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Bills confirm new uniform for 2011

Nick in England

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I like the font and have grown accustomed to it ... so I use it, but not to go out of my way to be different or to be distracting.

You've replied to postings I made in the past, and I had always used VERDANA.

Fonts on uniforms and other sports apparel have always been such a major topic on this board, I never thought it could be made into such an issue. I've gotten so used to VERDANA over the years that I've gotten comfortable with it over the years.

Perhaps you're right, 'heavily criticized' wasn't what I was looking for. I think it's more of how it was viewed & described in the earlier post by 'Bring Back the Vet'.

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First of all ARTnSocal, get over yourself.

I like the font and have grown accustomed to it ... so I use it, but not to go out of my way to be different or to be distracting.

Super. Here's the thing though. Verdana isn't the standard font here. Which means when you use it your post stands out as distracting. If I think your post is distracting I'm going to take it less seriously, because I'm annoyed by it before I even read it.

hey calm down everyone, Chris does an AMAZING job on this site and forum, to criticize him is just ridiculous.

Just like blowing him at every opportunity is ridiculous. The fact that we all love the forums doesn't mean that anyone is perfect and their decisions should be praised implicitly.

I think that the article posted was a little misleading, and despite the fact that it does specify that it's a regular helmet, it's reasonable for even a more-than-casual reader to assume that the picture is in fact the new Bills helmet that we'll see on the field. Also, there's a posted rule about leaking things before they're unveiled, though that seems to be unilaterally unenforced these days, especially with the video game leaks (maybe because technically they leaked somewhere else, not sure.) It'd be pretty poopy if it was "nobody can leak things except me" (not that it seems like that is the case, but it could be viewed that way.)

I think that the attacks on Art and Social were a little unnecessary - just because someone disagrees with CC doesn't mean that everyone needs to step up and kiss his ass by berating the person. CC's more than capable of standing up for himself. Criticizing one article doesn't make one an ingrate or mean that one doesn't appreciate what CC's done for us.

All indications are that the helmet Chris posted is very close to what the Bills will be wearing. The general design seems spot on. Is it perfect? Probably not. It is something though. Like I said before, any time a high profile uniform change is in store people here get antsy and want leaks. Here we have someone sharing what seems like insider info, a leak of a prominent part of this new uniform, and some guy decides to blast him for it. If that's the way we're going to react to leaked info Chris and others might be inclined to keep this kind of information to themselves in the future, and the community as a whole loses.

Back to ARTnSocal's response though. His decision to deride Chris was based on superficial stuff. All the information we have seems to indicate that this the general design the Bills will wear. Complaining that it's not EXACT seems small and petty next to the larger point that is conformation of a rumour that's been circulating for a while.

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First of all ARTnSocal, get over yourself.

I like the font and have grown accustomed to it ... so I use it, but not to go out of my way to be different or to be distracting.

Super. Here's the thing though. Verdana isn't the standard font here. Which means when you use it your post stands out as distracting. If I think your post is distracting I'm going to take it less seriously, because I'm annoyed by it before I even read it.

I should get over 'myself' ..... you're the one attempting all the psycho-analyst stuff over a keyboard. If anyone should get over themselves it's you.

None of these issues you seem to be making is in rules & regulations, so if it's updated I'll abide by it.

I see you're back to trying to speak for Chris whom although I disagreed with today about the helmet I also highly complimented him for his hard work on this website.

Tell ya what .... I honestly could care less if you take my postings seriously or not, you're just 1 of many posters .... I suggest you just ignore my postings since they seem to annoy you so much, I'll do the same with yours, and peace is restored. Very simple

Next case .............

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First of all ARTnSocal, get over yourself.

I like the font and have grown accustomed to it ... so I use it, but not to go out of my way to be different or to be distracting.

Super. Here's the thing though. Verdana isn't the standard font here. Which means when you use it your post stands out as distracting. If I think your post is distracting I'm going to take it less seriously, because I'm annoyed by it before I even read it.

I should get over 'myself' ..... you're the one attempting all the psycho-analyst stuff over a keyboard. If anyone should get over themselves it's you.

