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1986 Red Sox or 2011 Rangers?


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These last two games were the Rangers' "Wide Right".

Now onto becoming the Buffalo Bills of baseball!

They loss to the Giants, they lost to a team that wears red...

... so the next two losses will be to a team from Dallas?... oh....

I saw, I came, I left.

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I mean this in the best way, but no one cares about the Rangers.

Thank you, Arbiter of Caring. :rolleyes:

Anyway, the '86 Red Sox were worse. Leaving Buckner in with bad ankles instead of replacing him with Dave Stapleton (like they usually did when they had a late lead) has to go down as one of, if not the, worst managerial decisions of all time.

You deleted the part of my post where I explained what I meant by that statement. That's pretty lame.

I'm still right. Generally, national sports fans care about the Rangers the way they do the Bucks, Mariners, Padres, Hawks, and most NHL teams: not very much at all. It doesn't make fans of those teams bad people; it just means their collective histories are relatively undistinguished.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Rangers collapse was worse. Seriously! I was yelling at the tv saying "HOW COULD YOU PUT OGANDO IN THERE, HE ALREADY BLEW IT ONCE!"

What was even more pathetic is how they blew the game in the 10th too. Shoot, I thought Hamilton saved the day, but no, they blew it again. Ah well, they put up a good fight though and actually made the World Series worth watching this year. I wouldn't be surprised to see St. Louis in it next year.

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Best way to look at local support for the Rangers is two-fold: attendance and tv ratings.

Attendance for the past few years has been 30k+ people for every game. Local tv ratings for World Series broadcasts rivaled Cowboys Super Bowl victories from the nineties. To say that the state doesn't care about the Rangers is ignorant, idiotic, and completely asinine.

This loss is more painful than either the Red Sox (who will always play little brother to the Yankees) or even last years Rangers. Once the Series got started last year, everyone knew which way it would go by Game 2, so Rangers fans had time to prepare for it. This year, it was gut-wrenching to see it in their grasp and then hand it back.


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I think the Rangers loss is probably more painful, but the Boston loss will be remembered a lot more than it...

What's the iconic image from 1986? Bill Buckner's error. People in general don't remember any of the Mets good plays, they just know the Buckner play. The 1986 Series is defined by the losing team...

What's the iconic image from 2011? Probably the Freese triple or home run in game 6. A good play by the Cardinals. The 2011 Series is defined by the winning team...

But it did warm my heart to see the Rangers lose...

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I was trying to think of a better historical comparrison for game 6. I know the Bobby Thomson shot heard round the world wasn't a World Series game, but that seems a closer comparrison in some ways. The drama of the occasion, the lack of an obvious 'villain' to make the error (though Ogando=Branca?) the fact that at some point in the near future the Rangers may get their redemption?


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Texas fans, while having never won a title in fifty years, didn't start showing up for games until Year 49.

Just flat out not true.

The Rangers have never consistently drawn 3,000,000 a season, but they've never been the :censored:ing Rays either, where they couldn't draw flies if they were covered in :censored:. They've been a middle of the pack attendance team for the majority of their existence, and have finished Top 5 in the AL several times in the last 20 years.

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Texas fans, while having never won a title in fifty years, didn't start showing up for games until Year 49.

Just flat out not true.

The Rangers have never consistently drawn 3,000,000 a season, but they've never been the :censored:ing Rays either, where they couldn't draw flies if they were covered in :censored:. They've been a middle of the pack attendance team for the majority of their existence, and have finished Top 5 in the AL several times in the last 20 years.

I get they have their fans now -- Howeverm, I went to a game in Arlington BEFORE THEY WERE WINNING, and picked up some pretty bad ass seats the day of. It was really like being at a Marlins game. (Okay, not THAT bad. Maybe more like an Oakland game. :P)


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They've had one really :censored:ty year since moving to the new ballpark, and that was 2008.

Then again, for basically any team that isn't Boston, the Yankees, the Cubs, etc., ticket availability depends on what day it is, what opponent is there, etc... but they're not a historically poor-drawing team.


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The Rangers may not have actually lost Game 6 on an error, but they did contribute two of five total errors, both of which led to runs, IIRC. Obviously, they lost Game 6 due to the walk-off homer, but in reality, they had lost long before that.

While it wasn't technically scored an error, there's no freaking way a ball should've gone over Nelson Cruz's when he's playing No-Doubles defense.

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