ordered frog skin pants, but the rivalry frog skin pants haven't held up very well and likely wouldn't make a whole season of games.

Plus they look tacky.

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Number font is stupid. Needlessly "unique" just to look different.

that dosnt make any sense to me. theres nothing needless or unnecessary about being unique. the number font is a part of the brand identity and should reflect their logo and other graphic elements or have a rhythm with them. that said, i dont feel TCU has executed this concept very well. they're very close but the cuts are really odd

Well, I guess I could've worded it a little better. I put quotes around "unique" because I really just don't find it all that impressive. Nike put little notches in the number font for MSU, too.

I don't like it when a number font appears to be forced into a design simply for the sake of being different. How does this particular font design fit the overall brand indentity? Sure its different (relatively), but does it serve the design, or is it just different to be different?

in this case i do agree. if they would have cut TCU between the serifs and stems (not what i would recommend) in a similar way at least there would be rhythm and continuity to the uniform. there would be a good reason for their design choice, and at least we could say they did a bad/okay job in the correct way, and you would also say "yeah, thats looks like TCU"




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Note I just got from TCU's AD:

"I've received many phone calls about our new Nike football uniforms and helmet that we unveiled at last Saturday's banquet and then posted on our website. We very much value our relationship with Nike and how much they've become a part of the TCU family. Gary Patterson worked closely with Nike and its design team on enhancing our brand nationally. The new set of uniforms and helmet simply provide us with another option on what to wear each game. We now have four sets of uniforms and four different helmets, including our traditional helmet with the Frog, our new one and the two from the Pro Combat series. The student-athletes in our football program and those we are recruiting are passionate about uniforms and love the options now available through Nike."

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Oh dear lord, I just lost all respect for TCU. I thought these were a full replacement of the old unis.

Hey, when your school doesn't have anything else to offer...wear a :censored: load of uniforms.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Oh dear lord, I just lost all respect for TCU. I thought these were a full replacement of the old unis.

Hey, when your school doesn't have anything else to offer...wear a :censored: load of uniforms.

Yeah, TCU has nothing else to offer... :rolleyes:

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I'm actually fine with this, just think: The new black jersey, traditional TCU w/frog on helmets and purple pants. That's a good looking outfit right there!

FWIW, The girls in Fort Worth aren;t hard on the eyes either





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Oh dear lord, I just lost all respect for TCU. I thought these were a full replacement of the old unis.

Hey, when your school doesn't have anything else to offer...wear a :censored: load of uniforms.

Yeah, TCU has nothing else to offer... :rolleyes:

That's the message your AD is sending. If you need 8,000 uniform combinations to get recruits who are passionate about uniforms, good for Nike.

The traditional football powers don't see the need for 4 helmets and 4 sets of uniforms. LDT, Andy Dalton, Jerry Hughes, and other TCU players seemed to do okay with one helmet before this gimmicky Nike infusion. Why whore yourselves out change?

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Oh dear lord, I just lost all respect for TCU. I thought these were a full replacement of the old unis.

Hey, when your school doesn't have anything else to offer...wear a :censored: load of uniforms.

Yeah, TCU has nothing else to offer... :rolleyes:

That's the message your AD is sending. If you need 8,000 uniform combinations to get recruits who are passionate about uniforms, good for Nike.

The traditional football powers don't see the need for 4 helmets and 4 sets of uniforms. LDT, Andy Dalton, Jerry Hughes, and other TCU players seemed to do okay with one helmet before this gimmicky Nike infusion. Why whore yourselves out change?

No, it isn't. This is a note to supporters of the athletic program. He is just doing it to quell the fears of the old fuddy duddies who don't like change. TCU doesn't whore itself out to Nike. TCU said no to what Nike wanted TCU to wear in the Rose Bowl and wore exactly what TCU wanted. Whatever happens in TCU Football happens because Gary Patterson wants it to (and so far he hasn't been wrong on much).

I love how people love to blame stuff on Nike. Do you REALLY think Nike wants us to wear old uniforms that they aren't selling replicas of when we have new ones?

TCU has plenty of things to offer recruits and students alike. Oregon has a ton of uniforms. Do they not have anything else to offer recruits or students?

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So Gary Patterson thinks the team needs 4 helmets and 4 sets of uniforms to stay competitive? Do you and your buddy Gary really think the 4 distinct looks are good for TCU branding?

And yeah, Oregon has a ton of uniforms, but they get bashed and ridiculed by outsiders for having so many combinations.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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So Gary Patterson thinks the team needs 4 helmets and 4 sets of uniforms to stay competitive? Do you and your buddy Gary really think the 4 distinct looks are good for TCU branding?

And yeah, Oregon has a ton of uniforms, but they get bashed and ridiculed by outsiders for having so many combinations.

I think TCU has shown they can do just fine with whatever (Andy Dalton had one other scholarship offer - UTEP and Tank Carder had 0 and both were recruited before we were getting the Nike love), but Patterson is smart and he knows how much these uniforms help in recruiting.

I think 3 standard uniforms and 1 special is EXCELLENT for TCU branding.

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So wait, this isn't a replacement, this is an addition?

That is a :censored:-load of unis, wow. :wacko:

I'm not sure.

Does 4 uniforms sets mean:

these 3 and a new pro combat?

these 3 and an old pro combat?

the 3 from this year, 2 from last year, PC from 2009 and PC from 2010?

the 3 from this year, 2 from last year, 3 from 2009 and the 3 PCs?

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So wait, this isn't a replacement, this is an addition?

That is a :censored:-load of unis, wow. :wacko:

I'm not sure.

Does 4 uniforms sets mean:

these 3 and a new pro combat?

these 3 and an old pro combat?

the 3 from this year, 2 from last year, PC from 2009 and PC from 2010?

the 3 from this year, 2 from last year, 3 from 2008 and the 3 PCs?

From the AD's note, I'd say C is your answer. Maybe D. The AD considers all 3 of the new unis as a "new set".

I think 3 standard uniforms and 1 special is EXCELLENT for TCU branding.

So do I, but I don't think that's what TCU is doing.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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