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Dexter Morgan

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Oscar Charleston over Al Simmons?!?!?! Compare these stats, and keep in mind Simmons had much greater competition.

And, north dakota, YOU CAN'T START HANK GREENBERG IN RIGHT FIELD. He is only eligible as a first baseman. So, you could have had Mel Ott or Al Simmons...and you choose Oscar Charleston. Wow.


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Bill James ranked Oscar Charleston as the 4th best baseball player of all-time and I think Bill James knows baseball.

In a very obscure kind of way. It's hard to judge a baseball player by his Pythagorean Winning Percentage or something crazy like that. I seriously doubt he's the 4th best player of all time. Here's five better ones, just up the top of my head:

  • Babe Ruth
  • Willie Mays
  • Christie Mathewson
  • Walter Johnson
  • Hank Aaron

There. Do you disagree that any of those players are better than Oscar Charleston?


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It's funny. My #1-2 on my list were Snider and Carter, and originally, when Dexter sent me his and KDubs picks, those were the two players that lead to me saying this.

I have Dexters, KDubs, and no clue who I will take once dakota picks... unless he doesn't pick until after I go to bed.

I was trying to figure out just who the hell would be at the top of my list now, when Dexter changed his picks, which allowed the Duke to fall into my lap. Thanks Dex.

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There's one person I'm hoping falls to me who I've had rated as the best available position player for awhile now. Higher then Banks.

If he does great, if not so be it. If he does though it means my gamble to take Banks earlier then I wanted to paid off, because I would want to take Ernie Banks now although I know he would have been snatched up by now.

So far so good, just one pick away which I'm hoping happens before one, otherwise my pick will have to be sent in.

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Why Duke Snider over Al Simmons, bruschi? Or even Mel Ott, who's still on the board?

I didn't go Ott because I feel corner outfield has enough depth that I didn't feel like worrying about it. Had he qualified for center, I would have probably taken him.

You compare Snider and Simmons, Simmons hit for more average, but Snider hit for more power and got on base at a higher clip, albeit both to a smaller degree.

Career bWAR: Snider 67.5, Simmons 63.6

I wouldn't necessarily say you were wrong for wanting Simmons, but I'm definitely happy with my choice.

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I won't be back until at least 7PM, so don't send your picks into me. They may or may not be made on time. I also will not be on as frequently during this week as well, so this will go for the entire week. Once I make my pick that's going to be it for the day for me. You will not see me after that for that day.

Anyone who sends their picks into me does so at their own risk from today until Sunday. I will either forward them to someone else or make the selection myself if I'm around but I offer no guarantee that either will get done on time.

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What'd be really nice is to after every round update who's been taken in all rounds on the first page of the draft thread and also put their positions. I'm thinking to use it as a quick reference for people.



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Google document would be perfect. That way Dexter can update that, and the link would be sticky in the first thread of this. As far as multiple positions, It should be in the discretion of the team owner. Wherever they place them on their roster is where they play for the team.

By the way, I am more than 95% sure I am going to be checking the boards every hour on the hour, so I am going to be manually drafting from now on. If my pick is in the next 5 and something comes up I will PM a few picks from my board to cover the bases.

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