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NHL Redesign Project


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There are so many teams that are just a mix-matching disaster and and there are teams that have potential to look great, but their uniforms are ruined by the Reebok Edge system. So anyways let's get to the first team:

St. Louis Blues.

With the Blues, I know the famous music note logo is historical to most NHL and Blues fans and shouldn't be touched. Well, I liked it enough to keep it the same. One other thing I like about their identity is their two tone blue colors along with gold. The new uniforms tried to look modern, but I don't think the Blues are a modern team so I gave them a more traditional look. SO here are the uniforms!





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Up next is the Minnesota Wild.

The Wild are one of the most unique color wise and probably have the best logo in the entire NHL. Because the logo is so amazing, there was no way I could make something better and be happy about it so again, I stuck with the logo and after a lot of negative feedback with the previous set, I gave them there older style striping.





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That's a solid look for the Blues. Kudos for losing the bevels on the third jersey crest.

Not a fan of the Wild set at all, I find the choice of a generic Edge template disappointing. The Wheat blends in with white too much on the road jersey, and the third is just very bland. I like that you've kept their unique number font and it is a shame they're moving away from that in real life, but outside of that you could do so much more with the Wild.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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That's a solid look for the Blues. Kudos for losing the bevels on the third jersey crest.

Not a fan of the Wild set at all, I find the choice of a generic Edge template disappointing. The Wheat blends in with white too much on the road jersey, and the third is just very bland. I like that you've kept their unique number font and it is a shame they're moving away from that in real life, but outside of that you could do so much more with the Wild.

Those things.^

Blues = good

Wild = I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed...

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Next team up is the Dallas Stars.

I started by giving the Stars a complete new look by designing a modern logo for them but still keeping the old one around. I also used the longhorn head as the secondary and shoulder patches. Comments please!





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That's a good look for Dallas, and a nice update to the star jersey. I like the modernisation of the logos too, although the primary does look better without the state of Texas behind it.

I'm of the crowd who prefers the star in the primary logo to be green rather than white, there doesn't necessarily have to be contrast between that and the green of the home jersey, but that's just me. But here, having that large white star on the front seems out of place considering there's very little white elsewhere on the uniform.

Also, nice update to the Blues. Although I think having the third jersey in navy was better before, it makes more differentiation between that and the home uniform. And you forgot to recolour one of the white jersey stripes :P


PotD: 24/08/2017

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Dallas looks great. I especially like the updated logo's. The only thing I don't like about the set is that all the team colours are not featured in the striping. The Gold stripes on the Home jersey would look better with a equal sized white stripe beside it while the away needs the same with Black.

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Not a huge fan of he Wild set. I think their colors look good on the generic Reebok jersey, but that's just it, it's very generic. I wish they had something more unique with their set, or even maybe a call back to the North Stars. Also, on the home jersey, the Name on back is white but there's no white on the rest of the jersey, maybe make it the beige color.

But other than that everything looks great



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St Louis looks fantastic. Dallas looks good as well, though I agree with Morgo on the striping. The updated Mooterus looks great as well.

However, I'm just not feeling Minesotta. The number font is inferior to the current one, and I'd try to use a different Edge template for them. Also, the third is extremely bland.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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That Blues set is perfect, the Wild one is mediocre (I'm not feeling that template), and the Stars one is pretty good, but I don't like the alt. The Mooterus logo is great, but the jersey is just too boring.

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I understand where you're going with the Dallas logo, but the logo-element-on-bull's-head idea, my mind automatically leaps to FC Dallas (except they use a tiny outline of Texas rather than a star) so it feels less original to me.




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aww man, for future reference you should just add the updates separately instead of adding them over the original image, it's nice to see the progression or to put the originals and updates side by side.

as For the Wild, I like the new template even less than the other one. I feel like the Wild are a team that shouldn't use anything too modern looking. Keep it nice and simple. Also, keep the wheat color down to like a trim color and not so prominent.



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