None of these issues you seem to be making is in rules & regulations, so if it's updated I'll abide by it.

Tell ya what .... I honestly could care less if you take my postings seriously or not, you're just 1 of many posters .... I suggest you just ignore my postings since they seem to annoy you so much, I'll do the same with yours, and peace is restored. Very simple

Next case .............

I'm not trying to psychoanalyze anyone champ. Believe it or not I was trying to give you a pointer, as I know I'm not the only one annoyed by the Verdana font. If you just want to be snippy that's your call.

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I'm not trying to psychoanalyze anyone champ. Believe it or not I was trying to give you a pointer, as I know I'm not the only one annoyed by the Verdana font. If you just want to be snippy that's your call.

That's the way it sure appears.

Let me just reiterate that Chris could speak for himself, and he's already done so, and as far as I know the two of us have moved on from it yet you and one other doesn't seem to be able to let go.

I never asked for you to give me a pointer, and after what's been said I don't welcome or respect any pointers from you.

So again, let's please drop it and move forward. We obviously agree that we disagree .... It happens

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I've created a monster...

On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12POTD 2/26/17


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Sure thing Sparky ;)

Here ... I'll even hug it out with you, 'Arial' style hug.gif

Now we've officially moved on ............

I'm more of a Courier New kind of guy to be honest. As long as we both agree Comic Sans blows we should be fine drinkingbuddies-2.gif

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For the record, when you pull out little pet names like "Sparky" (which you invariably do in arguments), it devalues your points more than a non-standard font could.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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For the record, when you pull out little pet names like "Sparky" (which you invariably do in arguments), it devalues your points more than a non-standard font could.

I do. And I only use them when I feel the person I'm arguing is being utterly ridiculous. Other then that, I'm not entirely sure what to say on that topic.

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For the record, when you pull out little pet names like "Sparky" (which you invariably do in arguments), it devalues your points more than a non-standard font could.

and that was after I was being told how 'snippy' I was being ... now who the hec says 'snippy' :huh:

the only one I've ever heard being called 'Sparky' was Clark Griswald by Mrs Griswald in the 'Vacation' movies ... :grin:

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Well it didn't seem right to decide to criticize a guy for a dissenting opinion (which wasn't worded that badly that it should have stirred up any trouble) but then deviate from said opinion and get in to tenure and font choice. With all due respect, I feel that you made more of this than it needed to be.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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The Chargers had all three when they unveiled their current set.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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The Chargers had all three when they unveiled their current set.

Yea, I remember that ... and I was horrified that they tampered with the throwback powder blues.

I think the Spanos' purposely mess with the CHARGERS fans on those

There's a rumor on the BILLS board that there were gonna be no throwbacks in 2011, but then there's another rumor that the throwback is still in production with REEBOK, so we'll find out next Friday. If no throwbacks it's going to upset half of BILLS-nation who's in love with the Grazing Bison throwbacks and wanted them back fulltime just like the CHARGERS fans (and NFL fans nationwide) have long wanted to see the Powder blues return fulltime for SD.

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Well it didn't seem right to decide to criticize a guy for a dissenting opinion (which wasn't worded that badly that it should have stirred up any trouble) but then deviate from said opinion and get in to tenure and font choice. With all due respect, I feel that you made more of this than it needed to be.

It just seems wrong to jump on someone for providing us with a leak. I mean we don't these much anymore (I could swear the number of high profile leaks was larger prior to the release of the current Anaheim Angels re-brand) and when we do someone takes the person who provided the info to task. It might discourage others who have insider info from sharing, which would be a blow to the community, I think.

The font thing just bugged me. Maybe this wasn't the best place to bring it up, but I didn't mean for it to blow up to the extent that it did.

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I think the Spanos' purposely mess with the CHARGERS fans on those

What? Chargers fans love the current powder blues overall. Hell, it's sad that I'm saying this, but bringing powder blue back as a full-time color is one of the best moves the Spanoses (Spanii?) have made in recent memory.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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