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Jabberwockey Hockey League (JHL)....The Wrap-Up.


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Ok the leagues logo, is amazing. I love that it features the J, the H, and the L.

I. Am. Amazed... and that rabbits logo? ughhhh so good!


wow... these are amazing. If only real teams put so much thought/effort into their brands....if only.

Great stuff! Keep it going, please!

I have some connexions into the steampunk community. If you seriously wanted to do some Rabbits merch, I'd get you hooked up.

This looks fantastic. I saw the work you did on the Seattle team, but this is even better than that.

Thank you guys.

I'll keep 'er going undead, but it'll be slow...pretty busy at work.

I hadn't thought about some actual merchandising, Whittier, but I'll keep your offer in mind. Thank you.

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Knights vs. Knights

Sadly, much of Wunderland's history has been, one of war and strife.

The nation has always been the stage for warring tribes battling for land and resources.

As time went on, two powerful "kingdoms" emerged...the fortified cities of Bishop's Castle and Hartland.


All other cities in Wunderland were mere allies of one of these two powers, and through all of the bloody turmoil, a balance of sorts was maintained, until...

A wicked Queen of Hartland somehow acquired control of a giant Jabberwock, and for decades, all of Wunderland fell under the dark shadow of the evil Hartland regime.

Years later, an army of Bishop's Castle Knights, led by St. Alice of Oxford, would kill the Jabberwock and liberate Wunderland.

Since then, the country has enjoyed an "uneasy" peace, and the only "battles" are fought on the ice.

Bishop's Castle and Hartland have maintained their military heritage in the identity of their teams- The White Knights and the Red Knights.

The White Knights of Bishop's Castle...

have renewed their chessboard theme in their logos and uniforms.



The Hartland Red Knights...

were known for, among other things, their famous "winged", chevron-hearted shields.

The shields featured razor-sharp tips, which turned the shields into a slashing offensive weapons.

The current Red Knights draw from the chevron, the heart and the winged shield to establish their on-ice identity...



The fierce hatred between these two teams, dates back to the "Dark Ages".

While the Cats and Rabbits enjoy a fun, good-natured rivalry; a Knights-Knights joust will be guaranteed to be a war on ice...


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Knights Stuff

The "Knights" theme is a promoter's dream.

It's full of images/icons/sayings etc., that can be used for marketing/merchandising purposes.

You've got knights, damsels, dragons, ogres, castles, helmets, shields, swords, battle-axes, catapults.

You've got "thees", "thous", "thys", "ye oldes", etc.

You've got a wealth of literature and movies (like "Monty Python and the Holy Grail") to draw from.

The possibilities are endless...here's a few concepts...


Next up...

Saints and Jabberwocks.

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Wow--those are cool ideas--they fit the idea of hockey but also match the source material--lots of cool merchandizing ideas.

I'm also liking that this isn't just another set of concepts that is basically a tweak of existing unis, although some of those are well done-there's been a lot of them--I like this for being different & being well conceived and executed...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Back to Wunderland...And, now for the teams.

The Cheshire County Cats

The phrases "Cheshire Cat" and "Grinning like a Cheshire Cat" originated in the rural district of Cheshire County, so, it was a no-brainer that their hockey team in the JAB would be called the "Cats".

As much as the Cheshire County-ites love their ice-hockey, it's rugby that has given the area their sporting identity.

Their almost-perennial national champions were famous for their striped unis.

I used that striped-rugby-look along with the Cat character to create the C.C.C. logos and uniforms.

I really tried NOT to use a humorous/fierce animal head logo...but couldn't do it.

I'll have to ask for a mulligan on this one because the C-Cat IS basically a humorous/fierce animal head, and it's the only HFAH logo in the league.

I promise...


The 3rd straight-on logo was my first attempt. It was a little too friendly, so I "fierced" him up a bit.

I contorted him into the letter "C" for the secondary. (separated-at-birth from the Van Canucks "C"?)

Instead of striping the entire sweater, I just striped the middle, to leave a little breathing room for other stuff.


The Isle of Wight Rabbits

The Isle of Wight is a popular resort area in Wunderland.

It used to be the industrial centre of the nation at one time, with the Wight Watch Co. being one of the biggest employers.

Today it's home to a huge Arts community, with the Steampunkers being the most prominent group.

I borrowed from that style to come up with the Rabbits logos and uniforms.



The Cats & Rabbits have a great rivalry and games between these two teams are truly events.

Good luck getting tickets...


And, as usual, I try the logos out on some merchandising ideas...


Up next: Knights vs. Knights

I love the "Puck Bunny" t-shirt...

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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I feel the White Knights would benefit from black pants.


Good eye nas. The black pants make the uni pop. Thanks.

Hey, are you and GotPixels having a competition?

The 2 best series are both rugby ones.

Those Harp unis are fantastic.

Looks awesome.

And thanks, it's been fun doing the rugby concepts.

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The first thing that went to my head after seeing the wooden rabbit shirt was "but if we made a large wooden badger...". Love the series so far and the rabbits logo is awesome especially

Thank you ElT.

I was wondering if anyone got the wooden rabbit joke.

For those of you who are not Python fans;

Watch the following clip, and then the "WE'VE BEEN GAME PLANNING for THE RABBITS ALL WEEK" promo piece will make sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Angels & Demons; Saints & Jabberwocks


Recently, an Oxford City Saints' promotion for an upcoming game 'tween the Saints and Jabberwocks, used the "Angels & Demons" spin.

Bad idea.

The folks of Tavistock, Northumbria resent being referred to as "demonic" in any way...especially by an Oxfordian (I'll explain later).

A horde of angry Jabs fans showed up at the game and trashed the arena and the surrounding area.

It was just another snapshot in this long and nasty clash of cultures.

If the Bishop's Castle/Hartland feud is intense...this one is immense.

It transcends Wunderland's mortal bounds because it is fuelled by religious differences.

...Makes for an awesome on-ice battle!

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The Oxford City Saints

The city-state of Oxford City is the religious capital of Wunderland.

Through its missionaries and military, O.C. succeeded in uniting all of Wunderland (except for Northumbria) under one belief.

Although there are many sects, most Wunderlanders worship under the Golden Cross;

a symbol that was a common sight during the Crusaders years...


There is only one official saint of Wunderland.

During the long fight for liberation from Hartland rule, a mysterious young woman named Alice, arrived on the scene and led the allied armies to victory over the Red Queen.


She was the only one who could defeat the Queen's Jabberwock; and then, she just disappeared.

Oxford City quickly made Alice their own, and today she is known as St. Alice of Oxford.

The hockey Saints acquire their identity from St. Alice and the Golden Cross of the Crusades.

They've added an "O" behind the cross which makes it similar to our world's "Celtic Cross".


Using a religious symbol for a sports logo in a "multi-faith" society is risky business. You're gonna offend many.

However, in Wunderland, the only ones that will find the Saints' logo offensive will be the Northumbrians; and I think that the Oxfordians don't mind that fact at all.

...Just don't wear a Saints' sweater to a Tavistock pub!

(A quick observation)...

I intended for the "St. Alice" logo to be the primary, and as you can tell, I put a lot more time into that, than the intended secondary "cross" logo.

However, when it was all done, the cross just "worked better".

It's a situation that seems to happen quite often on the boards here; where a designer's secondary is preferred by the members over the intended primary. (McCall's excellent Seattle Pilots concept).

Anyway, the uniforms also use the golden cross in their unique striping patterns.

The Saints only wear white...


The "St. Alice" logo is actually more useful for merchandising purposes...


The final team: The Tavistock Jabberwocks, from Northumbria, are up next.


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