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Bills confirm new uniform for 2011

Nick in England

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Once again, a jersey is affected by the cut of the jersey. Looks like the Bills are using the stripes as a shoulder/sleeve stripe hybrid. Like its in between where a shoulder stripe and a sleeve stripe would go. Although the stripes on the replicas are bugging the hell out of me. Very interesting though. And yeah, I hope they make some blue pants soon, I'm not a huge fan of the all-white monochrome they have on the away set. Still a definite upgrade though.

6873.gif13-3. 1st place in NFC West. 1 fumble away from Super Bowl 46.

1hrqvo4oaipg1j7eboaxh4bgu.gif. 40-26. Lost in Conference Semifinals

zroew6i4sougyzvje4p5vl1xr.gif34-36-12 80 Points. Painfully watching the rivals win the Cup.

2908.gif 28-26. 3 GB of AL East lead. Starting to turn around the season.

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Yeah those replicas are really bugging me. The numbers have navy outlines, where the real jerseys don't, or not as bad anyways.

6873.gif13-3. 1st place in NFC West. 1 fumble away from Super Bowl 46.

1hrqvo4oaipg1j7eboaxh4bgu.gif. 40-26. Lost in Conference Semifinals

zroew6i4sougyzvje4p5vl1xr.gif34-36-12 80 Points. Painfully watching the rivals win the Cup.

2908.gif 28-26. 3 GB of AL East lead. Starting to turn around the season.

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Looks like the one's the military were wearing were replicas. The ones the alumni wore...you can definitely see the navy outline is bigger. It's okay i guess.

Wish the blue pants were there. Maybe they will be, and they just didn't appear on stage.

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The road whites look too 'colts' to me. need those blue pants badly.

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Like everyone else, I hated Buffalo's uniforms. I'm also a big proponent of retro-styled looks, gray facemasks, the whole shebang.

Yet for some reason, I can't seem to get on board with the new set. I mean, I agree with the sentiment that anything's an upgrade, but the unnecessary use of navy blue and those ridiculous shoulder stripes make it hard to get excited about these.

To be fair, the shoulder strip issue is problem damn near league-wide. If Nike does anything when they take over, I hope it's finding a reasonable solution to putting traditional stripes on modern jersey cuts.

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The fact that the stripes aren't horizontal bothers me.

And I like all white looks from top to bottom, but this is one set I wish they had the blue pants for

I think they ARE horizontal, but the new cuts make any horizontal "attempt" look very Texans/Colts -esque

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The fact that the stripes aren't horizontal bothers me.

And I like all white looks from top to bottom, but this is one set I wish they had the blue pants for

I think they ARE horizontal, but the new cuts make any horizontal "attempt" look very Texans/Colts -esque

In the end, it doesn't look horizontal, so it doesn't look good in that sense

Go A's!

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Wow. These looked a lot better in the mock-ups (which I think is pretty rare). The stripes are awkwardly positioned on the real things. The lack of blue pants is disappointing (although probably easy for the Bills to fix if the fans are loud enough about wanting them). Also, what the heck is going on with the navy--is it there or not?

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