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MC2's N(ike)FL Concepts


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Well, I consider the first thread posted with my concepts a failure, I got about 10 comments over a week or so, and I felt my concepts were not good, since I was a beginner, so I stopped it, and I am restarting it now.

These are Nike Pro Combat concepts, and I plan to go in alphabetical order so it stays consistent and I don't forget any team.

Without making you read my boring intro any longer, here are the first 4 teams.

Arizona Cardinals:


Home Alt.


Away Alt.


Alternate Alt.

Atlanta Falcons:


Home Alt.


Away Alt.


Alternate Alt.

Baltimore Ravens:


Home Alt.


Away Alt.


Alternate Alt.

Buffalo Bills:


Home Alt.


Away Alt.


Alternate Alt.


Fast. Hard. Finish.

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  • Replies 49
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Arizona Cardinals - It's good. Not anything groundbreaking, but good. 8.5/10

Atlanta Falcons - I love this concept. But I think you should make a red helmet to go with the black jersey (like the current throwbacks, but modernized). 9.25/10, but with red helmets you could bring this up.

Baltimore Ravens - At first I was like "ehh", but then I came to terms with them. 9/10

Buffalo Bills - HOLY CRAP DO I LOVE THESE! Absolutely PERFECT use of old school colours and the modern logo. This would bring the Bills from a laughable look to an iconic one. 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000/10

(That was a googol).


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I like most of these concepts, but I'm not sure if it was you or simply the program you were using, but it seems there's some inconsistencies with the coloring of the uniforms. For example Arizona's sleeves on a couple of the concepts don't seem to match, and Baltimore's white uniforms seem to have some issues with the coloring/outline on the shoulders. Other than that, I like them, but you might want to add a white outline to the Cardinal logo on Arizona's red uniforms, since it blends in too well.

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I like most of these concepts, but I'm not sure if it was you or simply the program you were using, but it seems there's some inconsistencies with the coloring of the uniforms. For example Arizona's sleeves on a couple of the concepts don't seem to match, and Baltimore's white uniforms seem to have some issues with the coloring/outline on the shoulders. Other than that, I like them, but you might want to add a white outline to the Cardinal logo on Arizona's red uniforms, since it blends in too well.

The Cardinals issue was a mistake on my part.

For the Ravens, if your talking about the white space between the black part and the purple outline, that's intentional.


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Heres the next team, the Carolina Panthers. The Panthers was tough because they are my favorite team so I wanted them to look nice, so every idea that wasn't perfect I discarded. I got rid of the silver color and only used Black, Light Blue and White. I added Black pants and made the helmet Black too.


Home Alt.


Away Alt.


Alternate Alt.


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I have to say the panthers is very good. Usually I hate that sleeve pattern but here it works really well. But whats up with the pants and going around the back. Is that on purpose?

Yes. It was inspired by the Toronto Raptor shorts design:



Fast. Hard. Finish.

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I have to say the panthers is very good. Usually I hate that sleeve pattern but here it works really well. But whats up with the pants and going around the back. Is that on purpose?

Yes. It was inspired by the Toronto Raptor shorts design:


Well done. I've always though the Panthers should drop the silver and have a black helmet, and this concept confirms that. Plus, I think the current Toronto Raptors have a great uniform set, so it's nice to see you really work that into your design. It's by far the best out of all the teams you've redone.

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Here's the next team, the Chicago Bears. As much as I wanted to completely scrap the design and start over with something creative, I knew it would have been torn to shreds by the people on this board, so I just used the regular design, but sorta "modernized" it.


Home Alt.


Away Alt.


Alternate Alt.


Fast. Hard. Finish.

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On the Bears, I like the direction you're going in, but I think it could use some work.

First, on the helmet logo use the current one with just a white outline. The double outline doesn't work.

Next, I would take off all the collar and cuff striping. It mainly doesn't work on the away, where the blue cuffs clash with the sleeve stripes. And I just personally don't like the collar striping.

I would make the pants stripes the same as they are now, thickness and color.

Lastly, I would make the striping on the orange alt all blue.

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Thank you all for the comments, I really appreciate all the feedback, helps me out with future concepts.

Eh, I am really not excited to show you the Bengals. I had no idea with the Bengals, and the only thing I could do was stripes, which I can't do well, so I just used a very used, simple design, and I don't know if anyone has done these stripes, but they are difficult and took over an hour.


Home Alt.


Away Alt.


Alternate Alt.


Fast. Hard. Finish.

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