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Dexter Morgan

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This isn't going any faster today, hopefully it picks up later.

are you going to be able to select for scotty again? or are his picks all taken by now?

Unless Eddie Murray is still there. Is he? If not, his picks are gone.

Unfortunately he is still on the board (I considered taking him with my pick)

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This isn't going any faster today, hopefully it picks up later.

are you going to be able to select for scotty again? or are his picks all taken by now?

Unless Eddie Murray is still there. Is he? If not, his picks are gone.

Unfortunately he is still on the board (I considered taking him with my pick)

Same here, but I guess I'll give it to him to get this thing moving again.

Detroit Falcons (NABL) | Detroit Gears (UFL)

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I can't believe Dizzy Dean was available, he had the last 30 win season in the NL, and I wanted one player from the Roid Era on my roster, so I went with Palmeiro.

Dean was my next pick. It was a very good pick on your part.

Thank you, I triple checked the rosters page going "Please let Dean not be on here" and I also have my next pick pretty much figured out.



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Dizzy Dean was likely still available because he couldn't stay on the field during his career. It started with a toe injury that he was rushed back from too soon, and then just devolved into constant injuries in his shoulder and arms due to having to tweak his mechanics to avoid toe discomfort. When he was healthy, he was solid, but I think he's a reach here.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Dizzy Dean was likely still available because he couldn't stay on the field during his career. It started with a toe injury that he was rushed back from too soon, and then just devolved into constant injuries in his shoulder and arms due to having to tweak his mechanics to avoid toe discomfort. When he was healthy, he was solid, but I think he's a reach here.

Is there anything you don't have an almanac memorized on in sports :P



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Dizzy Dean was likely still available because he couldn't stay on the field during his career. It started with a toe injury that he was rushed back from too soon, and then just devolved into constant injuries in his shoulder and arms due to having to tweak his mechanics to avoid toe discomfort. When he was healthy, he was solid, but I think he's a reach here.

Is there anything you don't have an almanac memorized on in sports :P

Dean's issues are pretty common knowledge; if you know anything at all about baseball history.






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So who do we think has the best team so far? My opinion is that bruschimania and Billy B have gotten the most value out of their picks. Everyone seems to be doing well, but those two stand out to me.

Clearly it's the Devil Rays. Lights Out is a genius! :P

I don't know, YessSir32 looks pretty impressive at the moment. :D

Detroit Falcons (NABL) | Detroit Gears (UFL)

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One question, how many rounds are we doing?

And by the end of this, the Steaks will have the most dominant Starting 5 in the entire draft.



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One question, how many rounds are we doing?

And by the end of this, the Steaks will have the most dominant Starting 5 in the entire draft.

Until you fill up your roster and I don't feel like counting that at the moment so you figure that out.

Detroit Falcons (NABL) | Detroit Gears (UFL)

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By the way, Dizzy Dean also was the man behind one of the most badass moments in sports history. After retiring, he worked as one of the St. Louis Browns' radio announcers. During one season of particularly brutal pitching, Dizzy declared that he could still pitch better the Browns' rotation in his old age. The Browns (who were hard up for cash and desperate for a gimmick) had him come back to pitch one of the last games of the season. He went out, pitched a few shutout innings, and then hit a single. In typical Dizzy fashion, he then pulled his hamstring while running the bases and went back to the booth. Legen... wait for it... dary.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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You really picked Palmiero over Pujols or even Murray, Jahgee? Wow.

By the way, I'm sending this from my phone. Don't expect me to be posting here often, as I will get busier and busier as the week(end) progresses.

Pujols has been off the board for some time.

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Palmeiro isn't the top 1B on my board, but I sure as :censored: would have him above Eddie Murray.

I was looking at Eddie Murray but I already had Thome, but honestly Plameiro isn't even on my list of 1B let alone on my list of 130 players I wrote down last night before I went to bed. Doesn't mean he's bad, but I was never a big fan of his even before the steroids crap.



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I wasn't planning on taking those guys that yessir picked for me so is there any way I can re-pick? Those were the guys on the short list I sent to YessSir a few days ago, but since then my team needs have changed and I have some glaring holes in my lineup that I'd really like to fill. If I'm not mistaken I'd still be on the clock for my first pick. I think BillyB had a similar problem a few days ago that didn't really get changed, but if you guys wouldn't mind I would appreciate being able to get the picks I was hoping for.

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