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Topeka Tarantulas

Ez Street

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Looks like the Topeka CHL team name will be Tarantulas. The official announcement will come at 7:15p.m. CDT. It's been a secret, but i've heard from several people this is what the name will be. The name was to be the Topeka Toros, but it was rejected by the CHL at the last minute. The team had a logo and everything ready for an announcement, then it was wacked by the league. Head Coach Joe Coombs was on a local station and said they narrowed it down to three names....Twisters, Tornados, and Tarantulas. For god's sake i hope the logo kicks ass, i'm not thrilled about the damn name.

BTW, the team colors are suppoosed to be like it was previously reported.


Mega props to SSUR for the color specs

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I like the name, simply for the fact that saying it is fun. Topeka Tarantulas... Topeka Tarantulas... sort of bounces jovially off the tongue. Twisters and Tornadoes... I mean, come on, wouldn't that be sort of cliché for the area? Tarantulas is pretty unique, and I think it's got some potential for a good logo (though, somehow I fear that it will be butchered).

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I kinda like the name EZ - I hope it grows on you. Besides, you guys will end up having a cool logo and nice Unis - I'll even go to a game with you. Just think, you guys can have 8-Legged Freaks Friday nite @ the ExpoCenter - LOL :D

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I'll judge the logo on its own merits... or lack thereof.

However, I've got to say that the team name leaves me singularly and decidedly unimpressed. I don't know why I'm so adamant about it in this case, but I really wish the team had tried to find a name tied more to the city's history.

Toronto Tarantulas? I suppose it will grow on me if the logo and uniforms are well done.

Brian in Boston

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It probably will grow on me. I absolutly hated ScareCrows at first. My thing is, how the hell are you supposed to chant for them.....

Also you can't shorten the name like we did with the ScareCrows (Crows).

Another concern is people calling them Spiders...which they are not i believe. Also i hope the desingers do their research beacuse i don't think Tarantulas spin webs. So if that's in the logo i'm gonna scream!

We shall see later tonight i guess. If i get a copy of the logo, it will be posted.

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I think it has the potential to be a kickass identity. This is the first pro team I've ever heard of being called the Tarantulas, which gives them the opportunity to create a really unique, exciting look.

But then again, they could also fluff it up big time.




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I think it has the potential to be a kickass identity. This is the first pro team I've ever heard of being called the Tarantulas, which gives them the opportunity to create a really unique, exciting look.

But then again, they could also fluff it up big time.

When in doubt, always assume that those in charge will fluff it up. That way, if they don't fluff it up, you're either pleasantly surprised, or you can say "well, at least they didn't fluff it up."

Chances are, though, they'll fluff it up.

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Or, the more geeky way, the WHOIS info:

  Topeka Hockey LLC
  One ExpoCentre Drive
  Topeka, Kansas 66612-1442
  United States

  Registered through: GoDaddy.com
     Created on: 08-Jun-04
     Expires on: 08-Jun-06
     Last Updated on: 08-Jun-04

  Administrative Contact:
     Casarona, Nick  info@tarantulashockey.com
     Topeka Hockey LLC
     One ExpoCentre Drive
     Topeka, Kansas 66612-1442
     United States
     7852359466      Fax -- 7852351839
  Technical Contact:
     Yette, Jim  jim@midusawireless.com
     MidUSA Internet Services
     4137 Lower Silver Lake Road
     Topeka, Kansas 66618
     United States
     7852339944      Fax -- 7852320498

  Domain servers in listed order:
kj@veranda:~/web/tcgha$ whois topekatwisters.com
kj@veranda:~/web/tcgha$ whois topekatornados.com

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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by the way, I'm thinking a tarantula IS a spider.

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a tarantula is a large terrestrial species of spider. they are burrowers rather then orb weavers. they do spin webs but theyre rather unorthodox webs that look and function more like a nest then they do an actual web. tarantulas are unlike other spiders in that they actually hunt down prey rather then wait for the unsuspecting prey to get trapped in thier web such as orb weavers, daddy long legs, black widows, and other spiders.

of course a tarantula's diet doesnt always necessarily consist of only insects. some get large enough to make a meal out of small rodents, reptiles, amphibians, and even birds! :D

oops. I thought EZ made this team up for a fantasy league. its a real team? duh

also may I add if your kid is asking for a small fuzzy pet to keep in his/her room, then forego the hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs. Get a tarantula!! :hockeysmiley:

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One of my college roommates had a tarantula for a pet. It's name was Mowgli. Nothing special about it, it stayed in its cage except when he put it in the tub while he cleaned the cage.

I think it was kind of dumb, though. Tarantulas only eat live things. And this one ate live crickets. So my rommate would buy 5 or 6 at the pet shop and put them in the cage. Mowgli would eat one, then kill the rest (I think by poison). So for the first few days, there would be a bunch of live crickets in there. After that, it would be one tarantula and 5 or 6 dead crickets (they turned all charcoal and stiff when they were killed). And the spider wouldn't eat again until my roommate went to the store for more live crickets. It didn't like company, but didn't realize it was living with its food.

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I look at this logo and all that keeps running through my head is:

"Frodo, Mr. Frodo! Don't leave me here alone! It's your Sam calling. Don't go where I can't follow! Wake up, Mr. Frodo! O wake up, Frodo, me dear, me dear. Wake up!"

"Now come, you filth! You've hurt my master, you brute, and you'll pay for it."


Brian in Boston

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